Nike Shoes With I Pod: Music Create Wonderful Achievements During Running

Nike Shoes with IPod: Music Create Wonderful Achievements During Running



If only one person runs, he may be lonely, if together with a second person, he may feel pleasant; If he runs with two companions, then this group may be a bit crowd. Then what will happen if the running team consists of four people? Well, just kidding. As a matter of fact, the best group is consisted of two people. That is, double running. Yet this situation is not easy to turn true. There exists difficulty for two people insisting running everyday at the same time. Single running can be considered as the most common situation. During the course of your running, what do you like to do? Recalling events of these days? Enjoying music or merely running? I am an everyday runner, and IPod would accompany with me.


For a runner, Nike shoes with IPod are wise choice, because these shoes will make him happy during the course of running. Music can give you courage to continue the running, and even after a long distance, still you won\’t feel tired. runners\’ light step can keep pace with the rhyme of music and there hearts also can beat with the music\’ rhyme. Owing to these things; you will achieve the best effect of running. Most of us aspire to be understood by others. But the fact is that music itself can help you to understand yourself. In reality, the true meaning of life is difficult to be found. While you will find it easy to learn the way of applying Nike shoes with IPod to enjoy your exercise fully. To begin with, maybe now you do not own an IPod Nano, then invest some money to get one. You even can get them designed in any color as you like. After that, get some music onto the iTunes, then make a play list of the music. With the music, you can be irritated to move ahead. And when you feel frustrated, the music will dive you to continue your exercise. If you have got Nike running shoes, then you can buy another pair of Nike shoes, or just a pair of other running shoes, as long as they are qualified. I would choose Nike, New Balance or other brands as a beginner. Now you should get your IPod chip. This item is sold at $30 and can be bought in many sports goods shops. With this item in your IPod, the IPod on your shoes and the chip can match each other. You are suggested to buy a pouch which is put on your shoes to carry the chip if you don\’t have the Nike air shoes. Then you can seek an online shop, here an online account can be created, with this account, your progress can be tracked. In addition, in this shop, you can join various events, think out kinds of training programs, and compete with your friends. Now you can set up your IPod according to the menu. You will find it very effective and wonderful to run in this way.

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Copiapó, Chile mining accident: in depth

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The rescue of the Chilean miners trapped in the San José Mine in Copiapó, codenamed Operación San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo Operation), began on Tuesday night, at around 20:00 local time (23:00 UTC).

Florencio Ávalos was the first miner to be rescued, at 00:12 local time (03:12 UTC) on Wednesday. He was wearing a shirt signed by all his fellow miners. “The first miner is already with us. We saw it all, him hugging his wife Monica and his son Byron,” said President Piñera shortly after the first rescue. “We still have a long journey.”

“This will be recorded on every single Chilean heart forever,” Piñera added. “I hope the miners’ hope stay with us, just like the [February] earthquake victims’ [hope] and what the earthquake took off. We know that the disasters unite us all.”

All the 33 miners were rescued. The last miner, Luis Urzúa, was rescued at 21:55 Chile time (00:55 UTC). “It is a pleasure to be Chilean, [I’m] proud,” said Luis Urzúa to President Piñera. “In honour of the miners, their families, the rescuers […] let’s sing our national anthem. Viva Chile Mierda!,” said Piñera. Urzúa thanked Mining Minister Golborne and the First Lady Cecilia Morel for “fighting for their lives.” “I’m proud of my fellow miners,” Urzúa added.

Six rescuers, including a miner and a paramedic, descended to the miners’ shelter using the Fénix 3 capsule which was specially constructed for the rescue. They performed check-ups and talk with the miners before taking them back to the surface. The rescuers still don’t leave the mine.

The Fénix 3 capsules are 3.95 metres in height and weigh about 460 kilograms. They have an armour, an oxygen tube and a microphone. The occupants helmets contain an intercom to keep them in contact with the rescue team on the surface.

President of Chile Piñera assisted to the rescue. Bolivian President Evo Morales could not attend Carlos Mamani’s rescue. Mamani is the only Bolivian miner in the group.

A mass for the miners was conducted at 18:00 local time (21:00 UTC). The rescue takes between 15 and 20 minutes for each miner.

On Tuesday, Mayor of Copiapó Maglio Cicardini announced that the municipal schools in the city will have no classes this Wednesday “to transform the rescue of the Atacama’s 33 in a familiar meeting,” Radio Cooperativa reported.

“The miners will be taken to the Copiapó Regional Hospital for medical checkup, where they will have to stay for 48 hours,” Health Minister Mañalich said to Televisión Nacional de Chile.

Celebrations are taking place in several Chilean cities. In Santiago de Chile, people gathered in one of the most important points of the city, Plaza Italia. In Pichilemu, tens of cars are passing over its most important streets. In Copiapó, people gathered in its main square to assist a massive concert.

On August 5, 33 miners were trapped more than 700 meters (2,300 ft) underground, in the San José copper–gold mine, located about 40 kilometers north of Copiapó, Chile.

The youngest trapped miner is 19 years old, and the oldest is 63. There were several rescue attempts before reaching the miners’ shelter on August 22. The National Emergencies Office of Chile (ONEMI) released a list of the trapped miners on August 6, which included Franklin Lobos Ramírez, a retired footballer.

Chile is the worlds top producer of copper, according to The Economist. The San José Mine is owned by the San Esteban Mining Company (Empresa Minera San Esteban). The mine was closed down in 2007, after relatives of a miner who had died sued the company executives, but the mine was re–opened in 2008.

It was originally estimated that “it would take three to four months to complete the rescue of the trapped miners”. There were three plans to reach the miners: “Plan A” using a Strata 950 drill, “Plan B” using a Schramm T130XD drill, and “Plan C” using a RIG-422 drill. The first to reach the miners was “Plan B”, early on Saturday 9.

The last step of their rescue, announced by Health Minister Jaime Mañalich, was originally due to begin on Tuesday. Laurence Golborne, Minery Minister said “If it is possible, and the cement sets before and we don’t have any impediments to doing it, it would be wonderful,” in a press conference on Monday. The men will be extracted in a steel rescue capsule 54 cm (21 inches) in diameter.

On September 4, Chilean filmmaker Rodrigo Ortúzar announced plans to film a movie about the accident, called “Los 33” (“The 33”). The film will be released in 2011.

One miner is Bolivian, and the other 32 are Chilean.

Raúl Bustos, 40 years old, is an hydraulics engineer. He left his job in Talcahuano after the February 27 earthquake to work in the mine.

Daniel Herrera, 27 years old, is a lorry driver. He has acted as paramedic assistant in the mine. He said to La Tercera “the miners were unhappy with the psychologist in the rescue team.”

Claudio Acuña, miner, is fan of the Colo-Colo football club. The BBC reports he is aged 56, but El Comercio says he is 44.

Pedro Cortez is aged 24. He joined the mine with his friend Carlos Bugueño. Cortez is an electrician, and lost a finger in the mine a year ago.

File:Juan Aguilar with President Piñera.jpg

A native of Los Lagos, Juan Aguilar is 49 years old. Aguilar is married to Cristy Coronado, according to El Comercio. Aguilar works as a supervisor.

Mario Sepúlveda is a 39 years old electrician native of Parral; he is married. He has been the spokesman of the most of the miners’ videos. Mario Sepúlveda was the second miner to be rescued, on Wednesday at 01:10 local time (04:10 UTC).

Víctor Zamora is a 33 years old auto mechanic. Zamora is married to Jéssica Cortez, who confirmed she was pregnant while he was in the mine.

Osman Araya is 30 years old, and married. He began working as miner four months before the accident.

Florencio Ávalos is 31 years old. He is the brother of Renán Ávalos, who is also trapped in the mine. He worked as driver in San José. Ávalos filmed videos, sent later to his relatives.

Ávalos was the first miner to be rescued, on Wednesday at 00:10 local time (03:10 UTC).

Jorge Galleguillos, 56 years old, has worked all his life in the mine. He said in one video he was feeling unwell; he takes medication for hypertension.

Carlos Barrios is a 27 years old miner. His father, Antenor Barrios, told Agence France-Presse: “I find he’s very strong and has enthusiasm. He spoke loud and clear. I was excited.”

Franklin Lobos Ramírez is a 53 years old retired footballer. He played for Cobresal, Deportes Antofagasta, Club de Deportes Santiago Wanderers and Unión La Calera, and briefly for the Chile national football team. Lobos had worked as a truck driver in the mine.

Yonni Barrios, called “The Doctor”, is a 50 years old electrician. He has knowledge of first aid, and was given responsibility for monitoring the health of his colleagues. “I felt I was in hell,” Barrios said in a letter to his wife.

Carlos Bugueño, 27 years old, joined the mine with Pedro Cortez. Previously, he worked as a watchman.

Alex Vega Salazar is a 31 years old heavy machinery mechanic. He is married to Jessica Salgado, and celebrated his birthday in the mine on September 22.

Ariel Ticona is a 29 years old miner. His wife, Margarita gave birth to his daughter on September 14. She was named Esperanza (Hope), at Ticona’s request.

Richard Villarroel is a 27 years old mechanic from Coyhaique.

Edison Peña is a 34 years old miner. “I want to go out soon,” he said on his first contact with his relatives. “I want to be free, I want to see the sun,” he added. He is a fan of Elvis Presley.

Claudio Yáñez is 34 years old, and works as drill operator.

José Ojeda, 46 years old, is the master driller. Ojeda is widowed and diabetic.

Luis Urzúa is a 54 year old topographer. He is the shift-leader, and was the first miner to talk with authorities. He is known as Don Lucho among the miners. He draw plans of the area of the mine where they are trapped.

Urzúa will be the last miner to leave the mine.

José Henríquez is a 54 years old drill master. He is also an evangelical preacher, and has worked in mines for 33 years.

Víctor Segovia is a 48 years old electrician. He is in charge of writing down everything that happens in the mine.

Pablo Rojas is a 45 years old explosives loader. Married, he had been working less than six months in the mine.

Juan Illanes is a 51 year old miner. He was a sergeant in the Beagle border conflict between Chile and Argentina in 1978, the incident which almost provoked a war between the countries.

Illanes was rescued on Wednesday, at 02:07 local time (05:07 UTC).

Jimmy Sánchez, 19, is the youngest miner. He had been working in the mine for five months before the accident. His role is to check the temperature and humidity in the mine.

Samuel Ávalos is a 43 years miner. His wife Ruth said “he was addicted to the cocaine.” His role in the rescue is to check air quality in the area the miners are living. According to the BBC, “Ávalos has worked in the mine for five months.”

Mario Gómez, aged 63, is the oldest of the miners. He has worked 51 years as miner. His father was also a miner, and is nicknamed “El Navegao” (“The Sailed One”). He was thinking of retiring in November.

Gómez also wrote the message “Estamos bien en el refugio los 33” (“We are fine in the shelter the 33 [of us]”).

Segovia is 48 years old. He is married to Jessica Chille, who said “To hear his voice was a confort to my heart,” after talking with him for the first time in 24 days. His sister María, was nicknamed “La Alcaldesa” (“The Mayoress”) for her leading role at Campamento Esperanza. His father, Darío Senior, was trapped in a mine for a week, and suffered serious injuries after two other mining accidents, according to the BBC.

Carlos Mamani is a 23 years old heavy equipment operator. He is also the only non-Chilean miner; Mamani is Bolivian. He began working in the mine just five days before the accident.

He was rescued at 03:11 local time (06:11 UTC) on Wednesday.

Renán Ávalos is a 29 years old miner, single, who had been working for five months in the mine before the accident. Florencio Ávalos is his brother.

Omar Reygadas is a 56 year old electrician. He began working in the mine shortly before the accident.

Esteban Rojas is a 44 years old miner. Rojas is married to Jessica Yáñez.

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US stock markets tumble on ‘Black Monday’ anniversary

Saturday, October 20, 2007

This article features in a News Brief from Audio Wikinews:

Some say history tends to repeat itself. Today marked a day in history, when 20 years ago, the United States Dow Jones Industrial Average market crashed, on what is known as ‘Black Monday‘. The crash sent the market tumbling down 508 points, losing nearly 24%. On Friday, the Dow Jones nearly broke that record when the market closed at -366.94 points, down almost three percent.

Several factors could be to blame for the loss, one being Turkey’s government approving a measure on October 18 to send Turkish troops into Iraq in an attempt to take out militants of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). This sent oil prices skyrocketing to the highest prices in history, with the highest record being just over US$89.00, which was set on October 18.

Fears that the housing market in the U.S. has come to a standstill has also lead Caterpillar Inc., which manufactures and sells construction equipment to issue a warning that the standstill would cause profits to drop, and the American economy to be severely hurt. On Friday their stocks lost nearly six percent to close at $73.57.

Investors and experts of the markets are disturbed by the losses calling the situation ugly.

“It’s pretty ugly. A company like Caterpillar should be a poster child for global growth and benefits of the weak dollar. It makes you question: Is global growth really that strong? Has the earnings kick from the weak dollar played itself out?” said Bell Curve Trading chief strategy expert, Bill Strazzullo.

Others believe that the losses were a way of emotionally responding to the events of ‘Black Monday.’

“Some of the earnings reports were a little disappointing but not that bad. I think we’re responding emotionally to the 20th anniversary of the October 1987 stock market crash. I’d like to laugh except it hurts,” said T Rowe Price Head trader, Andy Brooks.

The NASDAQ also took heavy losses to close down 74.15 points or -2.64%, closing at 2,725.16. The S&P 500 was also hit hard, losing 39.45 points, or -2.56%, closing at 1,500.63.

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Death toll from Brazil mudslides rises to sixty

Sunday, January 3, 2010

At least sixty people have been confirmed dead after mudslides in southeastern Brazil, mostly on Ilha Grande, caused by torrential rainfall.

Rescue efforts are still continuing in the state of Rio de Janeiro for people feared to be buried under houses, which collapsed due to the deluge of mud and rain. Rescuers used shovels and heavy machinery to dig through the rubble.

Colonel Jerri Andrade, who is supervising the rescuers, commented on the current status of rescue efforts. “The weather is improving, which helps us with the search, but we won’t rest as long as we suspect that there are more bodies underneath the remains.”

More rain is forecast in the days ahead, making additional mudslides a possibility. The authorities have warned that the death toll could increase as more bodies are found. Three days of mourning were declared in the Rio de Janeiro greater area, and celebrations scheduled for January 6 were called off.

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Learn The Latest Approach To Corporate Branding

Learn The Latest Approach to Corporate Branding


Lucile Taylor

There are a growing number of companies who are now paying more keen attention in creating and maintaining a strong corporate brand. They are decidedly taking a leaf out of the expert’s books, from big conglomerates that have valiantly stayed at the top position through the year amid the stiff competition ensued by other key players in the industry. In the marketing world, the newest ingredient for success is by developing a ‘brand platform’, which is said to be the ultimate springboard for every branding decision.

The company’s brand platform is basically the very essence of what the product brands stand for. It is a strategically an innovative approach to corporate branding based on a set of statements that will encompass the identity of your company, what it is all about, its products and services, and its mission and goals. Although there are varying approaches to formulating a branding platform depending on the type of business, it vitally has these common elements: Mission The primary effective approach to corporate branding is to be able to come up with a set of driving philosophy of your business. It should be succinct and clear in expressing the company’s purpose, the products’ features and benefits, your target market and the advantages that would back you up in view of the tough competition. Make sure that your mission statement will be brief but written in a very compelling way. Identity Attributes These are the list of the core attributes of your brand, the key words or phrases that you want your clients to associate with your company, products or services you offer. These features should stand out from the rest of the competitors and should resonate the specific preferences of your target market. A great example of this is the word ‘safety’, which most consumers would readily associate with FedEx. The company basically ‘owns’ the word. Value Proposition Another efficient approach to corporate branding is by coming up with a set of your company’s competitive advantages over and above other adversaries in the industry. The value proposition will mainly inform your consumers of the main benefits if they choose you product brand from the rest of other competing brands. Brand Story It is important to be able to record the humble history of the organization, and chronicle the grueling way on how you were able to survive in the industry through the years. This unconventional approach to corporate branding will help you build a powerful reputation, backed up with valuable years of experience. Everybody loves a good story, and your company’s public relations will certainly benefit by sharing you own unique success story. Find insightful and useful information about Marketing tools






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Drug website surveys LSD users and culture

Friday, December 23, 2005File:LSD blotter paper.jpg

Erowid, a website with the stated mission of “Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans & Psychoactives” has over the past few months been gathering data through a series of surveys about the drug LSD to present at the LSD Symposium, scheduled for January 2006 in Basel, Switzerland.

The website, a popular resource of information about psychoactive plants and chemicals, recently posted its fifth survey, querying users about their age, the number of times they’ve taken LSD and how that would be affected if LSD was legal. Past surveys have been longer and more thorough, asking users about the availability of the drug, positive and negative experiences, and if they’ve ever experienced LSD related “flashbacks”.

The LSD Symposium website states that it will include a panel of over sixty experts from around the world discussing a wide range of topics regarding LSD. Topics scheduled include, “The Discovery of LSD-25”, “Appraisal of Albert Hofmann’s life work” and “The History of Drug Policy” and several others.

LSD is a psychedelic drug known for its mind altering effects, including both visual and auditory hallucinations. LSD was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann in 1938. Hofmann, a Swiss chemist discovered the psychedelic effects of LSD on April 16, 1943 when he accidentally absorbed it in its liquid form through his finger tips. Since then, it has been made illegal in most countries as a result of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances which requires all parties of the convention to criminalize it in their countries.

Erowid, based in California, was created in October 1995, and is hailed by many as a reliable resource for information on drug and drug culture. The website includes information on legality issues, chemical information, user submitted experiences, positive and negative effects of individual drugs and other information.

  • “The Vaults of Erowid” — Erowid, December 23, 2005
  • “LSD Symposium” — Gaia Media Foundation, December 23, 2005
  • “LSD” — Wikipedia, December 23, 2005
  • “Albert Hofmann” — Wikipedia, December 23, 2005
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US Senator Ted Stevens convicted on 7 counts

Monday, October 27, 2008

United States Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was convicted Monday on seven counts of failing to report gifts. Stevens, a senior United States Senator from Alaska and the longest serving Republican in the Senate, had been accused of not reporting tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts from the VECO Corporation including free house remodeling. The jury in the District of Columbia found Stevens guilty on all seven counts.

Bill Allen, VECO’s CEO, is a longtime friend of Stevens and much of the case involved the specific interaction between Stevens and Allen. Allen had been previously convicted and had agreed to testify against Stevens and to record conversations he had with Stevens. The gifts given to Stevens included a massage chair that Stevens claimed was a loan but prosecutors noted was in Stevens house for over seven years.

Stevens is up for reelection and was facing a tough reelection bid before the convictions. It is unlikely that Stevens will retain his seat in the Senate given the convictions.

Stevens is considered to be a moderate Republican and was a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership. While a long-time Senator with many accomplishments, Stevens is known to many for a speech against net neutrality in which he referred to the internet as a series of tubes.

The New York Times has speculated that out-going United States President George W. Bush might pardon Stevens.

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Kids’ Calcium Consumption Is Key Concern For Parents}

Kids’ Calcium Consumption Is Key Concern For Parents



Adam Johnes

Parents play a key role in ensuring their children meet the daily requirements of calcium intake, according to a recent report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The report also states that most children and adolescents are at risk for bone fractures and osteoporosis later in life due to low calcium consumption when they’re young. Three servings of low-fat milk, cheese or yogurt, or up to 1,300 milligrams of calcium depending on age, are recommended each day to build strong bones.”Parents and caregivers often know the importance of calcium, but aren’t sure how to incorporate it into their child’s diet,” said Andrea Garen, a registered dietitian at Dairy Council of California. “Since dairy foods provide 70 percent of calcium in the Western diet, finding ways to include more dairy can make a difference in a child’s long-term wellness and bone health.”Garen’s suggestions include:• Find ways to work more dairy into the diet: Offer a child yogurt or cereal with low-fat milk for breakfast, and string cheese and flavored milk as a snack. • Serve as a child’s role model: If good nutrition is important to parents, it will also be important to their children.• Insist on family meals: Eating together at home will help parents control what their children eat.Garen added that the Dairy Council of California’s meal-planning Web site (www.mealsmat contains hundreds of free and easy-to-make, calcium-rich recipe ideas, including Chicken Crunchers. Parents can try this and other palate-pleasing recipes to help their children meet their daily calcium requirements. Chicken CrunchersIngredients:1 cup all-purpose flourSaltPepper4 Egg whites1/2 cup milk11/2 cups cornflakes1 cup reduced-fat, shredded cheddar cheese6 Chicken breast fillets; cut into stripsDirections:Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Set up three bowls with the following: 1) flour mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper; 2) an egg-wash, made by beating the eggs and milk together; 3) cornflakes mixed with cheese. Coat a 13 x 9-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. Dip chicken pieces in flour, then into the egg-wash, then roll in the cheesy-flakes mixture. Bake for 25 minutes, turning halfway through to ensure even browning. Serve with ketchup, BBQ sauce or plain yogurt for dipping, if desired.Total Preparation Time: 15 to 30 minutes.

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Kids’ Calcium Consumption Is Key Concern For Parents}

Food with cancer-causing dye recalled in Britain

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced a recall of foods containing banned dyes which increase the risk of cancer. The food products were sold at the Tesco, Waitrose, and Somerfield supermarkets.

A Bristol company called “Barts Spices” found the illegal Para Red substance in their Barts Ground Paprika, which was sold in 48g and 46g jars with a “Co-op” label. The batch codes on the affected products are 5032 and 5089 (expiration Dec 2007), and 5075 (expiration February 2007).

Tesco also found that their 130g package of BBQ rice cakes (expiration November and December 2005) contained both Para Red and Sudan I.

“It would be very prudent to assume that it could be a genotoxic carcinogen,” FSA scientific advisers told reporters.

“As a company committed to supplying only the very finest quality food ingredients, we took the immediate decision to withdraw our ground paprika spice from all outlets selling the product and advertised a product recall in the national press,” a Barts Spices spokesman said in a statement.

Sudan I is only authorized for industrial use to colorize petroleum products, such as shoe polish. Para Red and Sudan I are banned under the British Colours in Food Regulations of 1995.

Britain last went through a major food recall in February, when Worcester Sauce was found to contain chili powder dyed with Sudan 1.

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On the campaign trail in the USA, October 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

The following is the sixth and final edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail: the Free and Equal Elections Foundation holds two presidential debates, three candidates who did not participate in those debates give their final pleas to voters, and three political pundits give their predictions on the outcome of the election.

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