Fatal coal mine accident in western Turkey

Thursday, June 1, 2006

A mine accident killed at least nine miners in a coal mine in western Turkey. A methane explosion collapsed a mine shaft about 150 meters below the town of Odakoy, in Bal?kesir Province, near the border with Bursa Province. Rescue work was slowed by the presence of gas, with rescue workers having to be hospitalized for methane poisoning.

Turkey suffers relatively frequent mine accidents, especially due to methane pockets either igniting or poisoning miners. Some observers fault old & untrustworthy equipment, or a disregard for safety regulations.

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Wildflower Honey From Greek Farms That Embodies A Mixture Of Floral Sources

The medicinal value is too high. From memory power enhancement, to better cardiovascular functioning, there is quite a lot of benefits that you can associate with the regular intake of the Imported Greek Honey. Yes, the sources are from Greece, pristine mountains, though. The Easter menu of Greece people will include inevitably the roasted lamb that is seasoned with some of the variety of Herbs and spices. Without this the celebrations may not going to be as delightful as ever According to the belief of some local people out there in Greece. So how do they prepare this roasted lamb with variety of main ingredients inside? In fact, the religious and holiday celebrations of the Greek people are orthodoxies. These people are observing many fast days during the special days of the year. Other than that, there are days where they will not eat any meat. There are strict dietary rules to be followed during the holy week just ahead of Easter. Especially for lent some of them do not eat any kind of dairy products, fish or meat. Therefore, the menu for those times will be quite different from the other types. Lambropsomo or the Easter bread is also prepared in a delicious manner using some of the wonderful spices. The honey that is available for you here is something extraordinary. That is a major ingredient for the taste of these types of special dishes that are made in this part of the world. Some of the fruits and vegetables that are dipped in Top rated olive oil can taste better. The medicinal value of these fruits and the olive oil together makes it to be a superior dish to be served to the guests in the preeminent hotels and restaurants of the world. Yes, the menu without these Greek dishes would simply be inadequate or incomplete for the guests who are visiting the high-class hotels for high quality Mediterranean food items in particular. So, how do you find the best resources online to procure the Top rated olive oil? It is simple. You do not have to waste time digging deeper into the library resources online to find the superior quality olive oil or the suppliers in the market. At the same time, the quality varies quite a lot from one supplier to the other. You can get olive oil for barely minimal costs in very many other parts of the world too. It may be sold for rock bottom prices for the simple reason that the quality of the oil is not reliable. If you are interested in seeing the best results then you should pay the price and that is the reason why consumers choose to buy the Top rated olive oil from the reliable suppliers in the market. Online shopping helps them to do the procurement easily and also they get the original supplies in quick time.

Wikinews interviews Democratic candidate for the Texas 6th congressional district special election Daryl Eddings, Sr’s campaign manager

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Wikinews extended invitations by e-mail on March 23 to multiple candidates running in the Texas’ 6th congressional district special election of May 1 to fill a vacancy left upon the death of Republican congressman Ron Wright. Of them, the office of Democrat Daryl Eddings, Sr. agreed to answer some questions by phone March 30 about their campaigns and policies. The following is the interview with Ms Chatham on behalf of Mr Eddings, Sr.

Eddings is a federal law enforcement officer and senior non-commissioned officer in the US military. His experience as operations officer of an aviation unit in the California National Guard includes working in Los Angeles to control riots sparked by the O. J. Simpson murder case and the police handling of Rodney King, working with drug interdiction teams in Panama and Central America and fighting in the Middle East. He is the founder of Operation Battle Buddy, which has under his leadership kept in touch with over 20 thousand veterans and their families. He was born in California, but moved to Midlothian, Texas. He endeavours to bring “good government, not no government”. Campaign manager Faith Chatham spoke to Wikinews on matters ranging from healthcare to housing.

An Inside Elections poll published on March 18 shows Republican candidate Susan Wright, the widow of Ron Wright, is ahead by 21% followed by Democrat Jana Sanchez with 17% and Republican Jake Ellzey with 8% with a 4.6% margin of error among 450 likely voters. The district is considered “lean Republican” by Inside Elections and voted 51% in favour of Donald Trump in last year’s US presidential election. This is down from 54% for Trump in 2016’s presidential election, the same poll stated.

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Cheap Garage Shelving And Storage Tips

By Dan Karas

So you’ve finally decided that it’s time to organize and de-clutter your house. One of the most dreaded chores is cleaning out the garage. It may be full of much unwanted junk that has accumulated over time. There may also be many useful items stored in the garage that you would like to organize so they’ll be easy to find when you want to use them. Garage shelving or storage cabinets would be just the ticket. However, the cost implication of doing this or the issue of the money to be spent scares many. There are some simple, inexpensive garage storage ideas that will be of immense benefit to you and would not require you spending a fortune on.

* Make List Of Items Needed

The best thing to do anytime you need to purchase items for your use at home is to make a complete list of the things you’ll need to buy. Putting your garage in a good shape is not an exemption to this rule. You should start by listing the specific items you would like to store in your garage. If you have stuff you’ve been keeping for years, but never seem to use, consider letting go. You can either sell or donate the items or trash them if they are of little value. There is no point including items that will not be of use to you as they will only reduce the available space for storage on your garage shelves. This way, you will be able to save valuable time when you get to the shop and simply add the items you need to your cart.


* Go To Thrift Shops

You don’t have to spend huge sums of money for organizing and maintaining your garage, there are various approaches which involve different garage designs and garage solutions you can benefit from. Another point you can make use of is finding the right thrift shop for garage accessories in your area. Thrift shops such as GoodWill often have practical and useful garage shelves and used storage cabinets. You may also find organizing bins and other items that you can utilize in your garage project by checking out the sales being offered by notable thrift shops in your area. Although there may be many other places to go when in search of garage storage ideas, the thrift shops are undoubtedly one of the best places to begin your search.

* Attend Rummage or Garage Sales

If you live in an area where there are no thrift stores, another place where you may be assured of good buys is at rummage sales. There will be a variety of items that could be used for storage, although there is no guarantee that all the items you need will be available at only one garage sale. You may therefore need to make repeated visits to various sales before you can get to buy all the items you’ll need. One thing you would have to be mindful of though is the urge to buy items that you don’t need in your garage. Standard garage storage systems avoid keeping items that are of little or no use in the garage.

There are many more inexpensive garage storage ideas that you will discover. One thing to keep in mind is that garage organization is a skill you must acquire and it takes some effort on your part to ensure your garage remains clean and organized.

About the Author: Garage Shelving Ideas You can transform your cluttered garage into a place where everything is in it’s place at

Garage Shelving Ideas





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Living with HIV during COVID-19: Wikinews talks to HIV-positive sex workers about how pandemic has affected their lives

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of most people in this world. While some could rely on technology for continuing their work and earn their livelihood, others could not. Wikinews reached out to sex workers in Mysore, India who, unlike others, cannot maintain social distancing for their work. Two of these sex workers, Akram Pasha, and Jaya (a pseudonym), agreed to be interviewed by Wikinews in June 2020. They were both part of a sex worker’s group called “Ashodaya Samithi” and discussed how their lives had been affected by the coronavirus, the lockdown and the restrictions they faced.

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“Dr Dino” gets 10 years in prison after failure to pay taxes

Friday, January 19, 2007

In November 2006 Pensacola, Florida evangelist Kent Hovind and his wife, Jo, were found guilty on 58 federal counts of “willful failure” to payroll taxes, structuring bank withdrawals, and obstructing federal agents. On January 19, 2007 Hovind was given ten years in federal prison, ordered to pay $640,000 in owed funds to the Internal Revenue Service, pay prosecution’s court costs of $7,078, and serve three years parole once released. Originally in November, Hovind was ordered to forfeit $430,400 and faced a maximum of 288 years in prison.

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Mukasey nomination as attorney general moves to US Senate

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The nomination of Judge Michael Mukasey as the next Attorney General of the United States, passed the Senate Judiciary Committee today and will move to a vote before the entire United States Senate. Two Democrats joined the nine Republicans to yield an 11-8 vote. Observers believe that Mukasey will easily succeed in the Senate vote.

The nomination of Mukasey by George W. Bush had originally drawn broad support. Nonetheless, Mukasey triggered a political row, during pre-confirmation questioning, when he refused to state that waterboarding amounted to illegal torture. In the end, he was able secure the votes of the two Democrats after assuring them that, if Congress passed legislation that made waterboarding illegal, he would in fact work to enforce such a law.

Patrick Leahy, Senator from Vermont, who opposed Mukasey said: “Some have sought to find comfort in Judge Mukasey’s personal assurance that he would enforce a future, a new law against waterboarding if this Congress were to pass one. Unsaid, of course, is the fact that any such prohibition would have to be enacted over the veto of the president.”

I don’t believe a leaderless department is in the best interests of the American people

“Now, I wish I could support Judge Mukasey’s nomination,” Senator Leahy further said. “I like Michael Mukasey. We have many things in common in our past careers. I certainly don’t question his intellectual ability or his independence.”

The two Democrats that voted for Mukasey were Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. Schumer has been reported as suggesting Mukasey as Attorney General to White House during the search for a nominee.

Schumer defended his vote, saying: “If six months from now … the same policies continued, the victory in defeating Mukasey would seem hollow. No one questions that Judge Mukasey would do much to remove the stench of politics from the Justice Department. I believe we should give him that chance.”

Feinstein said that her vote for Mukasey was because, otherwise, Bush could have an acting Attorney General, who would not need confirmation, until the end of his term. In explaing this, she said: “I don’t believe a leaderless department is in the best interests of the American people or of the department itself. [Bush] appointed this man because he believes he is mainstream.”

Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts did not agree with Mukasey’s view on waterboarding. “Waterboarding is already illegal under United States law. It’s illegal under the Geneva Conventions, which prohibit outrages upon personal dignity, including cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment,” he said.

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said of the committee vote: “Judge Mukasey has clearly demonstrated that he will be an exceptional attorney general at this critical time.”

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Free Browser Based Mmorp Gs Need You!

Submitted by: Kevin Sherman.

When most people, especially gamers, entertain the thought of working for Free Browser Based MMORPGs or any other video game, the said thought is usually quickly dismissed with a chuckle. Trust me when I tell you that this can be not only a reality but in fact a lucrative one!

First off by letting me tell you that making Free Browser Based MMORPGs or any game is A LOT of work. This may sound like a bad thing, but it’s not. Not only does this mean that such a project requires a lot of time and work, it also can provide one hell of an opportunity Many companies that make Free Browser Based MMORPGs are not super large corporations like the relatively monolithic ones that release todays more popular (though not necessarily better) desktop and console video games. This means you have the chance (provided the owners don’t suck) to work your way up the ol’ “corporate ladder” much more quickly. This of course means more money, which no, is not the source of all happiness, but sure can help hehe.


Now you may be thinking to yourself: “I have absolutely no skills in this field”, well thats ok, if you have a passion for creativity and love Free Browser Based MMORPGs you will be ok. All you need to do is be willing to learn, and besides most companies hire staff in at some sort of admin or moderator level which more times than not has a user interface made by the developers to make deleting inappropriate chat, or answering customer service request easy for even the technical unsavvy. Now I know that being a game moderator may not sound exactly like the most hands on way to assist in the Free Browser Based MMORPGs development but it’s a start and hey; what better way to learn the ins and outs of a game than being forced to answer players questions hehe.

For those of you who already have web design or programming skills… well if you don’t already have a job that your happy with, well… what are you waiting for?! A lot of Free Browser Based MMORPGs out there have the right idea but lack someone with the right skills whether they be illustrated art, music, or computer related, art is art, and both are skills are in demand. Search Google for a few Free Browser Based MMORPGs and check them out. If you find one that you think you could offer your assistance to, either find their contact information if they have any or sign up for an account and contact the staff via some sort of support ticket system or chat or whatever.

If you ever had the dream of working for a video game company, you may find that opportunity lies just around the proverbial corner. Free Browser Based MMORPGs offer a unique environment for creative, passionate people to express themselves in a fantastic way; making video games! Some companies will let telecommute, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home! Beware of scammers of course, it’s always best to work with local companies if possible. So contact some game owners, they wont bite, and see what happens!

About the Author: Play Free Browser Based MMORPGs and Online MMORPG Games visist at




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News briefs:August 3, 2010

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Massachusetts lawmakers enact plan for universal health coverage

Friday, April 7, 2006Legislators in the Massachusetts General Court, their name for the state legislature, approved legislation on Tuesday, April 4, that would make it the first state in the United States to require all residents to have health insurance and impose penalties for non-compliance. Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican who is expected to run for U.S. President in 2008, is expected to sign the bill.

The bill passed the lower house, the Massachusetts House of Representatives by a vote of 155-2, and unanimously by the state senate. The Democratic Party holds supermajorities in both houses of the legislature.

Among the bill’s provisions are these:

  1. Businesses that employ more than 10 people are required to provide health insurance for all staff or face fines of $295 per year per uninsured worker.
  2. Individuals will be required to enroll in a health plan by July 1, 2007, or face tax penalties.
  3. Health insurers will provide partially to fully subsidized coverage for low-income residents.

At least one other state (Hawaii) requires employers to provide employee health insurance, but no other state holds individuals accountable for coverage.

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