How To Make Money From Pods Auctions

By Jason Kay

What are PODS? They are a transportable form of storage that you can take with you anywhere you go that is in proper size to fit the back of a truck, stay in the garage of your home or even easy shipping as is a ship container. PODS stands for Portable-on-demand Storage and is a new innovation for those people who want to bring their business along with them at their own pace and not the pace of most shipping details. Understanding this growth in PODS usage is useful knowledge in understanding how to make money from PODS auctions.

A lot of profit can come from marketing PODS in service to many entrepreneurs. They rely on storage areas heavily and cannot help but know that safety, accessibility and flexibility to having the products move around is key essential to their business, with PODS you can easily help their business flourish and with that in tow, you can easily boost yours when PODS become a heavy reliance. Auctioning PODS is messy though, every entrepreneur out there would want to have their hands around one and if you were the manufacturer and auctioneer, you could easily rake in big money holding these out in front of them at arms length without assurance that it is theirs.


How to make money from PODS auction is to start the bid off good, pull the significance of the PODS right out of the manual and see who among them chases after it, bait a bidder with knowledge that their business can be much more efficient and actually travel alongside them if they owned one.

Business men and small time business owners would love to get their hands on your commodity and would gladly sit through an auctioning off of the PODS to try and be lucky enough to get one before your hot product runs dry and this is how to make money from PODS auctions. The key to this to target your buyers with consideration to what they sell and choose your clients well. You need to search for those business men who carry goods needing shipping containers and need speed over quantity when it comes to delivery. Shipping products takes at least a month for the items to reach their distribution areas and some businesses which aren’t so popular need to spread their products fast. It falls more in favor for you if they had bid for multiple PODS containers to ship their large number of items at once in a simple PODS convoy towards the distribution areas.

A smart way on how to make money from PODS auctions is to also invite home movers who wish to avail at least one of your PODS units, any sale is a good sale and to keep that in mind you can cater to the general populous as a helpful moving service aside from being a storage and delivery system already. PODS are the newest thing and to everyone, it beats calling a moving truck when you have a portable moving truck/storage unit that you can even attach to the back of your car or trailer.

About the Author: Jason Kay recommends using a

Pods promo code

to save 5% off your next Pods portable storage unit rental.


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Raw Opals spend week preparing for London Games

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bruce, Canberra — This past week, an overstocked Australian Opals, the women’s national basketball team, prepared for the 2012 Olympic Games in London with a weeklong training camp at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) to be used to help narrow the nineteen member Opals squad down to the twelve that go to the Games, and provide players who rarely play together an extended period of time to play together in order to improve on court dynamics.

Camp started on Sunday, with players arriving from hometowns around Australia including Cairns, MacKay, Gladstone, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Melbourne.

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Cayla Francis, Jenna O’Hea and Marianna Tolo at a practice on Wednesday.Image: Bidgee.

Kristen Veal at a practice on Wednesday.Image: Bidgee.

A strength and conditioning session on TuesdayImage: Bidgee.

A strength and conditioning session on TuesdayImage: LauraHale.

Lauren Jackson on Monday Image: Bidgee.

Marianna Tolo on Monday Image: Bidgee.

Carrie Graf on Monday Image: Bidgee.

Play media

Part 1 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

Play media

Part 2 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

Play media

Part 3 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

Play media

Part 4 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

The defending champions, the United States women’s national basketball team, are perceived as the Australian Opals’ main competitors. In the last three Olympic Games the Opals got silver medals. In each of these cases the United States got first place. Coach Carrie Graf said “thinking about the US too soon in inappropriate”, “Our focus is first and foremost, game by game winning our pool”. Amongst the Australian Opals’ competitors in the pool are Brazil, Russia, and Great Britain. Carrie Graf said Great Britain “will put up a fight on home turf” but there is a “world class [AIS] facility” and “world class medical support staff” supporting the team.

Australian Opal player Penny Taylor recently suffered injury from a torn anterior cruciate ligament, meaning she cannot play Olympics this year. In regards to the situation player Lauren Jackson, who is going into her fourth Olympics, said “you would never wish that upon anybody.” She says as a team they have to “move on, move through that” and “come together” to pick up their offence and defense. Despite the loss of one of their key players she says “we definitely have the talent there” and the team is all “on the same page.” She feels “pretty confident” and speaks of “very exciting” times ahead. Jenna O’Hea is going into her first Olympics with the team. She is still “pinching” herself and says she is taking it “day by day”.

A typical day at the camp might start with a 7.00am – 8.30am breakfast at the AIS Dining hall, before one and a half or two hours of court, gym, or swimming training. The middle of each day might consist of media meetings, medical checks, team meetings, and time to practise shooting. Around 12.00pm, the players meet to eat lunch and recover from the morning. The afternoon typically consists of more training, and some scrimmage games. Players usually finish around 7.00pm for dinner, and perhaps a massage.

The nineteen players in attendance this week at training camp were Suzy Batkovic, Abby Bishop, Elizabeth Cambage, Rohanee Cox, Cayla Francis, Kristi Harrower, Laura Hodges, Natalie Hurst, Lauren Jackson, Rachel Jarry, Kathleen MacLeod, Jenna O’Hea, Samantha Richards, Jennifer Screen, Belinda Snell, Marianna Tolo, Kristen Veal, Carly Wilson, and Hanna Zavecz. Basketball Australia has named fifteen players that are to attend the second phase of the camp: Suzy Batkovic, Abby Bishop, Elizabeth Cambage, Kristi Harrower, Laura Hodges, Lauren Jackson, Rachel Jarry, Kathleen MacLeod, Jenna O’Hea, Erin Phillips, Samantha Richards, Jennifer Screen, Belinda Snell, Marianna Tolo, and Hanna Zavecz.

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Over 60 illegal miners die in South African mine fire

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Over 60 miners were killed in an abandoned gold mine shaft near Welkom, in the Free State province of South Africa, after a fire broke out inside the mine.

36 bodies from the Harmony Gold mining company Eland mine shaft were brought up earlier on the weekend from depths up to 1.4 kilometers (1 mi). On Tuesday, 25 more bodies were recovered by other illegal workers.

“We suspect there was a fire on the 18th of May. We never saw any smoke. Over the weekend [30 May] we were informed by other illegal miners that people had died,” said Tom Smith, Chief Operating Officer for Harmony’s South Region, “The bodies are not burnt. It seems more of a case of gas or smoke inhalation. I don’t know if there are any more bodies down there, we just have to wait.”

The workers may have died from poisonous gasses, smoke inhalation, suffocation, cave-ins or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Harmony gold mine will not send anyone in to the mine as the conditions are extremely dangerous and abandoned shafts are without safety equipment. Illegal workers may gain access bypassing security at one mine site, and exit via a series of interconnected underground tunnels many miles away.

Harmony is internationally the fifth largest gold mining company and has bought up old, abandoned mines.

Police were seeking relatives to help identify the bodies, and are instigating an investigation into the circumstances.

Almost 300 “gold pirates” were arrested over the past two weeks at the Eland mine shaft alone. Thousands of illegal workers can be underground, and remain working for weeks and months continuously. “These are ex-miners and unemployed people – we need to target the syndicates,” said Smith.

There are over 4.18 million unemployed in South Africa due to the economic decline, and another 1 million may soon join the ranks.

Susan Shabangu, the minister of mining, extended her condolences.

Welkom, with a population of over 400,000 is located 160 kilometers (99 mi) northeast of Bloemfontein, the provincial capital.

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13 schools torched in southern Thailand

Thursday, June 14, 2007

In an apparent coordinated attack, 13 schools were set ablaze late yesterday in southern Thailand, an escalation of violence that authorities are blaming on Muslim insurgents.

The 13 schools were burned in Pattani and Yala, two of the three restive, Muslim-majority Thai provinces on the border of Malaysia.

On Monday in the third province, Narathiwat, three teachers were fatally shot. Two female teachers, both Buddhist, were fatally shot while on lunch break at Bansako School in Si Sakorn. A male teacher from another school was gunned down while buying cigarettes at a store in Ra-ngae. On Tuesday morning in Yala’s Raman district, a 60-year-old Muslim teacher was fatally shot in his pick-up truck on the Raman-Balo road.

Since 2004, more than 200 schools have been burned in arson attacks and 77 teachers killed, education officials say. About 110 schools in Narathiwat and Yala provinces have been temporarily closed, while officials re-assess the security situation.

Teachers and schools, potent symbols of the Buddhist majority Thai central government, are prime targets in the Muslim insurgency in south Thailand, which has seen a steady escalation since 2004, with almost daily fatal shootings and bombings, killing more than 2,300 people.

School staff called on the government to provide better security. Many teachers travel with armed escorts, or have taken to carrying firearms themselves.

“We want school compounds to be safe areas for teachers. Today we have no safe areas for teachers, be they houses, communities or schools,” Vicharn Athikapan, chairman of the Confederation of Southern Teachers, was quoted as saying by the Bangkok Post yesterday. “Although it is difficult to deploy soldiers to protect teachers at schools, the state must do it.”

Today, a Royal Thai Army soldier was seriously injured in the explosion of a roadside bomb, which was placed opposite a vocational college in Narathiwat.

Late yesterday evening (local time), a 44-year-old man was killed in a drive-by shooting in Yala. Earlier, in Narathiwat’s Rueso district, three men were fatally shot, and one was beheaded. The beheading was the 10th this year, and one of 25 in southern Thailand since 2004.

Also yesterday, one soldier was killed and another injured in a roadside bomb near a school in Thung Yang Daeng, Pattani. Another soldier was killed and six others injured in Pattani’s Yarang district when a roadside bomb ripped through the pickup truck they were riding in.

On Tuesday in eastern Thailand‘s Sa Kaeo Province, on the border with Cambodia, police detained 15 Cambodian Muslims after one of the group was found to be carrying items that could be used to make bombs.

The owner of the bag told police he was carrying the items for a friend in southern Thailand, and were to be used to make explosives for catching fish. The items were seized, and all 15 men were sent back to Cambodia.

The incident follows a diplomatic flare-up last weekend between Thailand and Cambodia, after published comments were attributed to Thai General Wattanachai Chaimuenwong, saying Cambodian Muslims have links to the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist organization, as well as the south Thailand insurgency.

Wattanachai, an adviser to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, later denied making the statements, after Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen issued an angry rebuke against Thai officials.

“Because of their own weakness, they are now finding others to blame,” Hun Sen was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

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Grow Taller Supplement To Improve The Natural Height Law}

Submitted by: Andrew Siddle

How To Grow Taller Naturally is a question on the minds of many. Those who are lack of height often want to find answers in everything they can find. This can lead to grow taller supplements, injections and even surgery. While all are viable options, it goes without saying that if you can achieve any benefit from just taking grow taller pills, you want to avoid the potential risks of alternatives.

When you select the right push more pills you give your body a significant advantage. Not only are you choosing a product that helps regenerate bone growth, of course, offer additional benefits to your body and your system. This is because grow taller medicine every time you choose is rich in minerals and natural supplements that are good for your body when other methods cannot make these claims.

It is evident that regeneration and bone growth is greater than the benefit to those looking for ways to grow taller supplements and grow pills will definitely help in this process. The ingredients are natural food and promote bone growth to several centimeters. As you can see the increase in height, will also notice that your posture improves too. However, growth is not the only advantage of these pills.

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Of course, the growth of its united, cartilage, bones and discs will be the main reason for selecting growth pills. Your bones become stronger and you will notice the increased height. All this is done without the risk of side effects that comes with your choice of others. The benefits of grow taller medicine will grow certainly an option worth trying before opting for expensive and dangerous procedures.

Since growth problems can affect our daily lives both psychologically and mentally we created a unique formula for professional growth, to help you make the right decision. Our research team has worked very hard for many years to help address the growth of many in the world with satisfactory results. Since 1995, our advanced security system FlexV growth-Pro is designed to work by helping your own natural growth to improve, without side effects or fake promises!

Advanced FlexV growth-Pro system is a program to increase security high accumulation promotes tissue growth and slows the breakdown of muscles and bones during or after exercise. For best results, we suggest a good diet, improved HGH level and a proportional posture to help you get better results. HGH hormones can also be improved through natural dietary supplements and exercises, HGH controls the general body growth and Human Growth Hormone also contains a potent fat breakdown (lipolysis). effects.

System Height GrowthFlexV Pro is an easy to follow, step by step, safe and full height to provide your bones with nutrition and the essential techniques of bone regeneration to help you grow and reach your peak height naturally without the need expensive and painful operations or dangerous HGH injections.

A system for growth FlexV is the safest product on the market made by qualified professionals in a medical laboratory approved GMP. Height growth FlexV Pro system is the only product with high quality ingredients and studies supported by scientific data.

About the Author: For more details check it out:



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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green Party candidate Torbjorn Zetterlund, Willowdale

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Torbjorn Zetterlund is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Willowdale riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Wikinews interviews evicted London Metropolitan University occupier

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A group of students at London Metropolitan University (LMU) who had been occupying the graduate centre at their university since the afternoon of Wednesday May 4 were evicted just before midnight on Monday by police, university security and private bailiffs.

Wikinews, in contact with the occupiers, obtained a first-hand interview with one of the occupiers less than two hours after the occupation ended. The students staged the occupation in protest against cutbacks to courses at the university which, if enacted, would close 70% of the courses the university offers.

John Hughes, 35, a mature student born in the North London borough of Hackney and living in Brixton, was one of over twenty students who were sleeping overnight in the university building. A second-year student in sociology and international development, one of the courses at risk, Hughes described the police intervention at around 11:40pm:

As I came in the area we were occupying they came straight in the door…There was no warning. […] We were served the injunction on the spot by two county court sheriffs, four police officers, ten bailiffs and one member of London Met security. We said, ‘we need time to read this’. We were given ten minutes to read it and take our stuff.

The occupiers have not had access to legal advice, although they have had “a bit of advice from some people who are not actually lawyers”. The occupiers complain they were given no notice of the injunction and that it is inaccurate, naming at least one person “who hadn’t committed trespass at all”.

The eviction also pre-empts an agreement, negotiated by London Metropolitan University Students’ Union president Claire Locke, for LMU vice-chancellor Malcolm Gillies to meet with the occupation on Tuesday morning. The occupiers feel certain now that Gillies’ office made this agreement with the Students’ Union and occupiers in bad faith, knowing that an injunction evicting the occupation would be served before then.

The injunction follows a night after the occupation was itself invaded by members of a private security firm hired by the university management. In the early hours of Monday morning, occupiers say security staff kicked open the doors and entered an area where people were sleeping. Security personnel say an alarm was going off in the area; occupiers say there was no such alarm. Private security have also been sexually harassing and verbally intimidating the occupiers, Hughes alleges. “One of the members of the security team said through the doors to a young lady, ‘you should put up a picture of yourself, something that’s more sexy’ and ‘I’m quite a big bloke, and if I wanted to come into the occupation I would. Two young ladies are not going to stop me.'” Occupiers have also heard some racist comments from private security; the occupiers themselves are “a very mixed group” of all ages and ethnicities, “some from London, some from outside London, working class and some middle class.”

If the occupation had not been evicted, Hughes says they could have held out. “We had water, food and drinks for a while. I’m not sure for how long.” Students at Aberystwyth University in Wales occupied two rooms at their university for over a month earlier this year.

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Three Romanian ports closed due to heavy fog

Monday, February 28, 2005

Bucharest, Romania — The Romanian Black Sea ports of Constan?a, Midia and Mangalia were closed on Saturday due to heavy fog. The Danube-Black Sea Canal was also caused due to reduced visibility. The canal, which runs for 64 km, is an important part of the European shipping channel that links the North Sea to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

The port closures left 54 ships in the harbour or stranded at sea, said Alexandru Mezei, the director of shipping navigation at Constan?a Port, the largest port in Romania. However, he claims that the closure was necessary to prevent accidents from occurring, as the fog had reduced visiblity below safe levels.

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Networked Learning In Higher Education

Networked learning plays a significant role in todays higher education and adds a new dimension to contemporary education. Nowadays, classrooms have made way for computer monitors. It includes interaction which can be synchronous, asynchronous or both and takes place with online materials in the form of text, voice, graphics, videos, shared workspaces or combinations of these. Networked learning has changed the concept of education and widened its scope, making higher education accessible to a larger number of learners.

Networked learning is used in higher education either to supplement the facilities in a conventional classroom or to replace them. In the former case, some networked facilities like email help line, a web-based discussion space or a computer conference are added to an existing course. The idea is to provide students, especially those who are pursuing higher academic degrees, with additional facilities to discuss their queries or seek clarifications apart from conventional classroom sessions. In the latter case, a number of universities have now evolved a hybrid distance teaching system to replace traditional classrooms by networked learning. In this system, ICT is employed to substitute the role of conventional teaching facility. Websites, emails, computer conferencing and audio-visual aids are used to establish and sustain communication. Students spread over different locations can access a set of facilities and resources using network technology. This enables universities to specialize and gain a wider market for their courses especially at post graduate level. In todays competitive world, higher education becomes a priority to the job-seekers for employment; and to the employed for career advancement. This is where the significance of networked education becomes most tangible.

US stock markets reach 12-year lows

Thursday, March 5, 2009

US stock markets dropped to twelve-year lows on Thursday, amidst falling confidence in the financial sector and worries over whether the US automobile manufacturer General Motors will be able to keep operating.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 4.08%, or 280.52 points, at the closing bell, reaching a level of 6595.32, a new 12-year low. The Nasdaq Composite lost 54.15 points, or 4%, to 1299.59, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 plunged by 30.27 points, or 4.25%, closing at 682.60.

Every stock in the Dow Jones, other than Wal-Mart, either lost ground or remained even, and all stocks in the S&P 500 index lost ground.

General Motors’ shares lost 15.5% after the auto firm announced that its auditors had “substantial doubt” over whether it would be able to keep operating.

Shares of financial companies were lower by nine percent, with Bank of America losing 11.7% and Citigroup falling by 9.7%.

“What’s most worrisome is that we haven’t hit the crescendo yet,” said Bill Groeneveld, the head trader for vFinance Investments. “Asset-management divisions are getting calls to just liquidate everything, and we haven’t seen the big players come back in at all.”

“This is one of the worst bear markets in the last 100 years; it started out with the credit crisis and the subprime [loans], but it is like a forest fire that has raced across the clearing and ignited other parts: Autos, auto parts, the insurance companies have been hit very hard. The credit crisis is causing an unraveling of industry after industry because the banks don’t lend,” said David Dreman, the chief investment officer of Dreman Value Management.

European markets were also lower today, with the London’s FTSE index losing 3.2% and the DAX index of Germany falling by five percent.

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