Who Signed The Declaration Of Independence?

By Rick Brady

The U.S. Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 by 56 members of the Continental Congress. John Hancock got to sign first with his huge signature because he was the President of the Congress. It’s commonly believed that John Hancock said, ‘There, I guess King George will be able to read that!’ when he signed, referring to the King’s bad vision, but there’s no actual proof that he really said that.

The youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence (Edward Rutledge of South Carolina) was only 26-years-old and the oldest (Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania) was 70-years-old! Two of the signers would go on to be Presidents of the United States. They were John Adams (the 2nd President from Massachusetts) and Thomas Jefferson (the 3rd President from Virginia).

Most of the members of the Continental Congress had notable achievement of their own but their connections to other famed historical characters were often almost unbelievable! One of the best examples of this is Benjamin Harrison. Besides his intense involvement in the development and execution on the American Revolution, Harrison also was the Governor of Virginia from 1781-1784. He went on after that to be elected to the Virginia State Legislature and rose to the Speaker of the House!

But the really interesting stuff about Harrison that is so common with many Continental Congress members is not his great personal achievements. Harrison’s son was William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, and his great-grandson, Benjamin Harrison VI, was the 23rd President! Harrison’s father was also an ancestor of civil war General Robert E. Lee. The fellow who succeeded Harrison as the Governor of Virginia was Patrick Henry, famed for his ‘Give me liberty or give me death’ speech.

In any case, these wonderful characters from U.S. history have a nearly unlimited number of tantalizing stories that should make delightful reading for any history buff! Below find a list of all 56 Continental Congress members who signed the Declaration of Independence.


Samuel Huntington

Roger Sherman

William Williams

Oliver Wolcott


Thomas McKean

George Read

Caesar Rodney


Button Gwinnett

Lyman Hall

George Walton


Charles Carroll

Samuel Chase


William Paca

Thomas Stone


John Adams

Samuel Adams

John Hancock

Elbridge Gerry

Robert Treat Paine

New Hampshire

Josiah Bartlett

Matthew Thornton

William Whipple

New Jersey

Abraham Clark

John Hart

Francis Hopkinson

Richard Stockton

John Witherspoon

New York

William Floyd

Francis Lewis

Philip Livingston

Lewis Morris

North Carolina

Joseph Hewes

William Hooper

John Penn


George Clymer

Benjamin Franklin

Robert Morris

John Morton

George Ross

Benjamin Rush

James Smith

George Taylor

James Wilson

Rhode Island

William Ellery

Stephen Hopkins

South Carolina

Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Thomas Lynch, Jr.

Arthur Middleton

Edward Rutledge


Carter Braxton

Benjamin Harrison

Thomas Jefferson

Richard Henry Lee

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Thomas Nelson, Jr.

George Wythe

The original Declaration of Independence is badly faded but it is on view in the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom in Washington, DC. There are also twenty-four copies of the Declaration that were printed by John Dunlap and are known today as ‘Dunlap Broadsides’.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in less than three weeks at the ‘Declaration House’ located at 7th and Market Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The house was nearly new, built in 1775 and was rebuilt from original photographs in 1975. Jefferson often complained about the numerous houseflies that were coming from the stable across the street but soothed his soul after work each day at the City Tavern where he had an account! Jefferson took pride in his writing abilities and wasn’t thrilled when the Continental Congress made changes to ‘his’ declaration in June of 1776.

The common U.S. citizen did not get to see the Declaration of Independence until July 6, 1776 when it was printed in the Pennsylvania Evening Post. It was then officially read to the public on July 8th in Philadelphia.

By the way, despite what you saw in the exciting 2004 and 2007 National Treasure movies, there is no mysterious message on the back of the Declaration of Independence. The only thing written on the back is ‘Original Declaration of Independence / dated 4th July 1776?. It was originally rolled up for storage and that was most likely written on the back so it could be identified without unrolling it.

About the Author: For additional information read this

Who Signed the Declaration of Independence

page and you may also want to check out the answers to other common questions at our

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Fifteen people killed in attack on Nigerian college

Friday, September 19, 2014

Officials said at least fifteen people were killed in an attack on a teachers training college in the Northern Nigerian city of Kano by a group of armed gunmen on Wednesday. Over 30 others were wounded.

News agencies have reported while there has been no claim of responsibility, suspicion will likely fall on the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram. The group has previously targeted Western-style schools within the country, including past attacks on secondary schools.

According to official reports, police first approached the group in the area of the school, concerned about their unusual activity, and the attackers engaged police in a firefight. The attackers gained entry to the school and started throwing bombs.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan described the incident as a “dastardly attack”. He has already declared a state of emergency in three northern states, and is being criticized along with the country’s armed forces for failure to prevent extremist attacks.

A police spokesman said police killed two attackers at the scene.

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Andrew Marr angers bloggers, describing them as ‘inadequate, pimpled and single’

Monday, October 11, 2010

British journalist Andrew Marr has angered bloggers by suggesting they are “inadequate, pimpled and single.” Marr, who was formerly the BBC’s political editor, also said that citizen journalism is “spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night”. He made the comments at the Cheltenham Literary Festival, saying: “A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people.”

Marr, who now hosts a flagship Sunday morning show, The Andrew Marr Show, on which he has recently interviewed British Prime Minister David Cameron and ousted BP executive Tony Hayward, added: “OK – the country is full of very angry people. Many of us are angry people at times. Some of us are angry and drunk”. His comments sparked outrage from bloggers, one of whom dismissed them as “stupid generalisations.” Another said that they were “sure that Andrew Marr did not mean all bloggers, but it is unfortunate that he did not seem to make much of a distinction in his statement.” Another blogger, writing on Twitter, said they supported Marr’s arguments. “Just read Andrew Marr’s comments on blogging,” they said. “I blog and I agree with most of what he says. I don’t read blogs for news, doubt I ever will.”

Aside from the paradox of him indulging in a rant to complain about other ranters, it is the one-sidedness of his argument that is so striking

Other journalists also criticised the comments. Krishnan Guru-Murthy, a newscaster for Channel 4 News, said that it is “true that flicking through the comment section of some political blogs can easily make you think the blogosphere is populated by obnoxious trolls. But there are plenty of thoughtful, insightful people writing online too: you just need to find them. They might not be household names, or worthy of a slot on Radio 4, but to dismiss them out of hand seems wrong. As for bloggers being ‘inadequate, pimpled and single,’ that’s no way to talk about Jon Snow. He isn’t single.”

“We know our viewers want commentary and analysis alongside their news and our blogs help us give more of that,” Murthy said. “Obviously we can’t give opinion in the way bloggers who aren’t also public service broadcasters can, but we enjoy reading other people’s opinions and the best blogs are much more than rants, often breaking stories, too. And anyway, I like reading the occasional rant. But as a blogger if you offer up something to the wider world you should expect people to say what they think of it.”

Roy Greenslade, a professor of journalism at City University London, and former editor of the Daily Mirror, said: “Aside from the paradox of him indulging in a rant to complain about other ranters, it is the one-sidedness of his argument that is so striking. None of us who write blogs are unaware of vituperative contributions from people who like to remain anonymous … It’s the price we [bloggers] pay –a small price, in my view– for a communications system that allows for public participation.” Greenslade added that he thought Marr “seems to be damning the whole blogosphere when, as we all know, there are thousand upon thousand of bloggers who are making valuable public interest contributions on the net day by day, even hour by hour. Marr, to use an archaic but apposite idiom, simply can’t see the wood for the trees.”

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Chunichi Dragons win the 2007 Konami Cup

Monday, November 12, 2007

In the final of the Konami Cup 2007, Chunichi Dragons battled SK Wyverns again, many Japanese spectators hoped for Dragons to take revenge on Wyverns and win the championship. This was really a intensive match with starting pitchers George Kenneth Rayborn from SK versus Daisuke Yamai.

Even though Byung-kyu Lee hit a 2 runs HR to expand the difference by the 5-2 leading. But Jin-young Lee also hit a 2 runs HR to tie the score with 5-5 at the bottom of 8th.

The key innings took place at the 9th inning, Hirokazu Ibata (Dragons) hit a key run back to make their team lead with 6-5. Finally, the relief pitcher Hitoki Iwase successfully shut down SK’s offense and tied the score to the end to win the champion.

With the winning hit at this game, and 4 hits with 7 RBIs in the Konami Cup Asia Series 2007, Hirokazu Ibata was finally chosen to be the MVP.

After this game, Chunichi Dragons coach Hiromitsu Ochiai remarked: “Even though we ever lose to SK Wyverns, but participants in this year proved their actual strength more than last year. In this game, after we led with 6-5, Hitoki Iwase told me he want to pitch at the bottom of 9th inning, then I accepted, he promised his wish and finally helped us win the champion. I’ll not forget the contributions by Ibata and Iwase.”

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Immigration Detainees on Hunger Strike in Oxford UK

Thursday, June 15, 2006

One hundred and twenty detainees at an immigration removal centre in Oxford, UK, are on hunger strike. The protest started when some detainees refused breakfast on Wednesday 14th June 2006. A letter from the hunger strikers explaining why they are seeking to draw attention to their plight in this way has been reproduced in full below.

Those detained at the centre are mostly men who have sought asylum in the UK and whose asylum applications have been rejected. These people are then held without knowing how long they will be detained for – some end up being held for many years while awaiting deportation.

The removal centre, known as Campsfield, or Campsfield House is approximately 5 miles north of Oxford and has been in operation since 1993. It was managed on behalf of the UK Government by Global Solutions Limited, until may 2006 when it was taken on by GEO UK, the centre has a capacity of 198. Only males are detained at Campsfield.

According to the campaign group Barbed Wire Britain Over 2,600 individuals, mostly asylum seekers, are detained indefinitely in the UK without trial and with no automatic right to bail.

There have been reports in the UK press of the state taking people to detention centres without notice, in the early hours of the morning using excessively heavy handed tactics, taking children out of schools and separating families.

Many UK people and politicians express their disgust at the way detainees are treated, yet it continues. Perhaps this action by the detainees themselves will further highlight their plight and result in more UK electors writing to their MPs and demanding improvements to the way in which rejected asylum seekers are treated.

“We are detainees at Campsfield removal centre in Oxford. Most of us have been here for a long while now. There are people who have been detained for up to two years and down to three months. We are cramped in here like animals. We are treated like animals and moved around different detention centres like animals. The immigration service have taken husbands from their families and taken people who ran away from persecution in their various countries, and dumped everyone in here.

Once you are put in here the immigration service forget you. There are detainees who have applied to go back to their own countries that are still being held here for months without any news about their cases, just so that the private security companies get more money.

Detainees are asked to seek asylum and then refused. The immigration service also ask detainees to apply for bail. When you get a bail hearing date all of a sudden they serve you with removal papers that are not valid. There are many of these situations. In most cases the immigration service don’t take you to your court hearings. And then they tell the judges you refused to turn up, just so the hearing goes ahead in your absence. Many detainees have been served with removal papers and travel documents but nothing happens on the removal day.

Campsfield has become a slave house. We detainees are treated like slaves, to do odd jobs for officers. Detainees are handcuffed to see doctors or dentists in hospitals or clinic appointments. We have some racist security officers who make racist comments to detainees and go out of their way to make you feel like committing suicide. Detainees have to be at the point of death before they get to see the doctors.

The food is not worth eating. Even dogs would refuse to eat what we eat. But we don’t have a choice; every single day we eat the same food (the food we eat is rice, chicken, sandwiches, and left-over eggs)”.

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Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai discharged from hospital

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for education for girls, was discharged yesterday from the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham, England after success in the first stage of her medical treatment.

In October, Yousafzai was shot by Taliban forces on a school bus in Mingora, Swat District, Pakistan. She was given emergency treatment in Pakistan and then flown to Britain for treatment at a specialist unit which deals with injured soldiers.

Dave Rosser, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust medical director, gave a statement about Yousafzai’s release from hospital: “Malala is a strong young woman and has worked hard with the people caring for her to make excellent progress in her recovery. Following discussions with Malala and her medical team, we decided that she would benefit from being at home with her parents and two brothers. She will return to the hospital as an outpatient and our therapies team will continue to work with her at home to supervise her onward care.”

She is due to return to hospital in a few weeks for cranial reconstructive surgery.

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Category:August 2, 2010

? August 1, 2010
August 3, 2010 ?
August 2

Pages in category “August 2, 2010”

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Is Mortgage Refinancing Right For You?

By Simon Volkov

Mortgage refinancing can be beneficial to borrowers who need to reduce monthly loan installments or want to take advantage of reduced interest rates. It can also offer a solution to those in preforeclosure; meaning banks have not taken legal action to repossess the property.

A second type of mortgage refinancing is that of cash back mortgages. This option allows borrowers to obtain lump sum cash using accrued home equity. Since home loans are assessed with a lower rate of interest than other types of loans, entering into a cash back mortgage might be a smarter option when funds are required for large purchases.

Refinancing requires mortgagors to apply for a new home loan. Proceeds from the new loan are used to pay off the previous loan. Borrowers must possess sufficient credit scores and payment history to qualify for financing. Those with bad credit, mortgage arrears, or high debt-to-income ratios typically will not qualify.

Many homeowners refinance through their current lender. However, it is always smart to shop around and compare lender rates. It is also smart to review current loan documents to determine if prepayment penalties exist.

Many banks include a prepayment clause within the ‘Truth in Lending’ section. In many cases, prepayment penalties are assessed during the first 5 years. Others reduce penalties annually throughout the duration of the loan.


Borrowers often fail to read loan contracts and are shocked to discover they are penalized for early payoff. Mortgagors holding two or more mortgages can take a hard financial hit when refinancing.

Mortgage lenders typically assess closing costs for refinanced loans. Fees can be as much as 6-percent of the outstanding principal and interest. Common refinance fees include: loan application, loan origination, title search, land survey, property inspections and appraisals, and legal expenses. Cost to refinance a $200,000 mortgage could hover around $12,000.

One source for borrowers facing foreclosure is Making Home Affordable. This government-sponsored program offers solutions to those struggling to meet mortgage obligations under Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP).

HARP eligibility requirements are provided at MakingHomeAffordable.gov, but may vary by lender. The program is offered to borrowers with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loans who are current with loan installments and have not been more than 30 days late with payments within the previous 12 months.

Borrowers can apply for HARP mortgage refinance as long as the outstanding balance of their current mortgage does not exceed 125-percent of current market value and they have the financial ability to comply with new payments.

Another credible source for borrowers in need of mortgage assistance is the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD provides complimentary housing counseling to those facing foreclosure; in need of loan modification; or assistance with refinancing home loans.

HUDs website includes an entire section dedicated to mortgage refinance. Visitors can download lender comparison guides and financial worksheets; locate local housing counselors; and learn about all available programs at HUD.gov.

Mortgage refinance can be a good option as long as borrowers conduct due diligence and carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of taking out a new home loan. Borrowers should only engage this option if doing so makes smart financial sense.

For most people, their home is the most valuable asset owned. Borrowers should pursue all available options to protect it. Making poor financial decisions or engaging in wasteful spending can quickly place real estate at risk for foreclosure. Take time to assess the risks and rewards of mortgage refinancing before entering into a new contract.

About the Author: If you are considering mortgage refinancing it is crucial to research every available option and compare home loan providers. Author and real estate investor, Simon Volkov shares insights and resources to help homeowners make informed decisions at SimonVolkov.com.

Source: isnare.com

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas cuts ties with Israel

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas has cut all diplomatic ties and relations with Israel including any and all communications.

Abbas made his decision after recent Israeli crackdown on Palestinian militants has left over 100 people dead and dozens injured. On Saturday March 1, 70 Palestinians were killed in clashes. At least two soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force were also killed.

Abbas says that he will continue his silence towards Israel until “all aggression” against Palestine is stopped.

“The negotiations are suspended, as are all contacts on all levels, because in light of the Israeli aggression such communication has no meaning. The Israeli government has decided to prosecute an unjust war and the open slaughter of our people. It bears sole responsibility for the hindering the peace process and all the effects and consequences of this decision,” said Nabil Abu Rudeina, a spokesman for Abbas in a statement to the media.

According to reports by Africasia quoting Agence France-Presse (AFP), Israel calls the move by Abbas a mistake.

“Suspending peace talks is a mistake and it gives the keys to the negotiations to Hamas,” said an Israeli official to AFP who was not named.

The United States among other nations have called for Israel to stop its strikes, but Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that “nothing will prevent us from continuing operations to protect our citizens.”

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