How Can You Become A Successful Student At Sidney Kimmel Medical College

Jefferson medical school has been known amongst the top most leading and best medical schools that are established in the US. They are aimed at developing successful future medical doctors in the fields of medical sciences, basic sciences, and health sciences. If you want to make a successful future in the field of medicine and health sciences, then you should apply for Jefferson medical school.

Important Tips for Becoming a Good Student atJefferson Medical School

Here you can find some important points which can help you to become a good medical student are below:

Pay Attention to Learning and Skills, Not on Grades

The majority of the students do make a big mistake of paying great attention to gaining the grades and maximum score. This is the biggest mistake made by any student. Being a part of this medical school, you should stay focused on account of skills and learning first. These are the two basic elements that will help you to build your career stronger and will assist you to know about the basics of medicine and health sciences.

Plus, this will also help you to reduce any sort of stress or pressure, which can be the biggest distraction for your study. By paying attention to learning besides the grades, then you will end up studying any topic smoothly without any stress.

Create a full-proof Study-ritual:

As we talk about surviving yourself into any medical school, you should try to keep yourself stay focused at the time of the study. And for that sake, you need to create your ritual or routine schedule for the study pattern. This will help you to stay in flow and stay focused.

You should, first of all, choose a perfect place where you can study by putting all your mind and heart. Try to look for the place where you find your best comfort and set your workspace. To study perfectly, you don’t need to be physically present at that place. You have to give your mind as well.

Second and most important of all, you should create a proper ritual for the daily study pattern. There is a difference between taking admission to an ordinary university and applying for Jefferson Medical School. And hence this difference comes around over the pattern of study and schedule routine. As much sooner you will realize it, the better it will be for you to know how you can adapt to the whole process.

Manage your Time:

It is equally important to manage your time, as well! This time management will work as the milestone for all those students who are planning to take admission in a medical school. You can achieve your dreams of being a medical doctor by working hard for 5 regular years and sleepless nights.

Hence management of time is certainly a competent task and not easy to carry around. But once you get into the flow and start managing your daily schedule, this would no longer be difficult for you to manage all your tasks effectively. There are a few important aspects that you have to follow when it comes to dealing with routine time management.

You should always try to manage your time according to the importance of your task. This is so much important and much needed. You should give the important tasks your priority and leave the rest of them far behind.

Plus, you should also put some efforts where you should try to manage your management progress too. This might be a little uneasy thing to do due to the process that is involved. So make sure that you do involve yourself in some performance tracking scenario which will let you know how the whole time management has to be carried out.

Reward yourself:

Amidst all the difficulties of a medical student, the self-care issue can’t be overlooked. Know the magnitude of caring for yourself due to the fact the significance of intellectual fitness can’t be emphasized enough. The involvement in quite a several self-care things to do is important. It can suggest giving yourself damage now and then, as an alternative, then piling all the notes into your Genius till it can’t take it anymore.

It can additionally suggest giving yourself the complete weekend and find out about on weekdays; your concept of self-care is unique, relying on your persona and your happiness. It doesn’t have to be the same as the rest; it simply wants to be right for you.

Secondly, beneficial yourself is an extraordinarily critical aspect that is not an idea ample via many human beings around us. It is essential due to the fact beneficial yourself skill incentivizes tough work. This also grows seeds of extra difficult work, and you’re inclined to do higher every time in the hope of reward from yourself. The reward can be in more than a few forms, whichever way is preferable for you. But in no way overlook simply how huge it is due to the fact it is continually tied to higher overall performance and higher results in the future.

Take Help from Najeeb Lectures:

You can slow down your burden to prepare yourself for the medical examinations through the help of Dr Najeeb’s lectures. He has been working as a professional and well-known online lecture holder where he has been providing video lectures to the students related to the topics of natural sciences, social sciences, basic sciences, or so on. You can often get in touch with their lectures through the subscription program, which will help you to stay connected with them throughout the entire medical coursework.

Glencore announces Tahmoor mine in New South Wales to close

Friday, June 3, 2016

Swiss mining company Glencore announced yesterday the closure of its coal mine in Tahmoor, New South Wales, Australia. The mine is to be closed by early 2019, pointing to the downturn of coal prices in global markets.

Glencore stated, “The decision has been made as a result of continued low prices in global coal markets, which has meant the economic return from reserves still available at Tahmoor are not sufficient to warrant the investment required to mine them”.

The closure will result in a loss of 350 jobs according to the company, who said they are consulting with the employees.

The mine is not the only operation impacted by the fall of global coal and commodity prices. The Australian arm of mining magnate Peabody Energy has reported losses of almost A$3 billion in 2015. According to latest financial reports for Peabody subsidiary Peabody Australia Holdco lodged via Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the company earned a net loss of A$2.7 billion — after a loss of A$1.2 billion in 2014. Accountants at Peabody Australia have warned the mine might not be able to continue operating, with the market persistently weak since December.

Despite low coal and commodity prices, both the major political parties have been supportive of coal mines. While appearing on the ABC’s Q&A program on Monday night, Coalition MP Steve Ciobo confirmed party support of coal mines. In response to an audience member question, concerning what policies the panellists had planned to combat job and economic loses in Queensland after the mining boom, Ciobo stated the Coalition government supports Adani’s new Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin — as an example of “transitioning” the state’s economy.

Labor MP Terri Butler said although she doesn’t personally support Adani’s Carmichael project, the state Labor government “didn’t have much discretion” surrounding its approval. Meanwhile, Greens party leader Richard Di Natale criticised responses from the panellists claiming the “great tragedy” is both major parties support of coal mines such as Carmichael.

“If you care about tourism you don’t open up a whopping great big coal mine and fuel catastrophic global warming”, said Di Natale.

Di Natale accused both major parties of being deceitful in “slashing” both the target of and agency funding for renewable energy, leaving no plan to realize the investment potential of the renewable sector.

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On the campaign trail in the USA, September 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The following is the fifth edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail: the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee secures ballot access in all 50 U.S. states, the Unity Party of America presidential nominee proposes a novel solution to the issue of “packing” the U.S. Supreme Court, and three candidates give their thoughts on the latest military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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Instant Approval Student Credit Card 5 Alternatives To Student Credit Cards

By Marie-Claire Smith

Anything worth doing takes time. Rome was not built in a day. (etc.) Most of us have heard these kinds of statements over and over again. And, for the most part, they are true.

However, this is not helpful advice when you find yourself needing a student credit card fast. Instant approval student credit cards are a great idea, if you can find one.

The challenge today is that there is a host of new rules concerning college students and credit cards. The law now makes it much harder for credit card companies to approach college students for a new card. For example, people under 21 in the U.S. are now required to have an adult co-sign the card applications, which usually means a parent.

Also, new studies show that college student credit card debt is becoming a serious concern, with the average card-carrying student graduating with thousands in debt.

Fortunately, you do have some alternatives that are just as good or better than getting a card. If you are looking for an instant approval student credit card, here are 5 alternatives to student cards:


1. Get another adult to co-sign your application:

Your first alternative is to still move forward with the card idea but to get a different adult – someone other than your parents – to co-sign on the card. This is perfectly legal. However, it may be tough to find someone to do this since they will now be liable in case you run up a large balance and cannot pay it down.

2. Consider using a card for emergency backup only:

A second option is go ahead and get your parent to co-sign the card, but to give them access to your online statements so they can help monitor usage. You would basically be using cash-and-carry for most purchases, but you would have the benefit of a card as backup for emergency reasons.

3. Go cash-only for daily purchases:

Another idea: give up the card idea completely and just go cash-only. That is a sure-fire way to avoid debt problems. The only downside to this, of course, is having no emergency backup in case you were to run into a financial crises.

4. Ask a parent to be your emergency backup:

You could get your parent to agree to be your emergency backup to help you get out of the occasional tough financial spot. The downside: finding a way to get the money quickly if you are stranded at an auto repair shop in the middle of nowhere and need mom to help you pay for that new set of tires you need. Not a very easy way to handle making a quick purchase.

5. Buy a prepaid debit card for day-to-day purchases:

A fifth alternative: get yourself a pre-paid debit card. These cards require no co-signer and do not have anything to do with your credit situation (bad or good). It works just like a credit card does. Just buy a card for a certain value and then keep it as an emergency backup, while using cash for day-to-day purchases. And, there is no application process to worry about.

Consider these 5 alternatives to using an instant approval credit card to help you pay for college and living expenses.

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Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian Party potential presidential candidate R.J. Harris

Friday, June 17, 2011

R.J. Harris, a potential candidate for the U.S. Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination, took some time to speak with Accredited Wikinews Reporter William Saturn about his campaign and issues positions.

Harris is an officer in the United States Army National Guard, currently serving in Afghanistan. He is also in his third year as a law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. Harris previously worked as an Air Traffic Controller and small business owner. He plans to enter the race in September after completing his tour in Afghanistan.

Others seeking the nomination include Libertarian activist R. Lee Wrights, radio host Jim Duensing, former Nevada Libertarian Party chair Jim Burns, marketing executive Roger Gary and attorney Carl Person. 2008 Vice presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root is also expected to make a run.

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Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview.

Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 election. Schriner refers to himself as the “Average Joe” candidate, and advocates a pro-life and pro-environmentalist platform. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, and has published public policy papers exploring solutions to American issues.

Wikinews reporter William Saturn? talks with Schriner and discusses his campaign.

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31 killed in Afghanistan bus bombing

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus carrying more than 50 people in Kabul, Afghanistan killing at least 31 and critically injuring 17 of the people on board. 28 were Afghan soldiers, and so far at least two civilians have been killed.

“At this time I can tell you that 31, almost all of them military personnel, have been martyred,” said Afghanistan’s Public Health Minister, Sayed Mohammad Amin Fatemi.

Reports say that the suicide bomber, who was dressed in a military uniform, walked onto the bus and blew himself up, tearing it into two pieces. Several businesses were also damaged in the attack and military personnel were retrieving body parts from trees.

Zabiullah Mujahid of the Taliban, says they are responsible for the blast and stated that the bomber was ‘Azizullah’, a Kabul resident.

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Parallel Parking Your Semi Truck

Parallel Parking Your Semi Truck


Gregory Handerson

Have you parked your truck yet? If you have been dreading it like I know a lot of truck drivers do the first time, I have some tips for you which may help you prepare for that big parking moment.


Parallel parking is one of the hardest parking manoeuvres, perhaps the most difficult in fact, even for motorists driving standard cars, let alone those sporting tones of weight and an oversized haul. Being able to do this manoeuver will most certainly increase your confidence as a Semi truck driver, with sufficient tuition, patience and enough practice there is no reason why one day you might be able to parallel park a semi-truck with confidence and efficiency. After getting yourself a CDL licence (USA) or HGV (UK) it’s a daunting experience being behind the wheels of a bulky powerful truck, trying to park in a cramped high street to make your deliveries you will need to at some point in your career perform a parallel park into a tight spot. A few tips that will help you when you are parking your semi-truck: Before manoeuvring, ensure that the vehicle is straight and both parts are aligned. When reversing the truck use the mirrors often, take it slowly use the mirrors as your guide. When a V shape is created between the truck and trailer you are at the right angle, halt the truck now. Perform a full right turn, back it up till your trailer is aligned with the cab. At all times you need to check the mirrors, double check your alignment then halt, return the steering wheel and wheels to their normal position facing forwards. Continue to reverse, perform a full lock to the left ensuring that both parts of the truck are in line with one another, try to avoid clipping the curb and. Should your vehicle not be straight or you’re not happy with its position, just pull the truck forwards and backwards steering slightly to position the vehicle, relax and pull the hand brake up. You may have a different technique than this one, if it works for you then stick with it. Don’t go changing a good thing. Just remember to take it slowly, check your mirrors and look out for pedestrians and other motorists. Driving such a big vehicle means you have a duty of care not just as a truck driver but as a motorist. is the online superstore for new and used trucks, trailers and equipment.

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Parallel Parking Your Semi Truck

I’ll Have Another wins 2012 Preakness Stakes

Monday, May 21, 2012

The placement for first and second place at the 2012 Preakness Stakes could have been a replay of the Kentucky Derby earlier this month as I’ll Have Another came in first with Bodemeister behind in second. In this race, Creative Cause finished third.

By winning the Kentucky Derby and the 137th Preakness Stakes, I’ll Have Another has a chance at winning the US Triple Crown of thoroughbred horse racing. The final race I’ll Have Another would have to win is the Belmont Stakes, which will be held on June 9.

I’ll Have Another was not favored to win the Preakness Stakes and his odds were set at 3-1. Bodemeister, who was the favorite at 2-1 odds, was the speed horse again as he led the field for most of the race just as he did at the Kentucky Derby. This time, Creative Cause was following close behind in second by the time the field of horses reached the far turn. Just as in the Kentucky Derby, I’ll Have Another pushed faster in the final leg of the race. However, the Preakness Stakes finish was closer with I’ll Have Another squeezing by the pacesetter at the very end to win the race in 1:56.9.

Mexican jockey Mario Gutierrez has won his last four races with I’ll Have Another. He gave I’ll Have Another the credit for the finish, “No one put him in this race. He put himself into the race,” he said. Gutierrez said all he had to do was signal to the horse that it was time to challenge Bodemeister and the horse did the rest.

The winning horse is owned by financier J. Paul Reddam and trained by Doug O’Neill.

The Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland was filled with a crowd of 121,309 to watch the Triple Crown hopeful. The last horse to win the Triple Crown was Affirmed in 1978.


According to the official Pimlico website, the horses that competed this year in the Preakness Stakes by starting position include:

1. Tiger Walk is owned by Sagamore Farm, trained by Ignacio Correas IV, and was ridden by Ramon A. Dominguez.

2. Teeth of the Dog is owned by J.W. Singer. The thoroughbred is trained by Michael Matz and the jockey was Joe Bravo.

3. Pretension was the winner of the 2012 Canonero II Stakes. The horse is owned by Kidwells Petite Stable, trained by Christopher W. Grove, and was raced by Javier Santiago.

4. Zetterholm is owned by Winter Park Partners, trained by Richard E. Dutrow, Jr., and ridden by Junior Alvarado.

5. Went The Day Well is owned by Team Valor International and is trained by H. Graham Motion. His jockey was John Velazquez. This team won last year’s Kentucky Derby race with Animal Kingdom, and they took Went The Day Well to the 2012 Kentucky Derby.

6. Creative Cause is owned by Heinz Steinmann and trained by Mike Harrington. His jockey was be Joel Rosario. Creative Cause was part of the field at the Kentucky Derby, too.

7. Bodemeister, winner of the Arkansas Derby at Oaklawn Park, is trained by Bob Baffert. He is owned by Zayat Stables and his jockey was Mike Smith.

8. Daddy Nose Best was the winner of the Sunland Derby at Sunland Park and the El Camino Real Derby at Golden Gate and raced in the 2012 Kentucky Derby. He is owned by Cathy and Bob Zollars, trained by Steve Asmussen. His jockey was Julien Leparoux.

9. I’ll Have Another was the winner of the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs. He is owned by financier J. Paul Reddam, trained by Doug O’Neill and ridden by jockey Mario Gutierrez.

10. Optimizer is trained by D. Wayne Lukas, owned by tobacconist Brad Kelley of Bluegrass Hall LLC and ridden by Corey Nakatani. This horse raced also raced in the Kentucky Derby.

11. Cozzetti is trained by Dale Romans and was raced by Jose Lezcano The horse is owned by Albaugh Family Stables.

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Founder and CEO of Rockmount Ranchwear Jack Weil dies at age 107

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jack A. Weil, founder and CEO of Rockmount Ranch Wear died on August 13 at the age of 107 in Denver, Colorado. He was the oldest working CEO in the United States. He was also known as “Papa Jack”.

He was born on March 28, 1901 in Evansville, Indiana. In 1946, Weil rented a space at 1626 Wazee Street in Denver and set about trying to create a fashionable yet practical identity for the western ranchers of the region.

I never wanted to be the richest man in the cemetery

Weil was well-known for coining the phrase “The West is not a place, it is a state of mind.” He was the first person to put snaps on Western shirts, patented the saw-tooth pocket design seen on many Western shirts, and was credited with inventing the bolo tie.

In 2001, he told Associated Press, “I learned fast you can’t sell to cowboys; they have no money. You have to appeal to the cowboy in everyone and sell to them.”

Among his customers were Ronald Reagan, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and Nicholas Cage. More recently, Rockmount shirts were worn by the late Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal in the 2005 Academy Award-nominated movie, Brokeback Mountain.

Weil’s wife, Beatrice Baum, died in 1990, followed by his son Jack B. in January 2008.

“I never wanted to be the richest man in the cemetery,” he told his grandson and current president of the family business.

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