CanadaVOTES: NDP candidate Hana Razga running in Edmonton—Leduc

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On October 14, 2008, Canadians will be heading to the polls for the federal election. New Democratic Party candidate Hana Razga is standing for election in the riding of Edmonton—Leduc. Born in London, England to Czechoslovakian parents, she immigrated to Canada in 1968, having a long career in human resources with the federal government. She is a volunteer for organizations including the Alberta Women’s Shelter, Big Sisters and Match International. She has previously run in campaigns three times provincially for the NDP, and once federally.

Wikinews contacted Hana Razga, to talk about the issues facing Canadians, and what they and their party would do to address them. Wikinews is in the process of contacting every candidate, in every riding across the country, no matter their political stripe. All interviews are conducted over e-mail, and interviews are published unedited, allowing candidates to impart their full message to our readers, uninterrupted.

Created in 2004, the riding consists of southwest Edmonton, the City of Leduc, the Town of Devon, and the surrounding area. Contesting Conservative incumbent James Rajotte are Razga, Valerie Kennedy (Green), and Donna Lynn Smith (Liberal).

For more information, visit the campaign’s official website, listed below.

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How Do Companies Determine The Auto Insurance Premiums

By Ed Sneineh

Insurance companies use different criteria to rate their auto insurance customers. The main criteria used are the following:

1. Credit Score. Credit score rating is used by certain preferred and standard companies. People with higher credit score will have lower premiums. Actually some companies may sharply increase premiums for auto and home polices with bad credit score, or may even decline insuring them if the applicant was in bankruptcy in the past few years, for example. Insurance companies believe that people with better credit are more responsible, hence they will be more responsible too in their behavior on the road and more responsible in the filing of their claims, if any.

Many people think that credit score pricing is unfair. The truth is that the entire insurance industry can be understood like (legally unfair), an industry that does price discrimination because of applicant’s financial credit, gender, marital status, and age. Discriminating against people and charging them different prices because of their age, gender, marital status is perfectly legal in the insurance business.

Many auto insurance companies that are credit score oriented have created parallel programs to insure people without using their credit score. To cope with the extra risk for not checking their credit, those companies did set a lower liability limits (close to the state minimum) as a maximum for any policy they issue without checking the credit and offered these products with a little higher premiums.


2. Demographics of the Target Market. Some demographic factors are more important than others in determining the price. This includes age, sex, marital status, ages of certain household, geographic location (ZIP), and occupation.

Youthful drivers (widely defined as someone under age 25) and old drivers (over 70 years) pay more money than others. Males under age 25 also pay higher than females of similar age. Married people pay less also. Certain companies may prohibit certain classes of occupations like bar tenders, musicians, entertainers, etc. Driving record, prior insurance history/ experience will also affect the price (people with accidents/ moving violations pay more.) People in particular ZIP codes pay more than others because of bad claim experience for the insurance companies in those ZIP codes.

3. Premium Rating System: There are two widely accepted premium rating systems: Rating by Vehicle Symbol and Rating by Actual Cash Value.

In the event that you are buying a new policy or replacing an existing vehicle with a newly acquired vehicle the result of the transaction may be high or low premiums depending on your company’s way of rating , the symbol of your vehicle and the actual cash value of your automobile.

A Vehicle Symbol is a number assigned by the Insurance Service Office (ISO) to each vehicle. The symbol is determined based on certain factors such as loss experience for that particular vehicle, vehicle size/ weight, wheelbase, body construction, and horsepower. Vehicles with higher symbols have higher insurance premiums. Some companies that utilize their rating based on the Symbol of the vehicle will charge you more if the vehicle has higher Symbol, and less if vehicle has lower symbol. Notice here that a vehicle with a value (ACV) of $15,000 and symbol of 14 will have higher premiums than another vehicle with a symbol of 7 and a value (ACV) of $20,000.

Actual Cash Value method is dissimilar. The insurance premium is usually based on the Actual Cash Value of the automobile (ACV = automobile replacement minus depreciation) . The ACV of the automobile is based on the fair market worth of an average automobile of the same year, make & model sold in the area. When there is a total loss the insurance company will use that dollar value to pay for the claim, but may modify the amount of claim according to given facts like authentic mileage and the physical conditions of the automobile before the loss (automobiles that have double mileage as the average automobiles will have values smaller amount than the ACV.) So for two automobiles that have ACVs of $15,000 and $20,000 the insured will pay more for comprehensive & collision with the 2nd automobile, but liability premiums remain unchanged!

About the Author: Ed Sneineh, insurance professional for over 20 years, former college educator of insurance, and founder of Insurance Navy, a leader in providing auto insurance quotes, Chicago. Visit our website and get your car, SR22 insurance quotes in 5 minutes or less. Insurance Navy represents major carriers such as AAA, Travelers, Progressive, Hartford, and more than 20 other carriers.


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Mario Lopez favored to win Dancing with the Stars

Friday, September 1, 2006

Mario López is favored to win the third season of American television series Dancing with the Stars, with 3:1 odds of winning, but close on his heels is actress Vivica Fox, with four-to-one odds. López is perhaps best known for his role on Saved by the Bell, and currently stars on soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. Gambling site BetBet released odds on its website recently.

Monique Coleman (High School Musical), Joey Lawrence (Blossom), and Harry Hamlin (Clash of the Titans), each with six-to-one odds. Hamlin’s wife, Lisa Rinna, was a contestant in the second season of the series. Singers Willa Ford and Sara Evans each rank 8:1.

It is unknown how the firm decided the competitor’s odds; none of this year’s dancing has been previewed publicly, let alone for the press.

Dancing with the Stars enters its third season on September 12, at 8pm, with a two-hour season premiere. The series was a surprise hit for ABC, who added the program as a summer filler, with no large hopes for its success. Based on the British series Strictly Come Dancing, the series has been produced in 20 countries.


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Free Software Foundation releases first draft of GPLv3

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Free Software Foundation released the first draft for the next version of the GNU General Public License at the International Public Conference for GPLv3 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, today. The revisions mark the first changes to the GPL since the second version was released in 1991.

According to Richard M. Stallman, the president of the Free Software Foundation, the most significant change to the license are changes to allow GPLv3 to be compatible with other popular free software licenses, notably the Apache Software License 2.0 and the Eclipse license. A second significant change, according to Stallman, is the addition of a clause prohibiting the use of GPL software for Digital rights management (DRM), “something for which there can never be toleration.”

As of noon EST today, the license is available in draft form on the Free Software Foundation’s website. The conference about the license, which continues now and into Tuesday, is being held in Building 10, Room 250, on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Approximately 200 people attended the morning session of the conference, during which Eben Moglen gave what he called a “quick” 90 minute overview of the license changes.

While Moglen’s presentation covered a great deal of legal detail, it was not without levity. When the cell phone of Dave Turner, an FSF staff member sitting in the front row, rang during Moglen’s speech, Stallman broke in, requesting of the audience, “If you have brought in a portable tracking and surveillance device, you should turn it off,” before making other remarks about the police.

The crowd at the conference included a large number of free software celebrities, including Bruce Perens, Andrew Tridgell, and Chris diBona. According to Wikinews reporter Brandon Stafford, it seemed that IBM and Sun were the corporations with the most employees present. Representing the companies were Bob Sutor, Craig Cook, and Mark Brown from IBM and Simon Phipps and Doug Johnson from Sun. Also in attendance were representatives from Intel, Redhat, MySQL AB, Hitachi, and Qualcomm, among others.

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A Full Bowl; A Full Stomach

A Full Bowl; A Full Stomach


Yum Yum Dishes

Overweight all her life minus the two times she lost weight only to regain it Brenda Nutt knew she needed to make a big change. Motivated by the birth of her great-niece and her desire to be around as she grew up, Brenda a school teacher and self-proclaimed speed eater decided to do something about it: She chose gastric bypass surgery.


Quickly becoming a popular option for those who cant take the weight off and keep it off, gastric bypass surgery essentially reduces the size of the stomach, allowing food to bypass part of the small intestine to make a person feel full faster. Right after her surgery, Brenda was limited to only one ounce of liquid every 15 minutes. Now able to eat four ounces of food at a time, Brenda along with others whove had the surgery face a problem at each meal: four ounces of food doesnt look like much. Luckily, she found the set of Yum Yum Dishes given to her as a gift a few years back. Stored in her pantry and unused since she received them, Brenda now sees them in a new light: Theyre the perfect tool to fool her eyes when she sits down for a meal. With a set at all the homes of her relatives she never gets the idea shes being cheated with the amount of food shes getting. It truly helps her control the amount she eats. For Brenda, and many in her situation, portion control is a real obstacle when it comes losing weight. Using Yum Yum Dishes instead of a large plate or bowl makes it easier: It now looks like shes getting something to eat because the Yum Yum Dish is full, whereas the plates or bowls she used before with only four ounces of food would barely look like a bite. Created by Tracy Adler, a former restaurateur and mother of two, to help kids and grown-ups manage their snacking habits in a healthy way; Yum Yum Dishes are increasingly becoming popular among adults who are looking to lose weight. Studies have shown that how much you eat is just as important as what you eat when it comes to losing weight, and keeping it off. Many people though, just like Brenda before, find it difficult to stop at four ounces. But Brenda offers this simple advice: When it comes to portion control, you have to change the size of the dishes youre putting your food in. And right now for Brenda, Yum Yum Dishes seem to be the perfect fit.

The Yum Yum Dish is perfect for children, teens, and adults who want to enjoy all their favorite foods in moderation. Not concerned with portion control? Use these hand-painted dishes for sauces, dips, entertaining, and more.

A Yum Yum Dish is a creative gift for the foodie in your life and a smart addition to any weight loss plan. To purchase a set of Yum Yum Dishes or for more information, visit

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Glenn Beck loses domain name case over parody website

Saturday, November 7, 2009

American political commentator Glenn Beck has lost his case against a satirical website which parodies him, in a ruling from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland. The website argued Beck’s actions to shut it down were an attempt to silence free speech. On Friday, the website’s creator sent a letter to Beck saying he would voluntarily turn over the domain name to him.

Florida resident Isaac Eiland-Hall created the website in September, and it asserts Beck uses questionable tactics “to spread lies and misinformation”. The website was represented in the case Beck v. Eiland-Hall by free speech lawyer Marc Randazza. Wikinews interviewed Randazza for the article “US free speech lawyer Marc Randazza discusses Glenn Beck parody”, and previously reported on the case in articles, “US free speech lawyer defends satire of Glenn Beck” and “Satirical website criticizes Glenn Beck for ‘hypocritical’ attempts to silence free speech”.

Eiland-Hall registered the website at the domain “”. Its premise was derived from a joke statement made by Gilbert Gottfried about fellow comedian Bob Saget. Users of the Internet discussion community Fark first applied the joke to Beck, and it then became popular on several social media sites. Eiland-Hall saw the discussion on Fark, and created a website about it. The website asserts it does not believe the rumors to be true, commenting, “[b]ut we think Glenn Beck definitely uses tactics like this to spread lies and misinformation.” The website was created on September 1, and just two days later attorneys for Beck’s company Mercury Radio Arts took action. Beck’s lawyers sent letters to the domain name registrar where they referred to the domain name itself as “defamatory”, but failed to get the site removed.

Beck filed a formal complaint with the Switzerland-based agency of the United Nations, WIPO, who operate under regulations laid out by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Beck asserted the website’s usage is libelous, bad faith, and could confuse potential consumers. Beck’s complaint was filed under the process called the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. This policy allows trademark owners to begin an administrative action by complaining that a certain domain registration is in “bad faith”. Beck argued the site should be shut down because it is an infringement upon his trademark in his own name, “Glenn Beck”.

Eiland-Hall retained Randazza as his attorney after receiving threatening letters from legal representatives of Beck. On September 28, Randazza filed a response brief to WIPO, contending the site is “protected political speech”, due to it’s “satirical political humor”. Randazza stated, “even an imbecile would look at this Web site and know that it’s a parody.” Randazza’s brief commented on Beck’s style of reporting, and highlighted a controversial statement made by him when interviewing a Muslim US Congressman. Beck said to Representative Keith Ellison, “I like Muslims, I’ve been to mosques. … And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview because what I feel like saying is, sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.” According to the Citizen Media Law Project, the website’s joke premise takes advantage of “a perceived similarity between Beck’s rhetorical style and the Gottfried routine”.

Randazza argued in the response filed on behalf of Eiland-Hall that Beck attempted to use the process of the WIPO court to infringe the free speech rights of his client; “Beck is attempting to use this transnational body to circumvent and subvert the Respondent’s [web site owner] constitutional rights [to freedom of speech],” he wrote. Randazza cited the U.S. Supreme Court case, Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, in arguing that Beck’s attorneys advised him against filing legal action in a U.S. court because the website would likely be seen as a form of parody and due to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, such legal action would not be successful.

On September 29, Randazza sent a request to Beck’s representatives, asking that their client agree to stipulate to the United States Constitution, and especially to the First Amendment, during the case before the WIPO. In the request, Randazza quoted a statement from Beck himself about the usage of international law by United States citizens, Beck said, “[o]nce we sign our rights over to international law, the Constitution is officially dead.” In an October 19 interview with Wikinews, Randazza stated that Beck had not replied to his request to stipulate to the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment in the WIPO case.

On October 20, Randazza filed a surreply – a response document to an October 13 supplementary filing made by Beck in the case. Attorneys for Beck asserted in the supplementary filing that the joke made by the website is difficult to comprehend, and therefore the domain name is confusing. In Beck’s supplementary filing, his lawyers argued, “While there is absolutely nothing humorous or amusing about the statement made by Respondent in his domain name that ‘Glenn Beck Raped and Murdered a Young Girl in 1990,’ the average Internet user finding the domain name (“Disputed Domain Name”) in a search would have no reason not to believe that they will be directed to a website providing factual information (as opposed to protected criticism or similar protected speech) about Mr. Beck.”

Randazza’s surreply asserted, “An average Internet user might not ‘get the joke’. In fact, the average Internet user does not understand any internet memes. That’s the fun of a meme – it is an esoteric inside joke that will leave most people scratching their heads.” In Randazza’s conclusion to the Eiland-Hall surreply, he called Beck “the butt” of a joke he apparently does not understand. Randazza wrote that Beck “should be deeply ashamed” for devaluing the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

…Respondent can be said to be making a political statement. This constitutes a legitimate non-commercial use of Complainant’s mark under the Policy.

For Beck to have prevailed in the case, the WIPO arbitrator would have needed to rule in his favor on three points: the domain name was confusing with the mark “Glenn Beck”, the registrant Eiland-Hall did not have rights to the domain name, and that the domain name was registered as an act of “bad faith”. Frederick M. Abbott, the WIPO arbitrator, did rule that the domain name was confusing, but also ruled that Eiland-Hall had legitimate interest in the domain name of the website he created. “Respondent appears to the Panel to be engaged in a parody of the style or methodology that Respondent appears genuinely to believe is employed by Complainant in the provision of political commentary, and for that reason Respondent can be said to be making a political statement. This constitutes a legitimate non-commercial use of Complainant’s mark under the Policy,” said the WIPO ruling.

The WIPO decision also commented on the matter of third-party websites which may have derived profit through links from Eiland-Hall’s website, “While there is some evidence that at some stage third-party vendors of goods and services critical of [Beck] may have earned some income on sales of t-shirts and bumper stickers embodying political slogans based on click-throughs from [Eiland-Hall’s] Web site, the panel does not believe this is sufficient ‘commercial activity’ to change the balance of interests already addressed,” said the ruling.

In this context of this WIPO case, you denigrated the letter of First Amendment law.

After the WIPO ruling, Eiland-Hall decided to voluntarily relinquish ownership of the domain name and hand it over to Glenn Beck. On Friday, Eiland-Hall sent a letter to Beck, and pointed out that Beck’s actions only served to further increase publicity to the meme described on the website. “It bears observing that by bringing the WIPO complaint, you took what was merely one small critique meme, in a sea of internet memes, and turned it into a super-meme. Then, in pressing forward (by not withdrawing the complaint and instead filing additional briefs), you turned the super-meme into an object lesson in First Amendment principles,” wrote Eiland-Hall in the letter to Beck.

It’s good to see that this WIPO arbitrator had no interest in allowing Beck to circumvent the guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.

Eiland-Hall criticized Beck’s actions with regard to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, writing, “It also bears noting, in this matter and for the future, that you are entirely in control of whether or not you are the subject of this particular kind of criticism. I chose to criticize you using the well-tested method of satire because of its effectiveness. But, humor aside, your rhetorical style is no laughing matter. In this context of this WIPO case, you denigrated the letter of First Amendment law. In the context of your television show and your notoriety, you routinely and shamelessly denigrate the spirit of the First Amendment”. He stated that he persevered in the case in order to uphold the value of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, “I want to demonstrate to you that I had my lawyer fight this battle only to help preserve the First Amendment. Now that it is safe, at least from you (for the time being), I have no more use for the actual scrap of digital real estate you sought…” A representative of Beck declined to provide a comment about the WIPO ruling, after a request from PC Magazine.

Commentators likened the legal conflict between Beck and the site to the Streisand effect, a phenomenon where an individual’s attempt to censor material on the Internet in turn proves to make the material itself more public. Wendy Davis of Online Media Daily commented on the impact of the case, “The decision appears to mark a significant win for digital rights advocates because a ruling in Beck’s favor could have encouraged other subjects of online parodies to take their complaints directly to the WIPO rather than U.S. courts, which are bound by the First Amendment.” Citizen Media Law Project’s assistant director, Sam Bayard, wrote that the ruling was appropriate, “It’s good to see that this WIPO arbitrator had no interest in allowing Beck to circumvent the guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.”

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Smoke from massive warehouse fire in Buffalo, New York USA can be seen 40 miles away

Monday, May 14, 2007

Buffalo, New York —A massive warehouse complex of at least 5 buildings caught on fire in Buffalo, New York on 111 Tonawanda Street, sending a plume of thick, jet black colored smoke into the air that could be seen as far away as 40 miles.

As of 6:40 a.m., the fire was under control, and firefighters were attempting to stop it from spreading, but could not get to the center of the fire because of severe amounts of debris. Later in the morning, the fire was extinguished.

“The fire is mostly under debris at this point. It’s under control, but it’s under some debris. We really can’t get to it. We’re just going to have to keep on pouring water on it so it doesn’t spread,” said Thomas Ashe, the fire chief for the North Buffalo based fire division who also added that at one point, at least 125 firefighters were on the scene battling the blaze. One suffered minor injures and was able to take himself to the hospital to seek medical attention.

Shortly after 8:00 p.m. as many as 3 explosions rocked the warehouse sending large mushroom clouds of thick black smoke into the air. After the third explosion, heat could be felt more than 100 feet away. The fire started in the front, one story building then quickly spread to three others, but fire fighters managed to stop the flames from spreading onto the 3 story building all the way at the back.

According to a Buffalo Police officer, who wished not to be named, the fire began at about 7:00 p.m. [Eastern time], starting as a one alarm fire. By 8:00 p.m., three fire companies were on the scene battling the blaze. Police also say that a smaller fire was reported in the same building on Saturday night, which caused little damage.

At the start of the fire, traffic was backed up nearly 4 miles on the 198 expressway going west toward the 190 Interstate and police had to shut down the Tonawanda street exit because the road is too close to the fire.

At one point, traffic on the 198 was moving so slow, at least a dozen people were seen getting out of their cars and walking down the expressway to watch the fire. That prompted as many as 10 police cars to be dispatched to the scene to force individuals back into their cars and close off one of the 2 lanes on the westbound side.

One woman, who wished not to be named as she is close to the owner of the warehouse, said the building is filled with “classic cars, forklifts, and money” and that owner “does not have insurance” coverage on the property. The building is not considered abandoned, but firefighters said that it is vacant.

Officials in Fort Erie, Ontario were also swamped with calls to fire departments when the wind blew the smoke over the Niagra River and into Canada.

It is not known what caused the fire, but a car is suspected to have caught on fire and there are reports from police and hazmat crews, that there were also large barrels of diesel fuel being stored in one building. Firefighters say the cause of the blaze is being treated as “suspicious.” The ATF is investigating the fire and will bring dogs in to search the debris.

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Cpr Certification And First Aid Certification

There are many online resources that are dedicated nowadays to providing information about CPR and First Aid; however, not all of these websites are reliable, especially when it comes to the validity of the techniques and strategies presented. If you want to make sure that your CPR certification is 100% valid, then you will have to spend some time over the Internet, doing research. This is the only way to make sure that the CPR and First Aid certification are reliable; keep in mind that a website that has guaranteed several courses for CPR is to be trusted, especially if they are backed by a reputable organization, such as the American Safety Training Institute.Once you have found a website that provides online CPR certification, you can proceed towards finding out more information on the subject. You will see that there are websites that provide the CPR certification within a very short period of time, so that one does not waste too much time with such issues. Also, you can verify the reputability of a website by the number of people visiting the website all over again, looking for CPR recertification. This is because the CPR online certificate is valid only for a period of two years, the same thing being said about the online first aid certification. When you will see how many people are looking to become re-certified, you will definitely be convinced of the reputability of a particular website.When it comes to the online first aid certification, it is only normal that you ask yourself whether the certificate is accepted by your employer or not. The answer to this question is very simple, because both the first aid training and the CPR classes online are established under the guidelines of powerful associations so make sure the training follows national guidelines. So, if you have decided to sign up for the online CPR certification, there is no reason why your employer should not accept it. However, provided such things happen, you will see that there is a money back guarantee to cover such problems.One of the reasons why people are interested in getting their CPR certification over the Internet is because they do not have the necessary time to complete a regular course. So, if you are curious to find out how long it would take for you to complete a course, you should know that you can finish such a course in one to three hours, depending on how fast you pick up on the training material. If you cannot find three hours at once to get your CPR certification, then do not worry, because your own pace of learning will be respected. The training material can be accessed over the Internet over the course of an entire month by those who have signed up for first aid certification.If you are worried that you will not have enough money to pay for the online CPR certification, dont be. Given the importance of such a course and the need to become certified once more in two years, the specialists working for the website have discounted prices to offer to those interested in the CPR classes online. Just find the courage to go online and obtain the online CPR certification; you cannot know when the things learned about CPR and First Aid in general are going to prove useful and even essential for saving a persons life.

Airborne sedan smashes into dental office in Santa Ana, California, US

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A car accident involving the car occupants and a dentist’s office happened on Sunday night in Santa Ana, California. A white Nissan sedan which was apparently driving too fast hit the raised concrete median on the road, after which it was launched into the air, slamming straight into the wall of the second floor of a two-story dental practice building, where the car got wedged.

According to the police, the car approached from a side street. The room of the dental office penetrated by the sedan was used as a storage space. A fire department crane was used to extract the vehicle from the building, which took several hours.

There were two people in the sedan. One of them managed to escape from the hanging vehicle on his own, while the other one remained trapped inside it for over an hour. They were both hospitalized with minor injuries, according to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). According to the police, the driver of the car admitted narcotics use, and after toxicology tests the case is to be submitted to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.

The moment of the accident was captured by surveillance video from a bus which the car narrowly missed when becoming airborne.

According to OCFA spokesperson Captain Stephen Horner, there was a small fire after the crash, which was extinguished quickly.

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Kent Hovind’s April 2007 appeal denied

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kent Hovind‘s motion for acquittal was denied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007. Hovind, a Pensacola young Earth creationist and operator of Dinosaur Adventure Land, along with his wife, Jo Hovind, were found guilty in November 2006 on 58 federal counts of “willful failure” to payroll taxes, structuring bank withdrawals, and obstructing federal agents.

On January 19, 2007 Kent was sentenced to ten years in prison and ordered to pay US$640,000 in owed funds to the Internal Revenue Service, pay prosecution’s court costs of $7,078, and serve three years parole once released.

In his motion, Hovind had contended that under the rule in a case called United States v. Davenport the crime is not the individual withdrawals, but is instead the total transaction, also known as the “unit of the crime.” Thus, Hovind argued that in his case there was no “unit of the crime” “separate and distinct from the alleged act of withdrawing, and without such a separate amount to be structured [. . .] there could be no crime alleged, and no conviction on any charge in Counts 13 through 57.” The trial court rejected Hovind’s “unit of the crime” argument.

Had the judge ruled in Hovind’s favor his sentence would have reduced Hovind’s prison sentence from ten years to five years.

Jo Hovind sentencing was delayed pending the ruling on the motion. She will be sentenced soon though no date has been set.

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