World’s first double arm transplant undertaken in Munich

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A 54-year-old German farmer who lost both arms in a farming accident six years ago has become the first patient to receive a complete double arm transplant. The patient, whose name has not been released, underwent the operation at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, part of the Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München), last week; he is said to be recovering well.

The operation lasted 15 hours and was performed by a team of 40 specialists in Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Orthopedics and Anesthesiology, under the direction of the head of the Plastics and Hand Surgery department, Prof. Hans-Günther Machens, Dr. Christoph Höhnke (Head of Transplants, Senior Physician; Plastics and Hand Surgery) and Prof. Edgar Biemer, the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Clinic.

In a press statement released by the clinic, it was revealed that the patient had been thoroughly physically checked and had psychological counselling prior to the surgery to ensure he was mentally stable enough to cope with the procedure. Since completion of the surgery, the patient has been on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the new limbs.

Following the surgery, the press release from the clinic’s press manager, Dr. Tanja Schmidhofer, included the following statement:

The flow of blood was [re-]started in intervals of 20 minutes because the anaesthetists had to make sure that the patient would not suffer from the blood flowing back from the transplanted parts. No significant swelling was seen, nor indeed any ischemia (lack of blood flow to the tissues). This is a testament to the surgeons who established a fully functioning blood flow…the main nerves, the Musculocutaneus, Radial and Ulnar nerves were all attached and sewn together, and finally an external fixator was applied, with pins in the lower and upper arms, avoiding the risk of pressure points and sores. The operation was successfully completed after 15 hours.

Without the immuno-suppressant drugs given to the patient, the risk of there being a Graft-versus-Host Reaction or GvHR, would have been significant due to the upper arm containing a large amount of bone marrow, consisting of ICC’s or Immuno-Competent Cells, which would have triggered a near total rejection of the new limbs. A GvHR is a condition which results in the cells from the transplant attacking the immune system of the body.

Indications from the clinic suggest that the double attachment went well, although it could be up to 2 full years before the patient is able to move the arms.

The donor arms came from an unnamed teenager, who is believed to have died in a car accident.

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Immigration Detainees on Hunger Strike in Oxford UK

Thursday, June 15, 2006

One hundred and twenty detainees at an immigration removal centre in Oxford, UK, are on hunger strike. The protest started when some detainees refused breakfast on Wednesday 14th June 2006. A letter from the hunger strikers explaining why they are seeking to draw attention to their plight in this way has been reproduced in full below.

Those detained at the centre are mostly men who have sought asylum in the UK and whose asylum applications have been rejected. These people are then held without knowing how long they will be detained for – some end up being held for many years while awaiting deportation.

The removal centre, known as Campsfield, or Campsfield House is approximately 5 miles north of Oxford and has been in operation since 1993. It was managed on behalf of the UK Government by Global Solutions Limited, until may 2006 when it was taken on by GEO UK, the centre has a capacity of 198. Only males are detained at Campsfield.

According to the campaign group Barbed Wire Britain Over 2,600 individuals, mostly asylum seekers, are detained indefinitely in the UK without trial and with no automatic right to bail.

There have been reports in the UK press of the state taking people to detention centres without notice, in the early hours of the morning using excessively heavy handed tactics, taking children out of schools and separating families.

Many UK people and politicians express their disgust at the way detainees are treated, yet it continues. Perhaps this action by the detainees themselves will further highlight their plight and result in more UK electors writing to their MPs and demanding improvements to the way in which rejected asylum seekers are treated.

“We are detainees at Campsfield removal centre in Oxford. Most of us have been here for a long while now. There are people who have been detained for up to two years and down to three months. We are cramped in here like animals. We are treated like animals and moved around different detention centres like animals. The immigration service have taken husbands from their families and taken people who ran away from persecution in their various countries, and dumped everyone in here.

Once you are put in here the immigration service forget you. There are detainees who have applied to go back to their own countries that are still being held here for months without any news about their cases, just so that the private security companies get more money.

Detainees are asked to seek asylum and then refused. The immigration service also ask detainees to apply for bail. When you get a bail hearing date all of a sudden they serve you with removal papers that are not valid. There are many of these situations. In most cases the immigration service don’t take you to your court hearings. And then they tell the judges you refused to turn up, just so the hearing goes ahead in your absence. Many detainees have been served with removal papers and travel documents but nothing happens on the removal day.

Campsfield has become a slave house. We detainees are treated like slaves, to do odd jobs for officers. Detainees are handcuffed to see doctors or dentists in hospitals or clinic appointments. We have some racist security officers who make racist comments to detainees and go out of their way to make you feel like committing suicide. Detainees have to be at the point of death before they get to see the doctors.

The food is not worth eating. Even dogs would refuse to eat what we eat. But we don’t have a choice; every single day we eat the same food (the food we eat is rice, chicken, sandwiches, and left-over eggs)”.

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Surgeons reattach boy’s three severed limbs

Tuesday, March 29, 2005A team of Australian surgeons yesterday reattached both hands and one foot to 10-year-old Perth boy, Terry Vo, after a brick wall which collapsed during a game of basketball fell on him, severing the limbs. The wall gave way while Terry performed a slam-dunk, during a game at a friend’s birthday party.

The boy was today awake and smiling, still in some pain but in good spirits and expected to make a full recovery, according to plastic surgeon, Mr Robert Love.

“What we have is parts that are very much alive so the reattached limbs are certainly pink, well perfused and are indeed moving,” Mr Love told reporters today.

“The fact that he is moving his fingers, and of course when he wakes up he will move both fingers and toes, is not a surprise,” Mr Love had said yesterday.

“The question is more the sensory return that he will get in the hand itself and the fine movements he will have in the fingers and the toes, and that will come with time, hopefully. We will assess that over the next 18 months to two years.

“I’m sure that he’ll enjoy a game of basketball in the future.”

The weight and force of the collapse, and the sharp brick edges, resulted in the three limbs being cut through about 7cm above the wrists and ankle.

Terry’s father Tan said of his only child, the injuries were terrible, “I was scared to look at him, a horrible thing.”

The hands and foot were placed in an ice-filled Esky and rushed to hospital with the boy, where three teams of medical experts were assembled, and he was given a blood transfusion after experiencing massive blood loss. Eight hours of complex micro-surgery on Saturday night were followed by a further two hours of skin grafts yesterday.

“What he will lose because it was such a large zone of traumatised skin and muscle and so on, he will lose some of the skin so he’ll certainly require lots of further surgery regardless of whether the skin survives,” said Mr Love said today.

The boy was kept unconscious under anaesthetic between the two procedures. In an interview yesterday, Mr Love explained why:

“He could have actually been woken up the next day. Because we were intending to take him back to theatre for a second look, to look at the traumatised skin flaps, to close more of his wounds and to do split skin grafting, it was felt the best thing to do would be to keep him stable and to keep him anaesthetised.”

Professor Wayne Morrison, director of the respected Bernard O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery and head of plastic and hand surgery at Melbourne’s St Vincent’s Hospital, said he believed the operation to be a world first.

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5 Easy Ways To Extend The Life Of Roses In A Vase | Melbourne Fresh Flowers

Quick Tips & Tricks to Increase the Life of Roses in a Vase

Roses are among the most presented blossoms that everyone loves to receive. The freshness and the vibrant presence of roses are unmatchable. That’s the reason; we keep searching for effective rose care advice to keep them fresh as much as possible. You will find a long list of ultimate guides for what to do and what not to do. To simplify it for you and save time, we have picked the best rose flower care tips that will let you extend the life of roses while they are kept in a vase.

Buy fresh blossoms only

How much time the roses will stay fresh depends on what condition the flowers were bought. Whenever you buy flowers online, ask your florist to send from the latest batch as they will last longer. If you are buying them from your nearest florist, carefully pick fresh flowers.

  • Avoid buying blossoms that have yellow or pale leaves. Figuring out the freshest batch of roses at your florist shop is easier than you think:
  • Make sure that the receptacle (which is the thickened area of the stem) is substantial and the rose head is not leaning on any side.
  • Pay your focus on leaves before you pick your favorite color roses for your loved one. If you notice the leaves are wilted or have holes in them, ignore such blossoms.

Petals of the blossoms need to be dense, fresh, and colorful. When you buy roses from your florist in Malvern, check the leaves from the middle part of it. If they are healthy and dense from the middle, they are safe to buy.

A clean vase is a boon for your loved roses.

Many people ignore the fact that just like us, flowers also need fresh air and water for survival, blossoms also need a clean environment. Take a glass vase and wash it with a pinch of baking soda to remove any present impurities. A dirty vase can lead towards the germination of bacteria which ultimately degrades the life of roses.

  • Fill the glass vase with luke-warm water and add a little bit of baking soda and vinegar. This fizzy combination will make the vase ‘rose-ready’. Once the washing is done, take a soft cotton cloth to wipe the vase properly.
  • Some people also crush a few aspirin tablets and add them to the vase while filling water. This keeps the water fresh for a longer time.
  • The right water level also matters when it comes to extending the life of blossoms. Never fill the vase to its fullest capacity as florals will decay faster. It’s among the best flower care tips you can use to keep them fresh.

So, next time when you receive your doorstep flower delivery in Melbourne or in another city you live, always make sure the vase is ready for use.

Trimming the stems

When you order Christmas Flowers in bulk, sometimes it becomes overwhelming to keep all of them fresh for a longer time. Trimming and changing water are two simple steps you can follow to extend the life of cut roses.

  • Prolong the life of cut flowers by changing their water every alternate day. The simple rule is— whenever you change vase water, cut the step by almost an inch. The science behind this is quite simple, the shorter the stem, the longer the rose life.
  • While you cut the step, don’t cut it flat, always trim them at a 45 angle. Doing this helps flowers to circulate water in a better way.
  • Cut the stems of roses under running water or inside a bucket full of room temperature water. This little extra thing doesn’t block the xylem capillaries. It’s a significant part of a useful flower care guide that you can follow for longer rose life.

For this festive season, you can also order a poinsettia in Melbourne to deck up your place with this exotic novelty. This plant goes well with your other charming Christmas decor.

Other important fresh flower care tips

  • Another simple way to extend the life of cut flowers kept in a vase is by removing the leaves from the stem. Removing the leaves ensures the roses and other flowers will not rot faster.
  • Leaves that are submerged in water for too long lead towards faster decay, and it impacts the entire floral arrangement. So whenever you buy or send flowers online, always remove the leaves before decorating.
  • While keeping the rose arrangement in a vase, make sure the temperature is cold, and they are not in direct contact with sunlight. Too much direct light can damage the rose or any other flower’s petals faster.
  • Never keep any blossom in the fridge for more than 24 hours as it will do more damage to them. Always first, remove the wrap and let them rest in freshwater. So, whenever you get your upcoming flower delivery in Melbourne or another city, make sure they have a favorable environment.

This festive season, extend the life of your lovely roses by following the above easy steps. Send flowers in Melbourne to your loved ones and give them a sweet surprise. And yes, don’t forget to share these simple tips with them.

Oral Roberts University accountant claims he was ordered to “cook the books”

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A former accountant for Oral Roberts University (ORU) has filed a lawsuit against ORU and its Board of Regents claiming he was told by Richard Roberts and his wife Lindsay to “cook the books”, hiding financial wrongdoing from authorities and the public. Trent Huddleston, the accountant, has filed suit against the school and the Robertses claiming he “was improperly and unlawfully directed to perform functions and duties in violation of state and federal law in an effort by the defendants to ‘cook the books’ and hide from the appropriate authorities and the public the continued wrongdoing, improper and illegal conduct of the defendants, and in particular, of Richard and Lindsay Roberts.”

Huddleston said that nearly $123,000 in remodeling fees for their home was paid by Oral Roberts University and Oral Roberts Ministries. In addition the lawsuit alleges $4,000 was spent on a pool table for the Robertses. Previously the Roberts were accused of illegal political and financial wrongdoing, which forced the president to step down from his positison.

Last week at a meeting called by Oral Roberts, founder of the University and former faith healer, a majority of the faculty voted against allowing Richard to serve as president.

An ORU spokesman declined to comment on latest lawsuit and the faculty meeting.

In other news, Tulsa World released emails between Richard and his political adviser and sister-in-law, Stephanie Cantees. The emails given by an anonymous source, show the two plan to gain political influence using ORU students.

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Play N Party Drug: Crystal Meth

By Steve Clark

Crystal meth is an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities. Crystal meth is one street form of the drug, methamphetamine hydrochloride, which comes in clear, chunky crystals, which are then inhaled or smoked. It can be easily produced in small, clandestine labs, sometimes in a kitchen or bathroom, by mixing a cocktail of about 15 substances, mostly pseudoephedrine (a cold remedy), red phosphorous and iodine, but also including ammonia, paint thinner, ether, Drano and the lithium from batteries. This has made crystal meth a widespread problem in the United States and many people have found themselves addicted to this powerful drug.

It is known by many names such as “ice,” “speed,” “meth,” “crank,” “glass,” and others but often has the same disastrous results on the individual taking the drug. It is a white powder that tastes bitter but is odorless in its powdered form. The drug can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed to deliver the high.

According to mental health workers, police and research scientists, the people who use crystal meth include:

Large numbers of rural and small town poor across North America. Some young people in the rave and dance scene. Some young people who want to lose weight. Gay males involved in the dance scene or who frequent bathhouses.

Addiction experts say crystal meth first became popular in poor areas of rural North America for a number of reasons. It was a cheap high and, in initial stages of use, it actually gave the energy that allowed the user to keep working. It was also considered “cool” by young people who did not have big-city connections to other street drugs.

A recent Statistics Canada survey of teenagers showed that among those who answered questions about drug use:


34 per cent had tried marijuana. 4 per cent had used ecstasy. 3 per cent had used crack cocaine. 2 per cent had used crystal meth. 1 per cent had used heroin.

Effects of Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is an amphetamine drug that both stimulates and disinhibits, and like all amphetamines it can increase your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, raise your body temperature and cause seizures. Viagra dilates your blood vessels, and the overall stress on your heart from combining these drugs can put a dangerous strain on your heart, increasing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. For HIV Positive, its thought, meth use carries other health risks. Doctors are concerned that crystal meths interaction with HAART could result in an accidental meth overdose.

HIV positive meth users become ill more quickly than they would have otherwise, take longer to recover from infections and respond poorly to HIV treatments.

Crystal use has already had serious consequences for the US gay community and is all too rapidly spreading through the UK. It has been around for a while, but with new drugs like Viagra overcoming crystals tendency to make you temporarily impotent, despite being horny, its never been more popular. Meth users experience a feeling of exhilaration, alertness and heightened sexual desire.

US call it PNP (Party n Play), in the UK we call it chem sex, but it means the same – taking drugs to enhance 1-2-1 or group sex. Crystal meth already has the ability to disinhibit and increase sexual desire; add other drugs into the mix and invite real trouble. Crystal meth makes people horny but it also makes it difficult to get a hard on, says Dr Gavin Yamey, senior editor of US medical journal PloS Medicine. Thats why some crystal meth users also take Viagra.

Gay men mix Viagra with crystal meth, in addition to other party drugs, at circuit parties, according to a study by the federal Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Gay men use erectile dysfunction drugs to combine with common party drugs such as crystal meth, amyl nitrates (poppers), ketamine, gamma-hydroxybutyrate or gamma-butyrolactone (GHB-GBL), and ecstasy, according to a December 2001 study by the CDC.

An HIV positive man from Edinburgh encounter with crystal meth at a sex party led to a three-day sex marathon which left him unable to sleep for five days. He finally collapsed with convulsions and fever.

Crystal smashes through the inhibition, the hurt. It makes you feel like superman. Condoms and safer sex is the last thing going through your head. It was also a ticking time bomb for which drug agencies were ill-prepared.

Teen deaths associated with drug use and nightclub events (raves) have amplified the general publics awareness to party drugs and their dangerous effects. Most medical emergencies that occur at raves are caused by heat stroke and exhaustion due to overexertion and disregard for well-being, both of which may result from drug use.

Health Risks

Overuse can bring on paranoia, short term memory loss, wild rages and mood swings as well as damage to your immune system. As far as we know, it is not physically addictive, although many have quickly developed a very strong psychological and damaging dependence for the drug.

Overdosing can lead to severe convulsions followed by circulatory and respiratory collapse, coma and death. Some people have died after taking small doses.


Keep in mind that these drugs are dangerous when combined with antidepressants or AIDS medication, or Viagra, which is used to counteract the temporary Erectile Dysfunction caused by some drugs, or when injected using contaminated needles. Combining these drugs with alcohol increases the risk for injury and death.

About the Author: Steve Clark, A Well known online publisher and has published lot of articles on Men’s Health Problems.


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Construction for Romania-Italy pipeline to start in 2007

 Correction — August 24, 2015 This article incorrectly describes BP as ‘British Petroleum’. In fact, such a company has not existed for many years as BP dropped this name when becoming a multinational company. The initials no longer stand for anything. 

Monday, February 28, 2005

Bucharest, Romania — The construction of the oil pipeline linking Constan?a, Romania with Trieste, Italy could commence as soon as 2007, claims Eugen Tapu, the Romanian State Secretary in the Economy and Trade Ministry. The exact date will depend on how fast the countries involved in the project can sign the project.

The pipeline will run from Constan?a, Romania’s largest port on the Black Sea, through Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia before ending up in Trieste, northern Italy. Tapu named Chevron Texaco, British Petroleum and OMV among the companies interested in the project.

The oil pipeline is expected to cost Romania 1.9 billion euro.

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Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In February 2017, the Iranian Chess Federation announced two teenage chess players, Dorsa Derakhshani and her younger brother Borna Derakhshani, were banned from representing the national team. The federation announced their decision although Dorsa Derakhshani had previously decided and informed the chess federation she did not wish to play for Iran.

Dorsa Derakhshani is currently 21 years old and holds the International Master (IM) as well as Woman Grand Master (WGM) titles. Her brother, Borna, plays for the English Federation and holds the FIDE Master title.

Dorsa Derakhshani was banned since she did not wear a hijab, an Islamic headscarf, while competing at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival in January 2017. Under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran, hijab is a mandatory dress code. Her brother Borna Deraskhsani was banned for playing against Israeli Grand Master (GM) Alexander Huzman at the same tournament. Iran does not recognise the existence of Israel, and previously, Irani athletes have avoided playing against Israeli athletes.

Mehrdad Pahlavanzadeh, the president of the country’s chess federation, explained the decision to ban the players saying, “As a first step, these two will be denied entry to all tournaments taking place in Iran and in the name of Iran, they will no longer be allowed the opportunity to be present on the national team.” ((fa))Farsi language: ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ????. He further stated, “Unfortunately, something that should not have happened has happened and our national interest is paramount and we have reported this position to the Ministry of Sports.” ((fa))Farsi language: ????????? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????.

IM Dorsa Derakhshani, who currently studies at Saint Louis University in the United States and plays for the United States Chess Federation, discussed her chess career, time in Iran and the 2017 controversy, and her life in Saint Louis with a Wikinews correspondent.

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Sadr City suicide bomber uses fruit truck to kill 66 on market day

Sunday, July 2, 2006

A suicide bomber exploded a truck bomb in the crowded Al-Ula market in Sadr City in Baghdad on Saturday, killing 66 people and injuring over a 100.

‘At the beginning of this market, the criminal blew up his dynamite-packed truck after trying to go over the pavement,’ said Iraq’s Deputy Health Minister Sabah al-Hussein.

The explosion happened when a police patrol was passing by and caused heavy casualties in the morning market rush. Some shoppers were sent flying on top of nearby two-storey buildings.

The force of the blast left a large crater and wreckage of blown-out cars and windowless buildings. Rescuers were left to pick through a sickening scene of human remains mixed in with exploded vegetable matter and dead animals.

Sadr City, a Shiite city of two million in which religious leader Moqtada Sadr has found popular support, had many times before been targeted by Sunni terrorists who were blamed by some residents for this attack.

It was the deadliest bombing of civilians since Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki‘s government assumed responsibility for domestic security in May 2006.

Experts said the truck bomb was a lethal concoction of explosives, shells and shrapnel hidden under a consignment of fruit. The driver of the truck blew himself up in the explosion.

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When To Consult With A Business Law De Kalb Il Attorney


From time to time, all local businesses need to consult with a business law DeKalb IL attorney. Issues including employment, taxes, leases, vendor negotiations, debt settlements or collections, and partnership squabbles can be handled expertly by an experienced business attorney. Unfortunately, most small businesses wait until there is a crisis prior to developing a relationship with an attorney. These crises can adversely affect the bottom line of the business not only financially, but as a chief distraction to owners and managers. In DeKalb IL, there are several business law attorneys to choose from to help navigate your business’ legal challenges.

Debt Collection

If one of your clients owes you money from a past due bill and you have been unsuccessful in collecting, it is time to consult with a business law attorney in DeKalb. Often times, a strongly worded letter from your attorney can do the trick in receiving full payment or establishing an equitable payment plan. Small claims court, mediation, and arbitration can be used for smaller claims; however it is advised that you seek legal representation to help you secure the funds that are rightfully due to you.

Debt Consolidation

If your business is struggling to make ends meet and debt payments are paralyzing your business growth consultation with a business law attorney can help to ease your current financial situation. Today, many businesses and organizations are willing to negotiate debt consolidations to help you and your business thrive during this tough economic climate. A business law DeKalb IL attorney can help you navigate through the process of consolidating your debts and ensuring your business’ economic viability.


If you are in presently in a wage, benefit, or other dispute with a current or former employee, doesn’t delay in contacting an attorney. Employment laws vary greatly by state, and a local attorney in your area that has experience in business employment law must be your first call. Additionally, if is wise when setting up a business to consult with a business law attorney that will help you create the policies within your business and protect you from future employment challenges. An understanding of both state and federal labor laws is vital to your business’ long-term success.

It is recommended that small businesses establish a relationship with a business law attorney from the beginning. However, many wait until a crises drives them to find a qualified attorney. When selecting an attorney it is important to remember that this is a relationship that often times can last for months, or years. Good communication is essential to the effectiveness of the relationship. Ask friends, colleagues and your professional network for recommendations and research each fully. During your initial consultation, ask about billing practices, hourly rates, and additional fees.

The sooner you get the details out of the way, the sooner you will have legal representation. While you have many choices for business law attorneys, look for developing a relationship with one that has expertise, great communication skills, and fair rates.