Selectingthe Best Kinds Of Basement Flooring For Your Household}

Selectingthe Best Kinds of Basement Flooring For Your Household


Vikram Kumar

Looking to find a basement floor? There are numerous options that initially, were not available. Making your choice of the best floor for any basement is a pretty daunting task as there is a wide selection to pick from.

A number of people believe that laminate flooring is the easiest technique for a basement. Laminate floors are a great option for cellars, however, they are not the best there could be. For those with a limited spending budget and those setting basement floors themselves, they are likely to have the thought that it is an affordable option. However, you are bound to like the on-line flooring offers where you can access bamboo and hardwood floors and vinyl planks.

Search online if you would like hardwood inside the basement flooring. You are set on discovering designed wood flooring and even click hardwood flooring for as low as you could possibly imagine. For cellars, solid hardwood is not often recommended. You may however still get wood flooring suitable for cellars. Nowadays, designed flooring is robust, spectacular and plain, great options for concrete foundation hardwood installations.


A brand new flooring type with recycled HDF core as well as veneer of actual bamboo or wood forms a substitute option. Besides combining the impact resistance and ease of installation of laminate flooring, the click made HDF offers a natural material on the first look. These flooring are amazing for cellars and are amazing on each sides.

Moisture is a problem for most cellars. In areas with greater groundwater levels, low lying areas and areas close to the coast for instance, this is actually the situation. Moisture can ruin the ground, whether for a basement or even for a family members are in a Florida beach home.

As the floorings listed above are approved basement flooring or approved for hardwood installations better than concrete subfloors, cellars that receive extreme moisture or those that are vulnerable to flooding may need the introduction of a moisture barrier. It is prudent to create one; nevertheless, given the fact that concrete contains water, it releases it with the change in weather. By introducing a moisture barrier, evaporation will be held and water stopped from penetrating the ground.

If you value the feel of real wood and have realized that moisture is certainly a thing to worry about and are therefore concerned about the harm that may be caused on the floor, be sure there is hope for you. You may find luxury vinyl or click vinyl planks awesome. These vinyl basement flooring are considerably easy to install as they are far tougher than conventional sheet vinyl flooring. It is not often recommendable for non-professionals to install sheet vinyl which is very different from click vinyl planks that can be installed by anyone in the basement or any other place. Moreover, the available wood designs give a much more real hardwood appearance as compared to what they are. Differentiating them is not often easy.

Most of the click

basement flooring

are guaranteed to withstand moisture damage and cannot be penetrated by water. For anywhere moisture is a cause to worry such as kitchen areas and lavatories, they are the perfect

cork flooring in kitchen


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Selectingthe Best Kinds of Basement Flooring For Your Household}

World’s first double arm transplant undertaken in Munich

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A 54-year-old German farmer who lost both arms in a farming accident six years ago has become the first patient to receive a complete double arm transplant. The patient, whose name has not been released, underwent the operation at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, part of the Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München), last week; he is said to be recovering well.

The operation lasted 15 hours and was performed by a team of 40 specialists in Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Orthopedics and Anesthesiology, under the direction of the head of the Plastics and Hand Surgery department, Prof. Hans-Günther Machens, Dr. Christoph Höhnke (Head of Transplants, Senior Physician; Plastics and Hand Surgery) and Prof. Edgar Biemer, the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Clinic.

In a press statement released by the clinic, it was revealed that the patient had been thoroughly physically checked and had psychological counselling prior to the surgery to ensure he was mentally stable enough to cope with the procedure. Since completion of the surgery, the patient has been on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the new limbs.

Following the surgery, the press release from the clinic’s press manager, Dr. Tanja Schmidhofer, included the following statement:

The flow of blood was [re-]started in intervals of 20 minutes because the anaesthetists had to make sure that the patient would not suffer from the blood flowing back from the transplanted parts. No significant swelling was seen, nor indeed any ischemia (lack of blood flow to the tissues). This is a testament to the surgeons who established a fully functioning blood flow…the main nerves, the Musculocutaneus, Radial and Ulnar nerves were all attached and sewn together, and finally an external fixator was applied, with pins in the lower and upper arms, avoiding the risk of pressure points and sores. The operation was successfully completed after 15 hours.

Without the immuno-suppressant drugs given to the patient, the risk of there being a Graft-versus-Host Reaction or GvHR, would have been significant due to the upper arm containing a large amount of bone marrow, consisting of ICC’s or Immuno-Competent Cells, which would have triggered a near total rejection of the new limbs. A GvHR is a condition which results in the cells from the transplant attacking the immune system of the body.

Indications from the clinic suggest that the double attachment went well, although it could be up to 2 full years before the patient is able to move the arms.

The donor arms came from an unnamed teenager, who is believed to have died in a car accident.

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Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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In Pain? Seek Pain Management In Moore, Oklahoma

byAlma Abell

No one wants to live a life of pain. To some, it is a constant, never ending source of unhappiness and agony. It’s time to call Dr. Darryl D. Robinson who offers the Pain Management Moore, Oklahoma residents need. Testimonials of patients who can now live a life free of pain and who are able to get out and walk with loved ones, swim or do gardening in the back yard, are pouring in. Dr. Robinson uses methods such as Integrative Medicine, which deals with inflammation in the body contributing to chronic pain.

Through Integrative Medicine, he offers supervision of nutritional supplements that actually help cut down on stress, build up the immune system and lessen the amount of inflammation in the body. Metabolic and micronutrient testing is also completed when evaluating his patients, along with a medically supervised weight loss program. The highest quality advancements in medicine are utilized by Dr. Robinson’s clinic and staff. He will go over your health issues with you at the time of your first appointment.

When you call the number on the screen for your first appointment, you’ll be able to download new patient forms to fill out before reaching the office. This will save a lot of time if they’re completed beforehand. You can also read about the types of treatments available for specific areas of pain in the body, including fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, migraine headaches and whiplash. All of these ailments are treated by Dr. Robinson who will go over the type of treatment he feels you need to alleviate your pain.

The pain management service Moore residents are choosing uses measures to treat the spine, neck, back and hips other treatment centers do not. The doctor utilizes non-invasive methods of treatments such as injections to specific areas of the spine that, many times, lessen pain in patients in just one treatment. Many conventional treatments actually increase pain by causing more inflammation, sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis, and even depression. Patients are tired of swallowing pills to deaden the pain they feel each day and are searching for a natural method of getting rid of pain.

Call the Pain Management Moore residents are also choosing for your appointment today, and be on the way to a pain free life in the very near future. For more information contact Darryl D Robinson.

George Bush proposes economic growth package worth up to US$150 billion

Saturday, January 19, 2008

George W. Bush, the president of the United States has suggested an economic growth package that could be worth almost 1% of the United States’ GDP (the US GDP is appoximately US$15 trillion). The package is expected to come in the form of tax cuts.

In a speech which took place yesterday Mr.Bush said that the economy is an area of “real concern,” to the US government. He added that the US “economy is still creating jobs, though at a reduced pace.”

Democrats want the tax refunds to cover payroll taxes paid by lower-income groups and be combined with more unemployment benefits, food stamps and federal aid to states. It warned against bundling proposals to make Bush’s first term tax cuts permanent with the stimulus package, and the Bush administration has separated the two in this proposal.

When announcing the proposal George Bush said that “as Congress considers such a plan, there are certain principles that must guide its deliberations: This growth package must be big enough to make a difference in an economy as large and dynamic as ours — which means it should be about 1 percent of GDP.” He added that “this growth package must be built on broad-based tax relief that will directly affect economic growth — and not the kind of spending projects that would have little immediate impact on our economy. This growth package must be temporary and take effect right away — so we can get help to our economy when it needs it most.” He also added that he believed the package “must not include any tax increases.”

This growth package must be big enough to make a difference in an economy as large and dynamic as ours — which means it should be about 1 percent of GDP

In the speech George Bush also made it clear that he believes the package should be passed through congress quickly. He said that his belief was that by passing the package through congress quickly would “provide a shot in the arm to keep a fundamentally strong economy healthy. And it will help keep economic sectors that are going through adjustments, such as the housing market, from adversely affecting other parts of our economy.”

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Floods in South Africa wreak havoc

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Torrential rains and floods in the North West and Gauteng provinces of South Africa have caused disruption, government bodies said earlier today.

The Greater Taung Local Municipality said a disaster area was declared, after 150 homes were affected and one person was confirmed dead from flooding.

Residents were warned to keep away from bridges and rivers, and to drive carefully in the inclement weather. Water Affairs spokesperson Mava Scott commented that “people in the low lying areas should be alerted.”

The Vaal Dam, meanwhile, was at 105% full, after six sluice gates were opened. Three more are expected to be opened soon, according to the South African Press Association. The Bloemhof Dam in North West province is 112% full, with flood gates having been opened there earlier today.

Officials encouraged people to remove their boats and pumps, as water flow would not be predictable. “It will also be rather dangerous for people to go too near to the river’s embankments during this time,” Superintendent Eugene Opperman noted.

Meanwhile, roads to places such as Manokwane, Lokaleng, Khibitswane, Mokgareng, and Pudimoe, were also inundated with water. 800 mine workers from East Rand Mines were evacuated as well.

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June jobs report shows rising US unemployment, economic outlook worsens

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The June jobs report for the US shows job growth has almost halted while the unemployment rate rose from 9.1% to 9.2%, much higher than March’s figure of 8.8%. Employers added only 18,000 new jobs, far fewer than the average of 215,000 per month added from February to April. These numbers add to fears that the economic recovery has stalled.

Analysts were predicting the job growth number for June to reach 125,000, according to a CNN poll.

It’s just an across-the-board retreat. This is two months of really scary reports.

Additionally, the figures for May were revised downward from 54,000 to 25,000 for a two month downward trend. To keep up with normal population growth, the US economy needs to increase the available jobs by 150,000 monthly. Only one fifth of the 8.8 million jobs lost since 2008 when the recession began have been added.

There was no encouraging news in the report. Government jobs fell by 39,000, and construction jobs remained stalled. Manufacturing added an anemic 6,000 jobs. The temporary-job industry lost positions for the third straight month. The average work week was reduced by 0.1 hours to 34.3. And the average hourly salary for private sector workers fell by one cent.

I view this number as a call to action. This number illustrates this thing that we knew, which is we’ve got to get the growth rate up.

The total number of unemployed people remains around 14.1 million, and 6.3 million have been unemployed at least six months.

“It’s just an across-the-board retreat,” said Heidi Shierholz, labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute. “This is two months of really scary reports.”

In an interview, Austan Goolsbee, Barack Obama’s chief economist said, “I view this number as a call to action. This number illustrates this thing that we knew, which is we’ve got to get the growth rate up. … When you see jobs reports like this, that should make it clear that we need to stop bickering, and get these things done.”

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All New Trucks For 2006

Submitted by: Debbie Pettitt

This may be a refresher course for some of you since the 2006 models have been out for awhile, but here are reviews of some of the newly-introduced 2006 pickup trucks, from small size to mega size as well as a couple limited additions for 2006.

For a small-size truck, Isuzu has introduced the all new i-280 and i-350. The i-280 is a two door, 2WD model with an extended cab, 2.8-liter, 4 cylinder I-4 (in-line 4-cylinder) engine with 175 HP, 185 lbs-ft of torque and a max payload of 1532 lbs. It comes with a standard 5-speed manual transmission (4-speed automatic is optional). Safety features on this model are optional and it comes with 3 optional packages. Pricing starts at $14,239.

The i-350 is a four door, 4WD model with a crew cab, 3.5-liter I-5 engine with 220 HP, max payload of 1190 lbs and a tow rating of 4000 lbs. It comes with a 4-speed automatic transmission, and expanded list of standard amenities and an optional limited package with upgrades including power-heated seats, 6-disc CD changer and leather seats. Pricing starts at $24,608.

In the mid-size range, we have the Mitsubishi Raider. Mitsubishi offers the Raider in a 3.7 liter V6 with 210 HP and 235 lbs-ft of torque or a 4.7-liter V8 with 230 HP (a leader in it’s class) and 290 lbs-ft of torque. The Raider comes either with an extended cab with small access doors or a double cab 4-door. You can choose between 2WD or 4WD with 3 transmissions, 6-speed manual, 4-speed automatic or 5-speed automatic. The Raider sports rack-and-pinion steering and tows up to 6500 lbs. One trendy option offered on the Raider is it’s High Output Audio Package, with a 508-watt audio system including a 6-disc CD changer with MP3 capability, 9 speakers and Sirius Satellite radio. Pricing starts at $19,180.

Where do we put the Honda Ridgeline? It’s in a class all it’s own. This pickup is designed for comfort for everyday driving but it’s also tough enough to keep up with the “big boys” in towing and payload demands. Ridgeline comes in 4WD only, with a 3.5-liter V6, 247 HP and 252 lbs-ft of torque. It has a total payload of 1550 with it’s 8.5 cubic foot bed and 5000 lb. towing capacity. It seats 5 easily with 4 full-size doors. It’s also the only 4WD pickup to achieve the highest government crash test rating (5 stars) for both frontal and side impact tests. It also has a unique dual-action tailgatge which swings down like most pickups but also swings to the side. Pricing starts at $27,700.


In the full size truck category, we have the new Dodge Ram Mega Cab. Ok, the Dodge Ram isn’t new, but with the largest pickup cab ever at 143.2 cubic feet and 111.1 inches long, it certainly is worth mentioning. The Mega Cab has a total seating capacity of 6 and, depending on which model you’re looking at, comes in a 2WD or 4WD. The 5.7-liter Hemi V8 has 345 HP and comes in a 5 speed automatic, rear or 4WD, with 375 lbs-ft of torque. The 5.9-liter Cummins Turbo Diesel six-cylinder comes in a 6 speed manual, with 325 HP and 610 lbs-ft of torque.

Of course, what is distintive about this truck is not only it’s mega cab, but the exceptional storage space it provides as well. The cab has been lengthened by 20 inches. With folding rear seats, you’ll find 7.5 cubic feet of storage beind the rear seat. On the comfort side, the rear-seat bench also reclines. Built tough to handle almost anything, the Mega Cab also offers luxury options such as a rear-seat DVD entertainment system, power sunroof and full-screen navigation system. So there you have it – mega power, mega space, mega luxury. That’s ONE MEGA TRUCK! Pricing starts at $32,760.

There are also two new limited-edition trucks for 2006:

Chevy Silverado Intimidator SS

This limited-edition truck is a collaboration between Chevrolet and Dale Earnhardt Incorporated. The Intimidator comes with a race-inspired spoiler, unique silver front grille and a lowered ride height, not to mention the performance-tuned suspension, two-stage multi-leaf springs, Tenneco shock absorbers, a stiffer front stabilizer bar and stiffer front jounce bumpers.

The exterior is complete with a black monochromatic color scheme and 20-inch chrome wheels. The Vortec 6000 V8 engine has 345 HP and 380 lbs-ft of torque. Based on the 2006 Silverado SS, the Intimidator also has available features such as a 4-speed electronically controlled transmission, 3.73 final drive ratio, locking differential, cruise control, split bench seats, power seat adjuster, power windows, rear-wheel, 2-wheel rear drive as well as other amenities available on the 2006 Silverado SS.

The interior features Dale Earnhardt’s signature on the white-faced gauge cluster, black leather seats, plenty of Intimidator badging and Dale Earnhardt’s Legacy logo embossed into the headrests. Chevrolet only plans to have 1,333 of these beauties in production, and a portion of every sale is going to the Dale Earnhardt Foundation.

The 2006 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150 SuperCab

In a continued collaboration between Ford and Harley-Davidson, this limited-edition truck features a 5.4-liter, three-valve Triton V8 engine with a specially tuned exhaust system, 300 HP and 365 lbs-ft of torque.

The SuperCab sports a 6 1/2-ft. Styleside bed, smoked-out tail lamps, blacked-out bumper, chrome tie-down hooks, slash-cut chrome exhaust, chrome billet grille, blacked-out headlamps and badging on the fenders and tailgate. Other stand-out features are the special chin spoiler and it’s mammoth 22-inch polished aluminum rims with split 5-spoke design, a first for the F-150.

The SuperCab exudes power with it’s black and chrome color scheme. The exterior high-gloss piano black is accented with LOTS of chrome, giving it an aggressive, albeit stylish look that sets it apart.

Accenting the interior, you’ll find once again the high-gloss piano black with splashes of chrome highlights on the instruments, handles, vent rings, floor shifter and door pulls. Black leather front captain’s chairs and the Harley-Davidson logo give styling to the SuperCab in the spirit of the Harley motorcycle. Ford and Harley-Davidson plan a production of only 10,000 SuperCabs.

About the Author: Debbie Pettitt is webmaster for Truck Extravaganza, featuring both new and used trucks, custom and classic trucks, truck parts and truck accessories. For more information on these and other trucks, parts and accessories, visit



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French Workers stay at home for Whit Monday

Monday, May 16, 2005

In France, workers by the millions stayed at home during the Whit Monday holiday despite the government’s cancellation of the traditional Pentecost public holiday. Some acted in defiance of the government’s decision, while some took leave or were put on forced leave by their employers due to uncertainties of public transportation.

Following the 2003 heat wave, which caused the deaths of an estimated 13,000 elderly people in France, the administration of prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin has proposed the suppression of one day of public holiday in order to use the supplemental generated tax for a fund for the caring of the elderly.

Whit Monday was selected because, in normal years, France has several public holidays in May. Furthermore, attendance of religious celebrations is low, so holidays of a religious origin are nowadays generally mere family reunions.

However, the reception of this new working day was mixed. The administration says it promotes solidarity with the elderly. Trade unions and opposition groups argue that the measure is an ill-conceived stunt aimed at hiding the government’s bad handling of the problems of the elderly.

For instance, many remember that in 1956, the government created a tax (the vignette) on motor vehicles, allegedly for funding measures for the elderly. But in 1973, the products of this tax came, as any other tax, into the government’s general fund.

With this measure, the French government intends to raise 2 billion to be donated to a new public establishment, the “national fund for solidarity for autonomy.” The new fund would be chartered to deal with losses of self-sufficiency of elderly or handicapped people. 1.2 billion € are earmarked for elderly people, 0.8 for the handicapped.

Trade unions had called for strikes in urban public transportation and paralyzed traffic in 27 cities, including Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Montpellier ou Strasbourg. However, SNCF (the national railway operator) did not strike and RATP (the Paris transportation authority) suffered only minor disturbances, though both are normally known for their frequent and disturbing strikes.

SNCF considered the day as a holiday for payroll purposes and instead increased the work day by 1’52”, a measure that majority leader Nicolas Sarkozy considered shocking and contrary to the objectives of the government.

The protests are also widely considered to be motivated by the unpopularity of the administration of president Jacques Chirac and prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Recent statistics show a five year-high for unemployment at 10.2%.

This discontent may result in a majority of “no” in the vote for the ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.

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