Never, Ever Release Any Of Your Rights To Anyone
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Don’t do it!
Never, ever release any of your rights. Here’s why.
The Writer’s Goal
Winning the writing game means becoming an establishedauthor, one who sells a new book every year or two. One whoearns enough to live comfortably from his or her writing alone.
The first step toward achieving this goal is to be publishedby a major house in the real world. That is, offline. Most willnot even consider your book if you’ve muddied the water byreleasing or selling any rights to it.
Sure, there are exceptions. Some have self-published, thenlater made a deal with a major house. And the stories make grandreading. But there are not a lot of them.
The Better Plan
If you are serious about writing, grab a copy of “Writer’sMarket,” then read and follow the rules. While many publishersbuy an occasional manuscript directly from an author, your bestbet is to find an agent and leave the manner of presentation topublishers in capable hands. (An agent is worth his or herweight in gold in helping you decipher a contract!)
It will probably take some time to find an agent. Beginanother tale while doing so. And once you find one, whilewaiting further and hoping for great news, continue writing. Ifthe agent you found can’t make it happen, look for another. Butkeep writing.
Again, there are success stories of those who bypassedagents and went directly to a publisher. But unless you’re oneheck of a salesperson and really in tune with what eachpublisher is looking for, leave it all to an agent, and do whatyou do best. Namely, write.
How Rights Released Can Bite
Bingo. You’ve made a sale. A good house, too. You and youragent are jumping with joy. Hey, you’re on your way!
But wait one. A few years back, electronic rights werenegotiable, and often retained by the author. So you releasedthese rights, or part of them, to gain some exposure on the Web.But now your publisher-to-be wants them. What for?
Books by major authors are selling in electronic formats.The entire publishing industry is closely tuned in to thisrapidly changing part of the book arena.
Okay, back to the what your publisher-to-be wants. Will theygo through the legal hassles and pay the costs to recover thoserights you handed out? Or will they just grab another title fromthe in-stack? If you were in their position, what would you do?
The bottom line? You have just lost a shot at the big time.You get to start over with a new book. And you’ll probably haveto hunt up another agent as well.
Why Risk it?
Don’t sell or release any of your rights to any of your workuntil absolutely convinced it is not salable to a major printpublisher. Then, and only then, should you consider taking it tothe Web and seeing what you can make happen.
A Case In Point
I finished “They Who Betray” (available on this site) inlate 1991. I gave up trying to sell it in 1994. Even earlier, itwas obvious major houses were no longer interested in this kindof tale. The manuscript has been dozing on various computerdisks ever since.
While I’d love to have sold it to Pocket Book, I wasn’t ableto. So off to the Web I have gone. I’m excited about thepossibilities. While fame and glory is unlikely to be obtained,lots of people will find they like the tale. And that will be awin for me, any way you look at it.
But I would never have made this move had I believed therewas even a chance of selling it to a major house. If you’reserious about your writing career, you’ll follow the same path.Head for the Web as the last resort, never as the startingpoint.
One Exception
All who climb a mountain do not hunger to become a notedmountaineer. And all who write a book, do not yearn to be anestablished author. So if you wrote a book for the fun of it,and now want to share it with family and friends, jump rightinto the Web bit.
Check out services available or self-publish on your own.Either way, go for it.
Play By The Rules
But if you’re serious about writing and dream of becoming anestablished author, take the conservative, conventional route.This gives you the greatest opportunity for success.
Yes, I know. The competition is fierce. But there’s a bit ofthis on the Web as well. The last numbers I saw suggest thereare over 100,000 titles available on the Internet.
To sell effectively through any website, you’ll need a heckof a book. Then you’ll have to somehow find your way beyond allthose “Buy-Me!” pleas associated with each and every one ofthose 100,000+ titles.
Can it be done? Sure. But it’s not easy. Certainly it’s noteasier than gaining the confidence of an agent who can sell yourwork to a major publishing house.
Chilean actor Oscar Garcés accused of sexual abuse
Friday, April 23, 2010
Chilean actor Oscar Garcés was arrested last Saturday morning by Carabineros in Calama after a 25-year-old woman accused him of sexual abuse.
Garcés, who was the boyfriend of Francini Amaral, was traveling with Cristián Vidal and Francisco Schilling to Calama. A few hours before the incident, he had attended an event in the “Sala Murano” disco.
Prosecutor Pablo Medina reports that Garcés went at 5:00 AM to the Sonesta Hotel, and called the reception desk to request room service. Soon after, he was involved in a fight with a female hotel worker. The victim accused Garcés of forcibly attempting to kiss her and trying to molest her. Medina later said: “The detained was accused of sexual abuse against a woman.”
After the incident, the woman called Carabineros and later verified her lesions at the Carlos Cisternas Hospital. Police subsequently informed Medina, who ordered that Garcés be arrested. Medina reported the investigation will take about 80 days. Garcés is currently free with some restrictions.
“The accused cannot come within a 200-meter radius from the victim”, Medina said. He also explained that Garcés could be imprisoned from three to seven years.
After being set free, Garcés came back to Santiago, saying: “I’m very sad. I don’t want to say anything until I can talk with my lawyer,” La Cuarta reported.
Barcelona Massages Spain\’S Finest Gift

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Barcelona Massages – Spain\’s Finest Gift
Barcelona massages was the search phrase I had been playing around with this day on the internet and you know you need to simply really like the online world, for the reason that I ran across probably the most exciting visits with this particular term. One of several visits was for an unique massage in Barcelona, referred to as a graceful feel to the body, great for couples. Right now actually I feel the phrasing of that one simply genuinely captured me. I never might have considered explaining something, not to say a massage therapy as a poetic touch to the body. But it really has a great ring into it, the amount of terms that get trapped in mind. You know like a composition for your body to chill. This has to be actually quite a few considerable advertising and marketing, or should I say some effective advertising and marketing. A bloke can actually convince his woman to join him for this sort of massage all he has to do is lean through and whisper, I have a wordless composition for your shoulder muscles.
Barcelona massages have seen an increase in business lately and when you investigate the reasoning behind adding a massage to your overall health routine you will soon see why. There are a selection of numerous massages and methods sold at the time along with the main aim amongst many of these could be to eliminate poisons and waste from your system. A therapeutic massage is viewed as a solution to increase good blood flow and dismiss toxins from your body naturally by stimulating the lymphatic system of your human body. And in case you can find yourself being somewhat sceptic regarding this thought you can also want to pay attention to those typical restorative massage addicts who recommend an over-all feeling of health and well being they have acquired from supplying a massage with their typical program. These folks also claim that they can feel more calm over time and believe that they have got an elevated power to cope with daily stress and tension.
Massage in Barcelona is just one of Spain s ideal secrets, and a must for any visitor. Whether you seek a restorative rubdown for leisure, or the famous Barcelona pleased concluding massage therapy, you ll be happy to understand there are various options to be found in the Spanish metropolis. Licensed licensed therapist wait you in the many parlours and salons of Barcelona, with scent therapy, herbal, spa treatments, and the body massages to choose from 7 days a week. Traveler guides often omit massage parlours from their webpages, but here you ll get the resources you should find out the massage scene in Spain, and obtain the full knowledge needed for experiencing and enjoying the ultimate massage from a hand-chosen massage therapist. So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the secrets you re about to unfold about Barcelona Massages!
Barcelona Massages
are certainly Spain\’s greatest treasure.
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Cocaine found in frozen mango puree shipped to Montréal, Canada
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) announced Tuesday that they had seized approximately 160 kilograms of cocaine discovered in buckets of frozen mango puree imported from Mexico.
Investigations led the police to a shipping container destined for the Port of Montréal, in the Canadian province of Québec. A CBSA officer at the Container Examination Centre in Montréal identified the suspect container. The drug was found in brick-shaped plastic wrapping of about 4 kilograms in weight each. There were 1,200 buckets of frozen mango puree in the shipment, not all with cocaine inside.
RCMP Sgt. André Potvin told reporters that the value of the shipment was significant and was the largest maritime port drug haul in the force’s history. At CA$20 per half-gram, “that’s in the vicinity of $38 million,” said Potvin.
The investigation by the RCMP Drug Section, CBSA Intelligence officers, the Marine Security Enforcement Team and the Port of Montréal Security Group, determined that an import company, named Quality Mexport, was allegedly a front for the drug-smuggling operation.
Five Mexicans, holding visitor status in Canada, were arrested in the matter. They are:
- Juan Manuel Huerta Canela, 31;
- Jose Gerardo Bernal Vasquez, 52;
- Jose Luis Navarro Ochoa, 33;
- Jesus Manuel Villa Quiroz, 32; and
- Alfonso Strag Estrada, age 50.
The suspects have been charged with importing and possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking. The charges are allegations at this point in time.
New Jersey to legalize medical marijuana
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Jersey’s state legislature has passed a bill that will legalize medicinal marijuana for patients with chronic disease. The state’s outgoing Governor, Jon Corzine, said that he will sign the bill before he leaves office next week. Upon passage of the bill, New Jersey will become the 14th state in the nation to permit medical marijuana.
Patients with a prescription would be able to purchase up to 2 ounces (56.7 grams) of cannabis per month. The bill specifies that only certain chronic diseases are eligible, ALS, AIDS, cancer, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis. The bill specifically bans the unlicensed growing of cannabis, driving under the influence of the drug, and only allows six licensed dispensaries in the state.
One of the supporters of the bill, Assemblyman Reed Gusciora said that “I truly believe this will become a model for other states because it balances the compassionate use of medical marijuana while limiting the number of ailments that a physician can prescribe it for”.
Opponents of the bill point to California where they say that cannabis is too loosely regulated. Governor-elect Chris Christie said that “I think we all see what’s happened in California,” he said. “It’s gotten completely out of control.”
Hurricane-force winds kill 15 people as storm hits Europe
Sunday, January 25, 2009
As a storm swept across parts of France and Spain on Saturday and Sunday, it left 15 people dead. Its winds were recorded up to 190km/h (118 mph), which are hurricane-force winds.
The storm made landfall near to Bordeaux, France at 5:00 am Central European Time on Saturday the 24th January. It traveled south-eastwards towards the south-east coast of France throughout Saturday morning, finally reaching there at 1:00 pm. It is expected to head north-eastwards over Italy and the Adriatic Sea, but without causing damage. Low pressure systems are fairly common in Europe at this time of year. Some reports have called it the storm of the decade; BBC meteorologist Alex Deakin said “Saturday’s storm is being described as the most damaging since that of December 1999 which killed 88 people.”
Four children aged between 9 and 12 died at a sports hall in Sant Boi de Llobregat, near Barcelona. The children intended on playing baseball, but sought shelter inside a covered area made of concrete with a corrugated iron roof. The structure collapsed, as a result of the wind. Local people and fire-fighters were at the scene in aiding children to escape the rubble. Three children died at the scene, a fourth died in hospital and 16 have been treated for injuries.
Other fatalities include a woman, who died after a wall collapsed and a man struck by a falling tree in the Barcelona area. In Landes, south-west France, a falling tree struck a driver; a 78-year-old man was hit by debris and another man, aged 75, was crushed by a tree. A wall crushed a man in Aigues de Busot in the south-east of Spain. A policeman was struck by a falling tree as he directed traffic in Burela and a sailor from a cargo ship died when the vessel got into trouble off the coast of Galicia. In Burgos, Spain, a woman was crushed by a door.
Approximately 1.7 million homes in France and tens of thousands of homes in Spain experienced power cuts. A woman, aged 73, died in France after a power-outage stopped her breathing machine. Road and rail links were blocked and airports closed. Airports in Bordeaux, Biarritz, Pau and Toulouse were shut, as well as train services, leaving hundreds of passengers stranded overnight.
Michèle Alliot-Marie, the French interior minister, stated that in addition to the 300 civil security agents located in the Landes region of France, another 715 agents would be deployed. She also expressed her intent to fly there today, after the high winds have decreased. French President Nicolas Sarkozy told reporters he would travel to the affected area tomorrow. In Bordeaux’s Gironde region, 19 residents of a retirement home were evacuated by rescuers following its rooftop being blown away. Authorities have also evacuated campers from the pine forests in Landes.
Thousands were evacuated from nearby housing estates in La Nucía, north of Benidorm in Alicante, as the Spanish Army helped to fight a forest fire, which was started by a felled electricity pylon. There were also forest fires in the region of Catalonia, while Spain put emergency services on high alert. Waves over 20 metres high were registered off the northern coast of Spain and dolphins were stranded on beaches in the region as a result of high winds.
Designer Wedding Dresses For A Spring Wedding}

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Designer Wedding Dresses for a Spring Wedding
While many brides long for the quintessential June wedding, a Spring wedding is just as beautiful and is gaining in popularity over any other season. Perhaps it is because spring arrives with a sense of new beginning and renewal, or perhaps it is just the beautiful weather and flowers that are common during that time of year. Either way, a Spring wedding requires attention to detail in every aspect, especially the wedding gown.
Brides should remember that spring is the perfect season to unveil new styles for the hair, the wardrobe, and yes, even the wedding. It is also the perfect time, because of the warmer weather, to wear fewer layers, and this also applies to designer wedding gowns. The spring is a great time to experiment with new hemlines, fabrics, and patterns. Check out the latest trends for designer wedding gowns for a Spring wedding.
A Little Prep
Of course when one thinks about the springtime, one may immediately think about flowers. But if you are a little less girly and want to get away from the floral accents why not think about some preppy details for your designer wedding gown? A simple gingham ribbon trim on your wedding gown can do the trick simply and elegantly. The same goes for a hint of polka dots. If you want a bolder look with a preppy touch, go for a pleated bodice or a patterned sash for the waist.
Fun with Flowers
If preppy is not your cup of tea, and spring means flowers, then the sky is certainly the limit. A Spring wedding is the perfect time for a true garden party, so why not incorporate that theme into your dress? More and more wedding dress designers are embellishing their spring wedding dress designs with flowers. Flowers can be 3-dimensional floral buds embroidered onto the gown, sewn on accents, or even a print on the fabric. Nature-inspired dresses often bring about an air of whimsy to any style dress.
Cool Cover-Ups
Yes, spring brings warmer weather than its predecessor, but dont be fooled by all that bright happy sunshine. Remember the age-old saying, April showers bring May flowers? These rain showers in spring cause temperatures to drop at night. Many brides go for the traditional silk wrap to keep warm in the cooler temperatures, but this spring, think about a cool cashmere cover-up or cardigan. Something with three-quarter length sleeves would be a modern look with a classic feel.
Sheer Fabrics
The Spring season is light and airy. You can also achieve a light and airy feeling with your choice in wedding gown. Chiffon, organza, and charmeuse are great alternative fabrics to the heavy satin and silks used for fall and winter weddings. Imagine the romantic setting as a cool spring breeze gently wisps your chiffon train as you make your way down the aisle. A sweet spaghetti-strap organza dress is also a great way to celebrate your nuptials during your outdoor wedding and reception. Really dress to the season!
High Hemlines
Although you can stick to the traditional long wedding gown for your spring wedding, higher hemlines are in for this season. And why not, the weather is warmer and your legs will definitely enjoy the freedom while you live it up on the dance floor! A higher hemline on a spring wedding gown does a great job showcasing your tanned legs. If you are more daring bride, skip the tea-length gown (which is still fun and flirty) and go for a true mini dress that flatters your figure.
Finding the Perfect Spring Designer Wedding Gown
No matter which trend you choose to go with for your spring wedding, just be sure that you try on a plethora of gowns in that style. Buying a wedding gown is a not a quick decision, as this will be the most important dress of your life. Before you make it to the bridal salon, it is a very good idea to flip through some of the latest bridal magazines to narrow down your choices and to show the stores associate when you arrive. That way, he or she will have an idea of what you like and then take it from there.
When shopping for a designer wedding gown, it is also important to remember that the more you try on, the better idea you will have about which dress style, neckline, and trend work for you. Even if the sales associate suggests a dress style you did not prefer in pictures, you may find that when you try it on, it really does flatter your figure and look great.
Arianna Jordan is a freelance writer who writes about the fashion industry, often discussing specific kind of dresses such as
Vineyard wedding dresses
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Designer Wedding Dresses for a Spring Wedding}
Driftwood crucifix listed on eBay for $25,000
Monday, March 21, 2005A piece of driftwood in the shape of a crucifix is listed for sale on eBay with a starting bid price of $25,000. The seller, known as “Marzipanda,” from Scottsdale, Arizona lists its description as a “Natural Found Wood Jesus Christ Crucifix Cross Easter.”
Maripanda describes the discovery of the piece as, “My very dear friend found this amazing natural driftwood while hiking a few years ago. So striking because it clearly resembles the Lord and all the details.”
Expensive found art Christiana made international headlines in November 2004 when a Florida woman named Diana Duyser sold a partially eaten grilled cheese sandwich on eBay for $28,000 to Canadian online gambling website,, after claiming she saw the likeness of the Virgin Mary burned onto the toast.
But not all high-priced Christian fare on eBay is of dubious value. A perusal of Christian-themed items as of March 20, showed 13,944 for sale on eBay. They ranged from other found art to some very expensive and authenticated rare art.
One such item has an eBay seller from Tel-Aviv, Israel listing a 19th century iron wall plaque with a starting bid of $30,000 and a shipping cost of $2,000, making it the most-expensive Christian religious item listed for sale on the auction web site.
Under the “Christian Icons” section of the site, the 14 cast iron plaques are advertised to have been made in 1855 and portrays “Jesus in Jerusalem” with the 14 stations of Christ.
Another high-priced Christian-themed item is a set of chalices and paten in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for $3,550. The gold-plated silver is thought to have been made in the 1870s.
BBC receives 487 complaints after ‘Dancing’ race row
Friday, October 9, 2009
The BBC has received 487 complaints after Strictly Come Dancing professional dancer Anton du Beke used a racist remark for his dance partner. Actress contestant Laila Rouass, who is of Morrocan descent, was called a “paki” by her dance partner during rehearsals for the show. British tabloid News of the World revealed the information from the BBC One programme in their newspaper on Sunday.
By Monday, it had emerged that there had been 63 complaints to the corporation. Since Thursday, the racist comment by du Beke has caused a total of 487 complaints to the BBC. Du Beke has since apologised to Rouass for the comment.
Bruce Forsyth, who presents the show alongside Tess Daly, had an unscheduled interview with radio show TalkSport on Wednesday. During the interview he said that, in days gone by, the remark would not have been treated so seriously. He said: “You go back 25, 30, 40 years and there has always been a bit of humour about the whole thing.
Everybody has a nickname. | ||
“Americans used to call us ‘limeys’ which doesn’t sound very nice, but we used to laugh about it. Everybody has a nickname,” Forsyth stated to the BBC Radio 5 Live show. “I’m sure there was nothing vindictive about what he [Anton du Beke] said…the page should be closed on it. It’s a damn shame and I feel for him and Laila, she’s a lovely girl. He is a lovely, sensitive guy. OK, he can be a bit mouthy and can say quick things off-the-cuff like I do. But when you’re like that you can slip up every now and again. You can say something that you don’t mean.”
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As a result of the comments made by Bruce Forsyth, the Victoria Derbyshire show received a record 600 complaints from listeners. Afterwards, Forsyth apologised for the comments he made on the show, and released a statement on Thursday saying: “To be absolutely clear, the use of racially offensive language is never either funny or acceptable.” A spokesperson for the BBC has also said: “The BBC does not condone offensive language in the workplace. Anton du Beke has apologised to Laila, who has accepted his apology.”
Kulvinder Ghir, an actor from Asia, showed his dissatisfaction for what was said on the radio show, stating: “Claiming the word paki is harmless is just ignorance.”
There has been calls made from viewers to the BBC over the last few days to dismiss Anton du Beke from Strictly Come Dancing. Earlier this year, former The One Show presenter Carol Thatcher was dismissed from ITV1 reality TV show I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! due to racist remarks she made while on the programme. Despite this incident, the BBC have decided not to sack Anton du Beke from the BBC One dancing show.
The BBC has now had 686 complaints since Friday, an increase of 199 complaints from Thursday.