Top Affiliate Marketing Tools That Will Help

By Merv Stevens

Getting involved with business on the internet does not always have to be such a difficult process. In fact, there are many different programs and tools that can help anyone with their current goals. Those who are thinking about affiliate marketing will have a number of excellent tools to assist them.

While most of these tools are going to be helpful, using too many tools at one time can actually cause some problems. It is important for you to look into your current marketing strategy and figure out which tools that will work most effectively with your process. Those who just start using different tools without proper thought are not going to get very far and might have to start over with a new marketing plan.

A website is a very crucial part of affiliate marketing that many people fail to take advantage of. Those who can use a site builder program will be able to get the results that they are looking for. This needs to be taken care of as soon as the individual decides to go forward with a marketing plan. Once the site is up and running, and with good promotion, the right kind of traffic and sales are going to start rolling in.


When the website has been created, it is important to think about buying the right domain name. A domain name should be very easy for the customer to remember. Keep it as simple as possible and make sure that it does coincide with the site and the products that are being produced. It is also recommended to find a reputable hosting company to use.

Another great tool to use these days are blogs. Blogging is a great way to attract traffic as well as link to your actual website. In order to ensure that the right affiliate marketing results are received, be sure to update and write in the blog on a weekly, if not daily basis. This is going to help increase the page rank as search engines love relevant content, and in turn there will be a greater potential for increased revenue.

Creating banners is also a useful way to make some money. In fact, those who do not take the time to create and post various banners are losing out. These are very easy to make and those who do not have the time, or knowledge, should look for a professional that can help. Create banners that will point prospects to the affiliate products you are promoting.

Turning to different forms of software will also help put you ahead. The overall cost of this software is going to be well worth it as long as the right one is found. Look for beginners guides and make sure that your computer system can handle the software before downloading it.

Now is the perfect time to start looking into the right tools to help you in affiliate marketing. There are plenty of ways to get ahead on the internet and this is one of the best. Simply locate the very best tools out there and start using them in an effective way for you to get the most desirable results in your online marketing business.

About the Author: Merv Stevens is an online marketer. To discover how to change your life dramatically and earn 100% commissions on the internet with

Empower Network

by using a simple 3-step process that anyone can do; go to his

Empower Network Blog

and learn more about this life-changing opportunity.


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Record number of bicycles sold in Australia in 2006

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Bicycle sales in Australia have recorded record sales of 1,273,781 units for 2006, exceeding car sales by 32 percent. It is the fifth year in a row that the bicycle industry has sold more than one million units, a figure yet to be realised by car manufacturers.

The Cycling Promotion Fund (CPF) spokesman Ian Christie said Australians were increasingly using bicycles as an alternative to cars. Sales rose nine percent in 2006 while the car market stalled. Mr Christie said people were looking to cut their fuel costs and improve their fitness.

Mr Christie said organisations were beginning to supply bicycles as a company vehicle. “There is an emerging trend towards people using bikes as their official company-supplied vehicle in place of the traditional company car,” he said.

“Some of Australia’s biggest corporations now have bicycle fleets, and when you add in government organisations, we now know of at least 50 organisations which operate fleets of bikes.”

“Although the company bicycle is a long way from taking over from the company car, it’s an important trend when you consider that nearly half of all cars sold are to company fleets.”

The CPF claims most commutes to work are less than 5 kilometres (3 miles) making bicycle travel a viable alternative.

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Take The Fuss Out Of Postcard Printing And Mailing

byAlma Abell

It can be hard to handle every part of a business and keep up with your competitors. When you have a professional printer handle your postcard printing and mailing, you have reduced your work load while putting your printing needs in the hands of the experts. Today there are many different ways to utilize modern printing technology. Couple the use of modern printing machinery with appealing graphic art and a system that is eco-friendly, and you have a printing investment that is good for you and the environment.

Eco-Friendly Printing Services

When you get ready to place an order for postcards, it helps knowing that the paper used comes from recycled stocks that are PCW free. Tackling green initiatives aids in reducing waste and offers printing that can be accomplished with inks that are soy-based. You can rest assured that you are doing your part by having your postcards printed by a company that bases their printing on eco-friendly products and services.

Web Printing and Mailing Services

Take the stress out of having quality postcards created and mailed for your business. printing service offered by professional printers can help you speak directly to your customers and boost your response rate with superior printing jobs. Your message can be printed at 600 x 600 dpi with state of the art inline imaging. Make your message personal and target consumers that meet your marketing criteria. You can even have maps included with your graphics at a resolution that is very easy to read and understandable. Inks that are pigment based produce rich colors that will not fade, run due to water exposure, or scratch. This equates sturdy postcards that can handle a rough mailing system.

Speedy Postcard Printing

When a printing job spends a reduced amount of time on the press, it costs you less. This means you have more time and money to use building your business while attracting new customers. Using cost-effective printing services can help you create high-end postcards that are cutting-edge. When you use inline imaging you can personalize postcards with addresses and names too. Make sure your logo is prominent on both sides, as well. You can even use barcoding, print codes such as QR, and use PURLS. When you couple excellent mailing services with printing services, you will have less to handle and worry about. Let the professionals handle the data processing of mailing lists, and find postage savings that optimize your mailing and advertising needs. When you are able to save more money on postage, you will see the amount of money spent on these types of services greatly reduced. Give your business the option of combining printing and mailing, and enjoy a significant reduction in cost.

Japanese earthquake death toll surpasses ten thousand

Friday, March 25, 2011

The death toll from the Sendai earthquake has now increased to over ten thousand. In Japan, the National Police Agency has stated that 10,019 are now known to have been killed as a result of the disaster.

The Agency also reported that 2,775 had been injured and the location of 17,541 individuals was unknown. Meanwhile, 1,900 evacuation sites are now thought to be occupied by approximately a quarter of a million people.

When the event happened two weeks ago, 18,000 thousand households were destroyed and 130,000 were damaged by the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami. In spite of this, twelve of the fifteen north-eastern ports of Japan have recommenced operating, while the majority of the oil terminals of the country remained open, according to Inchcape Shipping Services.

Amongst the aftermath of the earthquake, plant number 3 at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is suspected to have been damaged and may be releasing radiation. The Japanese government have reported that an ongoing investigation is occurring to attempt to discover the cause of the radiation leak at the power plant. Chinese authorities have reported two Japanese tourists were found to have levels of radiation “seriously exceeding limits” on their clothing and luggage. In Tokyo, the amount of radiation in the supply of water has decreased, however it remains high in various parts of the north of Japan.

According to BBC News Online, two workers were hospitalised because of the leak. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), who operate the building, reported that three employees placing electrical cables at the location were given treatment for being exposed to radioactive water; they had experienced ten thousand times the regular amount of radioactivity. Of those three men, beta rays caused two of them to receive burns. The two individuals did not stop working despite meters advising of unsafe radiation levels. It was later discovered that they were wearing inadequate protective footwear and failed to draw their attention to a radiation alert. TEPCO has since received government orders to improve worker management.

The radiation emitted from the plant has had a significant effect on the Japanese food industry. In the surrounding areas of the plant, shipments of foodstuffs have been prohibited. In Fukushima prefecture, residents have been advised not to consume eleven leafy green vegetable types produced locally due to radiation concerns. There has also been a significant decrease in customer demand at a fish market in Tsukiji.

Japanese product importers have discovered some foodstuffs to have a small radiation amount, which is not thought to be potentially deadly. Numerous Asian countries, the European Union, Australia, Russia and the United States have prohibited milk items, seafood and vegetables from being imported from various Japanese prefectures.

Closing the power plant down may take at least one month to achieve. Speaking to AFP, an individual talking on behalf of TEPCO stated that the company is “still in the process of assessing the damage at the plant, so that we can’t put a deadline on when the cooling operations will work again”. Residents living within thirty kilometres of the plant have been advised to avoid going outdoors to attempt to prevent radiation exposure as far as possible.

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Wikinews Shorts: March 7, 2007

A compilation of brief news reports for Wednesday, March 7, 2007.

The European Union has banned the 35 planes in the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) 45 aircraft fleet from flying in EU airspace. The reason provided by EU was that these plans do not fulfill the safety requirement for international planes and thus were banned. PIA has redeployed its Boeing 777 jets from US to EU flights to facilitate passengers in Europe. Flights PK 782 and PK 790 are still running on time from Toronto in Canada.


  • “EU bans old PIA planes” — Gulf Daily News, March 6, 2007
  • “EU imposes ban on all but seven PIA planes” — Pakistan Dawn, March 6, 2007

The Oklahoma Senate approved a bill introduced by lawmaker Patrick Anderson of Enid that enables police to seize vehicles when drivers fail to produce proof of insurance. The bill was tacked onto a measure to prohibit inserting microchips into people without their permission. 91,000 drivers have been ticketed for lack of insurance in Oklahoma to date.


  • RON JENKINS, Associated Press. “Senators approve bill to allow vehicles to be seized” — Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise, March 6, 2007
  • Associated Press. “Senators approve bill to allow vehicles to be seized” — FOX23, March 6, 2007

The New Orleans Saints have released All-Pro wide receiver Joe Horn because of money issues. The Saints hope to draft LSU (Louisiana State University) wide receiver DeWayne Bowe in the NFL Draft to fill Horn’s place.


  • BRETT MARTE,LCanadian Press. “New Orleans Saints release four-time Pro Bowl wide receiver Joe Horn” — CBC News, March 1, 2007
  • “Saints release Horn from his contract” — The News-Star, March 1, 2007
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UK’s BAA forced to sell three airports

Saturday, March 21, 2009

UK firm BAA Limited has been told by the Competition Commission that they must sell three of their airports within two years. Gatwick and Stansted airports, both serving London, England, and either Edinburgh International Airport or Glasgow International Airport in Scotland must be sold, in that order.

BAA, mostly owned by Spain’s Grupo Ferrovial, described the ruling as ‘flawed’. Despite challenging a preliminary ruling last year, BAA had also already begun the process to seek a buyer for Gatwick in 2008. Ferrovial, who will still have a London airport with Heathrow, has two months to appeal if they wish.

The two year deadline is an extension of the deadline given by the Commission in its previous ruling. Ferrovial, who bought BAA and their seven UK airports in 2006 for US$14 billion, complained that the ruling was impractical given the current recession.

Gatwick and Stansted must be sold to different buyers to ensure adequate competition between both airports and Heathrow. The decision has been praised by airlines including Ryanair and Easyjet.

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All That You Need To Know To Pass A California Insurance Exam Successfully.

All That You Need To Know To Pass A California Insurance Exam Successfully.


Lara Newcomb

Who Takes the California Insurance Exams?

The type of insurance you would like to sell will determine which California insurance license you will obtain. There are three main insurance licenses in California (Life-Only Agent, Accident & Health and Fire and Casualty). The Life-Only and Accident & Health insurance licenses will allow you to sell life and health insurance (including annuities). The Fire and Casualty insurance license will allow you to sell all other types of insurance (including personal lines and commercial lines). If you are only going to be selling personal lines and NOT commercial lines then you can take the Personal Lines only exam. If you are only going to be selling personal lines auto insurance you can obtain the Auto Limited lines license.

What are the pre-licensing requirements for the various California Insurance licenses?

California Life Only 20-Hours + 12-Hours specific to Ethics & Code

California Accident & Health Only 20-Hours + 12-Hours specific to Ethics & Code

You can obtain both licenses above and take a combined exam by completing our 40-Hour Life & Health Agent course (plus 12-Hours of Ethics & Code) and scheduling to take the combined exam.


California Fire & Casualty 40-Hours + 12-Hours specific to Ethics & Code

California Personal Lines 20-Hours + 12-Hours specific to Ethics & Code

California Auto Limited Lines 20-Hours + 12-Hours specific to Ethics & Code

The 12-Hour Ethics and Code course only has to be completed once. Pre-license education can be obtained through a live class, or online.

Are the Insurance Exams different state to state?

Yes! Be very careful when preparing for your exam to make sure the material you study is California specific. There are many insurance schools out there that offer generic study materials that are NOT specific to the CA exam. The course you study MUST be California specific. Our online courses were created specifically to satisfy the California pre-license requirement and prepare you to pass your California insurance exam on your first attempt.

What content do the California Insurance tests cover?

The California insurance tests are very broad. The California Department of Insurance creates and published exam outlines that are referred to as Educational Objectives for each exam. You can view and print the Educational Objectives for each and every exam by typing Educational objectives into the search box on the California Department of Insurance website homepage at All of our course content was created to reflect the most recent copy of the California Educational Objectives.

Do I need a sponsor to take a California Insurance exam?

No. You do not need a sponsor. In order to sell insurance in California you do need to be appointed by an insurer. However, you do not need to be appointed to schedule your exam.

How do I schedule my insurance exam?

You can schedule your exam prior to completing our online pre-licensing course. This way you can ensure the date you select is shortly after your completion of our course so the information is still fresh in your mind. You will schedule your exam on the California Department of Insurance website ( You must fill out an electronic license application and pay both your licensing fee and testing fee during registration. Once the DOI has received your application and fees they will notify you via e-mail that you can select a test date on their site. You can obtain more detailed information about scheduling your exam by typing FLASH into the search box on the California Department of Insurance website.

What should I bring to the test center the day of my Insurance Exam?

You should bring your Key Facts from our California Insurance Licensing course to re-read just prior to going in to take your California insurance exam. This will load your memory for the test. They will provide you with a pen/pencil, scratch paper, and basic function calculator at the test site. Make sure to write down your cheat sheet on your scratch paper when you sit down at your cubicle prior to starting your insurance license test. This will allow you to refer back to it whenever you need to during the exam.

If I don t pass is there any waiting period that applies before I can retake the insurance licensing exam?

No, there is no waiting period before you can re-test. However, each time a candidate retakes the exam another full testing fee is required ($41 for most exams).

You will find more detailed information about the

California Insurance Exam

on our web-site.

Article Source:

Richard Hammond injured in jet-powered car crash

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Richard Hammond, a British television presenter known for presenting shows such as Top Gear and Brainiac, is in a “stable” condition in hospital following a car accident during filming for Top Gear. He was injured when the jet-powered car he was driving crashed during filming for the former. The car, similar to the “Vampire” which holds the British land speed record, overturned whilst being driven at speeds of up to 300 miles per hour at Elvington airfield near York, in what was suggested to be an attempt at bettering the previous record. It has been suggested that he succeeded in a previous attempt. Emergency services were called to the scene at 5.45pm local time (16.45 UTC).

He was airlifted to the specialist neurological unit at Leeds General Infirmary. A former firefighter who was providing fire safety at the site and witnessed the accident said that Hammond was initially unconscious but able to speak when removed from the wreckage. At the time he indicated some pain in his lower back. Numerous eyewitnesses from the Top Gear crew claimed he was ‘helped into’ an air ambulance, suggesting he was conscious at the time. The ambulance service is reported to have said that Hammond was unconscious when they arrived at the scene, but began to regain consciousness upon arrival at the hospital.

The car was “very very badly damaged and in many pieces on the runway”, according to BBC News 24, reporting comments made by his colleagues.

A web sitehas been set up for well-wishers enabling them to donate to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. This site will accept donations until January 21, 2007. As of 23.09 (UTC) 21st September 2006 (day 2) £52,239.90 had been raised, surpassing the original target of £340.00 and well past their target of £51,000 (150 flights) that was set in the past few days.

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An account of the Esperanza Fire from an animal rescuer

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

As families fled their homes in the early morning hours on Thursday October 26, there was no warning. The Esperanza Fire southeast of Los Angeles and West of Palm Springs, California, had ballooned under the influence of Santa Ana winds to more than 19,000 acres as of the morning of October 27. No time to get the animals, no time for crates or even a leash. Sadly, owners left behind not only their horses, lamas, donkeys, chickens, rabbits, but also their dogs and cats.

Many of the families who did manage to evacuate their pets found themselves in the parking lot at the Fellowship in the Pass Church Red Cross Shelter where a MuttShack Animal Rescue team caught up with them.

Pam Anderson, Director of the emergency Red Cross shelter said that many people with animals had come and left.

The air was thick with smoke, and ash was raining down on the parking lot where dog owners, not able to take their dogs into the shelter were camping out in pup tents andin their cars.

Those who could afford it checked themselves into pet friendly hotels in nearby towns.

Some were prepared. Jane Garner, a small dog breeder was able to get all her animals out, and had set up her puppy runs alongside her RV in the parking lot. Others were not doing too well, having left home without as much as a leash.

The same scenario played out at the Red Cross shelter at Hemet High School. Animals were being boarded in vans, trailers and cars and small travel crates.

When MuttShack Animal Rescue arrived, a small fracas had sent several dogs off in different directions, running out of the school parking lot down busy streets necessitating an instant rescue response.

The Incident Command for the Esperanza Animals, Ramona Humane Society in San Jacinto welcomed MuttShack‘s offer to help at the shelters.

Ramona Humane Society had recently published a notice in their Newsletter about the newly passed “PETS Act”and warned owners not wait until a major disaster such as an earthquake or fireto prepare. “Be proactive to ensure that your pet will be taken care of.”

MuttShack and PetSmart Charities set up ad hoc facilities for the animals at both shelters.

The Red Cross shelter, run by Madison Burtchaell of the Orange County Red Cross was very accommodating about allowing a small emergency pet shelter adjacent to the School.

Barbara A. Fought of PetSmart Charities, an organization that works with animal welfare organizations and provide assistance in disasters, provided crates and emergency supplies.

MuttShack and Red Cross volunteers, Martin St. John, Tom Hamilton, and Steve Meissner helped assemble the crates to secure a safe environment for evacuated pets.

It was a great relief for evacuees who had camped out in the parking lot to finally leave their vehicles and relax at the shelter, setting up their cots to grab some sorely needed rest.

Firefighters and residents reported loss of wildlife and animals. The Esperanza fire burned 34 homes, consumed 40,000 acres and cost five Firefighters their lives before it was contained four days later on October 30. Firefighting operations cost nearly $10 million.

MuttShack Animal Rescue is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization active in disasters and dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and care of lost or discarded dogs, cats and other animals.

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Culture of creativity features at Furnal Equinox 2018

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Visual art, fabric art, photography, performance, dance, virtual reality, and music were all the subject of sessions at Furnal Equinox 2018, a conference held from March 16 to 18 at Toronto’s Westin Harbour Castle. Canada’s largest furry convention by attendance, the annual event offers dozens of subculture-specific programs.

The convention’s communications and public relations coordinator for the event, Ronnie, describes furries as “people that enjoy arts and culture centred around animals and animal-themed topics, essentially. Furnal Equinox in particular, we like to celebrate in a very visual and very […] artistic nature, where we have lots of arts and performances and crafts that go on, and people celebrate with lots of socialisation involved.”

Of the attendees, Ronnie told Wikinews “they come from all walks of life. They are people of all ages, sizes, all sorts of backgrounds, and they come together under one mutual interest, which is their love for animal culture.”

“Programming at Furnal Equinox involves[…] a lot of informational panels, so you can find out about topics from art and how to draw, or how to visually incorporate different elements into your artworks. You can also find panels that teach you how to write better, be a better fiction author for example,” explained the event representative.

At one panel Wikinews attended, members of its all-volunteer organising committee spoke of the year-long process of planning the event, and their reasons for committing such a significant amount of their time. Said one panelist, “if you’re happy, we’re happy.”

The largest hub of activity at the convention was a dealer’s room; nicknamed the “Dealer’s Den”, giving it an anthropomorphic twist. Vendors were selling original visual art, wearables like faux fur tails or ears, or things like jewellery or soap with motifs that would interest attendees.

The back area of the room was dedicated to a charity auction, with proceeds benefiting Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary. According to the convention website, the charity is “dedicated to rescuing abused, neglected, and abandoned farmed animals. Their goal is to provide a safe, life-long home for all of their residents, and to educate the public about the true nature of farmed animals through tours, volunteer programs, and community outreach.”

Split into groups, some attendees played “Fursuit Games” in front of an audience, like trying to toss a ball into a garbage can. The activity made harder, of course, by the limited dexterity and vision the most of the costumes entail.

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