Some Information About Food For Non Smokers

Some Information About Food For Non-Smokers



The modern method of smoking has developed from the process of preserving. Yes, several years ago when chemical preservatives and refrigerators were not available, smoking was used as a method of cooking for extending the shelf life of the foods, particularly meat. But, nowadays, this method, which is called as barbecuing has attained several heights. In addition to adding flavor, it also makes the meat thinner and even a worst cut can be turned into a tasty piece of food. Most people love to consume smoked fish, bacon and ham. Under the method of barbecuing, even though it takes longer hours for cooking, it is the taste of the meat that makes people to move towards this method. Here, you might be confused as to how to build a BBQ smoker and here is a small guide that can help you in this respect:

To smolder something, there should be a container for holding the burn, of course a food to cook and the source of smoke (i.e.) fire or electric current. A device used for cooking can be anything right from the pit in the ground and a costlier device available in the market. Generally, hardwood is used as the source for smolder. Some people are of the opinion that the type of wood used for this purpose does not matter, but there is also an opinion that when the appropriate wood is used, it can enhance the taste of the meat.


It is purely a matter of taste and most popularly pork, brisket and ribs are smoked under the method of barbecuing. Anything right from nuts to cheese can be smoldered with the device called BBQ smokers. If you are confused as to how to build a BBQ smoker , there need not be any worry whatsoever. This is because there are ready made BBQ grills smokers available in the market.

There are also some makers still waiting for their patent rights, but they are ready to sell their product. All you have to do is to find a reliable seller irrespective of whether he is an individual or a firm. A good online search can provide you the right kind of guidance in this respect.

There are many models of BBQ grills smokers available in the market and the selection of the right model can take you a long way in preparing tasty meats irrespective of whether you are planning to prepare shorter cuts or longer cut meals.

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Distributed malware attacks Dyn DNS, takes down websites in US

Monday, October 24, 2016

On Friday, a network of diverse Internet-connected devices targeted the Dyn domain registration service provider. It took down Dyn clients, including several popular websites such as Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Reddit, New York Times, and Wired.

The attack involved targeting Dyn’s domain name system servers with a large volume of requests, rendering it incapable of serving replies to legitimate requests — a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack. Users’ browsers and other clients sent requests to Dyn to resolve the respective web sites’ domain names to an IP, but did not get a reply within the time required.

The first attack started at about 7am local time (UTC-4) and was resolved in two hours. A second attack started at mid-day, and a third attack started at about 4pm local time. Tens of millions of malicious request sources were observed, interfering with legitimate Dyn traffic.

The reports noted the malicious devices included internet-connected devices — not only servers and desktops, but also webcams, digital video recorders, routers — referred to as the Internet of Things.

On Friday evening Dyn said a security company Flashpoint and a cloud services provider Akamai identified symptoms of malware Mirai participating in the attacks. The malware infects the devices by brute forcing their passwords. This strategy may work as a consequence of users’ negligence towards password security of stationary devices, which the users do not directly interact with in their everyday life while leaving them exposed to the Internet.

Matthew Prince, the CEO of an Internet infrastructure company Cloudflare said it’s a known issue, “There’s nothing really new about [this type of DDoS attack]. We’ve seen them for at least the last three years, they tend to be difficult to stop”.

Public release of Mirai source code was announced at Hackforums on September 30.

Dyn’s corporate headquarters are in New Hampshire.

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Oakland, California record release party catches fire

Sunday, December 4, 2016

A fire broke out at a record release party in Oakland, California late on Friday night. Nine were confirmed dead the following morning with the death toll rising to 24 the next day.

The warehouse, known as Ghost Ship, was hosting a party for the release of the newest album by Joel “Golden Donna” Shanahan. It is in Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood, a mix of commercial and residential buildings nestled together. The structure is one block away from Fire Station No. 13 and at least 55 firefighters spent four hours containing and stopping the fire which began at approximately 11:30 p.m.

Firefighters and police cordoned off the block to spectators. The two-story, mixed-use structure also housed the artist collective Satya Yuga who hosted the show and is being searched by firefighters. Out of approximately 50 attendees, at least 25 were declared missing. Shanahan was among the survivors.

Efforts to rescue partygoers were compounded by the roof caving in during the inferno as well as the stacks of furniture, art pieces, and supplies which turned into obstacles for first responders.

Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf:


Last night’s fire was an immense tragedy. I am grateful to our first responders for their efforts to deal with this deadly fire. Our focus right now is on the victims and their families and ensuring that we have a full accounting for everyone who was impacted by this tragedy. We are fully committed to sharing as much information as we can as quickly as possible.

The structure is owned by Chor N. Ng, who is also the proprietor of several other buildings in the East Bay. On November 13 Ng was cited by the city for having stacks of garbage in and around the warehouse. Most fatalities were reported to have occurred in the upstairs portion of the building where escape was hampered by unstable stairs and miscellaneous art pieces lying in the way. The building lacked any smoke detectors and sprinklers; fire extinguishers were found outside of the premises.

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Anti Aging Benefits Of Stretching Exercises| Why Stretch Muscles?

By Chris Chew

In many exercise programs, be it weight lifting for building and toning muscles or cardio vascular exercises for increasing stamina and to lose weight, most people do not perform enough stretching exercises even though stretching exercises can be performed by anyone at any age unless that person has some physical restriction to stretch. What is worse, many people do not even stretch before and after exercising. Unknown to most people, stretching also has anti aging benefits.

–Benefits of stretching exercises for muscle growth

Stretching is an important aspect of exercising and should be a part of any exercise routine and program. There are many wonderful benefits when you perform regular stretching exercises. Stretching exercises not only help you to warm up and cool down before and after your workouts, it can and will actually help your muscles to grow bigger and stronger too. Don’t believe me? Then read on.


Stretching exercises help muscle growth because stretching lengthens your muscles and thus giving your muscle fibers a greater range of motion when lifting weights. So in effect, it recruits more muscle fibers and thus causing your muscles to grow stronger and bigger from your weight training.

By stretching your muscles after an intensive workout will reduce muscle soreness commonly known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle sore) which usually occurs a day after your workout.

Performing stretching exercises before your workout or before a physically demanding sporting activity will also decrease your chances of sustaining injuries and muscle cramps which will certainly destroy the joy of your activity.

When you stretch regularly, stretching exercises will help you gain agility which will make your daily chores much more pleasant and if you play sports, you will notice your agility is much better than others who do not stretch. This will put you in a more beneficial position against your opponents.

–Anti Aging Benefits Of Stretching Exercises

If you are a baby boomer and age is catching up, this agility will make your life so much more pleasurable because you will be able to avoid stiff muscles and stiff joints unlike your peers who do not stretch. You will be more mobile, agile and suffering from less pain associated with aging and stiff body parts. These anti aging benefits from stretching regularly are priceless. Benefits that money can never be able to buy.

What is more, you can stretch anytime any where as and when you like. Stretching exercises need not be limited as a pre and post workout activity. So start a stretching exercise routine soon and make it part of your everyday lifestyle. You will surely enjoy the pleasures and anti aging benefits that a regular stretching routine can bring you.

About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, pageant winners, fashion models and other celebrities. His websites

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Communist Party candidate Shona Bracken, Toronto Danforth

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Shona Bracken is running for the Communist Party in the Ontario provincial election in Toronto—Danforth. Wikinews interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

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Jersey child abuse case ‘was not covered up’

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Frank Walker, the chief minister of Jersey, a United Kingdom Crown dependency off the coast of Normandy, France, denies that there was a cover up after a child’s remains were found.

The allegations of a cover-up stem from statements by Stuart Syvret. Syvret, the former Minister for Health and Social Services for Jersey, said that “It’s a continuum that we see. It’s a culture of cover-up and concealment and tragically the recent evidence is just the latest manifestation of that.”

It has come to light that Edward Paisnel, a notorious pedophile, used to visit the Haut de la Garenne children’s home dressed as Father Christmas. Paisnel in 1971, was given a sentence of 30 years for 13 counts of assault, rape and sodomy.

Syvret says he was dismissed from his ministerial position after highlighting the “torture” of 11 to 16-year-olds in the island’s care homes. He claimed he was “sacked for whistleblowing”.

Police are currently investigating twenty-seven cases of child abuse on the island and recently discovered the body of one child at a care home Haut de la Garenne in St. Martin, and with a potential six sites in the area where more bodies may be located. The home was closed in 1986 and since 2003 it has served as a youth hostel.

Jersey’s deputy police chief, Lenny Harper said “Part of the inquiry will be the fact that a lot of the victims tried to report their assaults but for some reason or another they were not dealt with as they should be.”

Harper added that “no evidence of a cover-up of any Jersey government” has been found. “We are looking at allegations that a number of agencies didn’t deal with things as perhaps they should.”

Syvret has encouraged the government of the United Kingdom to assign independent judges to oversee any cases that result from the investigations.

Builders originally uncovered a body at the care home in 2003 but it was only since an operation investigate child abuse started in 2006 that progress has been made. An ex-minister of the States of Jersey, the parliament of the island, has criticised the handling of the case, stating that abuse cases were mishandled.

Walker told senators that all necessary resources would be use to find the abusers. “None of us imagined that children in Jersey could be abused and mistreated in the way that is being suggested,” the BBC have quoted him as saying. “I express my shock and horror that these things have apparently happened within our island.”

Specialist police from the United Kingdom have been investigating after an enquiry turned up 140 sources verifying the claims of abuse.

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Contractor’s Plant &Amp; Machinery Insurance Benefits And Exclusions}

Contractor’s Plant & Machinery Insurance- Benefits and Exclusions




“””Coverage: Plant and equipment often constitute a considerable part of a building contractor’s investment. Contractor’s Plant and Machinery insurance is an exclusive all risks policy covering the plant and machinery used by the contractors at the site for various projects.

Contractors Plant and Machinery Insurance covers the property whether they are at work or at rest, or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning or overhauling, or in the course of operations or when being shifted within the premises or during subsequent re-erection, but in any case only after successful commissioning.Interest Covered: Illustrations of machineries/equipment that can be covered under Contractors Plant & Machinery insurance are– Earthmoving equipment: Bulldozer, grader, scraper, excavator, loader, dumper, etc- Concrete mixer, concrete pumps- Lifting equipment and drilling equipment Road surfacing equipment:- Batching plant for production of concrete of asphalt- Concrete or bitumen paving machines- Bitumen tank sprayers (iv) rollersDuration: Normally on annual basis and to be renewed periodicallyScope: It is an all risks insurance policy covering loss or damage to the property by any cause other than those excluded– Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft damage- Riot, strike, malicious act- Flood, inundation, storm, cyclone and allied perils- Landslide, subsidence and rockslide- Burglary and theft- Collision, overturning and falling of foreign object- Any other sudden, unforeseen, accidental damages not explicitly excludedExclusions: Some of the special exclusions under the policy are– Electrical /mechanical breakdown- Vehicles designed and licensed for general road- Hull and machinery of waterborne vessel/crafts- Plant/machinery working underground- Equipments undergoing testing- Replaceable parts- Loss or damage due to explosion of boiler/pressure vessel- Total or partial immersion in tidal waters- Whilst in transit- Consequential LossExtensions: Cover can be extended to includes up to a limit chosen by you on the following on payment of additional premium– Owner’s surrounding property- Clearence and removal of debris- Additional customs duty- Express freight- Air freight- Third party liability- Floater cover- Dismantling- Earthquake- Escalation”””

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Contractor’s Plant & Machinery Insurance- Benefits and Exclusions}

President of China lunches with Brazilian President

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Hu Jintao, the President of the People’s Republic of China had lunch today with the President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, at the Granja do Torto, the President’s country residence in the Brazilian Federal District. Lunch was a traditional Brazilian barbecue with different kinds of meat.

Some Brazilian ministers were present at the event: Antonio Palocci (Economy), Eduardo Campos (Science and Technology), Roberto Rodrigues (Agriculture), Luiz Fernando Furlan (Development), Celso Amorim (Exterior Relations), Dilma Rousseff (Mines and Energy). Also present were Roger Agnelli (Vale do Rio Doce company president) and Eduardo Dutra (Petrobras, government oil company, president).

This meeting is part of a new political economy agreement between Brazil and China where Brazil has recognized mainland China’s market economy status, and China has promised to buy more Brazilian products.

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