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By Ernest Jarquio
There are a number of different kinds of bathroom wall mirrors, so with a little thought it should be easy for you to find the mirror that is exactly right for your bathroom.
When you are thinking about what kind of mirror you want, the key points for you to keep in mind are the mirror’s practical use and its appearance. You probably want a mirror that will fit your specifications in both of these areas. Fortunately, there are so many types of mirrors available that you will be able to easily find the one that will both catch your eye and meet your needs.
How Big Should It Be?
The appearance of your bathroom mirror is very important. One factor to consider is the size. Your mirror should make a nice fit to your bathroom– neither so small that it is not noticeable, nor large enough to be overwhelming if your room is small. When you take the size of your bathroom into account, you can then select the size of mirror that fits the best and looks the nicest.
Another factor in your mirror’s appearance is how it is made. There is a wide range of styles available: plain mirrors that have nothing else added, and mirrors with frames made of plastic, wicker, and metal. Whether you select a mirror with or without a frame depends entirely on your own preference. If your taste runs toward framed mirrors, you can have a frame that will enhance your bathroom’s dcor and draw your guests’ attention to your lovely mirror.
You also have a choice between a wall mirror with a regular surface and one which is resistant to fogging. The latter will provide extra ease in shaving and other personal grooming routines, as it is less affected by the steam from your bathroom than a regular mirror. Although a mirror will not entirely resist steam fogging, if you have ever tried to use a mirror after a hot shower, you will appreciate the fact that one of these mirrors is not as difficult to use.
When you are contemplating which specific bathroom wall mirror you want, it is a good idea to think about where you plan to attach it. You may decide to mount the mirror above your sink or on an empty wall; either of these ideas will work fine, and coming to a decision in advance will help you in purchasing the size and style of mirror that will look the best in its designated spot.
Accommodating Youngsters
If you have small children or elderly people in your home, you may wish to attach the mirror where it is most convenient for their use. Brushing hair and teeth is much easier if a person does not have to stretch over a sink or stand on a stool in order to reach a mirror. In addition, if you have youngsters you may consider an unbreakable bathroom wall mirror to be the best choice, because even mounting it on a wall is not a guarantee that it cannot become broken.
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