G20 Summit plans to inject US$5tn into economy before 2011

Friday, April 3, 2009

The G20 Summit held in London, England concluded Thursday with an injection into the economy of US$5 trillion by the end of 2010.

Global trade would be supported by $250 billion (169.5 billion pounds). “We are going to act decisively to kickstart international trade. We will ensure availability of at least $250 billion over the next two years,” said Gordon Brown Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The International Monetary Fund IMF will have access to $750bn in resources of which $250bn will support special drawing rights.

Developing countries received $100bn which will be dispensed via Multilateral development banks. Towards this end, the IMF will sell off gold reserves.

China will support the IMF fund by $40bn, the European Union by $100bn, and Japan by $100bn.

There will be increased regulation on banking and credit ratings agencies. There was a commitment to clamp down on hedge funds, tax havens and toxic assets. To restore consumer confidence in the financial sector, a new Financial Stability Board will be initiated internationally. There would be new policies implemented to control pay and bonuses paid to the heads of banks and corporations.

The G20 leaders were adverse to protectionism and rallied to support international trade and investment.

The Leaders’ statement said, “We reaffirm the commitment made in Washington: to refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions, or implementing World Trade Organization (WTO) inconsistent measures to stimulate exports.”

Eoin O’Malley, senior adviser on international trade at BusinessEurope, said “The measure also needs to be part of wider package to avoid protectionism and conclude the Doha round which will stimulate trade growth. The key point now is to move forward with Doha. The key now is implementation. G20 governments must act quickly to provide this finance to companies that need it urgently.”

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Collecting Asian Art: Porcelain

By Isadore Chait

Porcelain is an integral thread of the fabric of Chinese culture. In the 14th century, while Europeans were still eating from low-fired earthenware or wooden dishes, the Chinese had developed the first underglazed porcelain. They were using cobalt, originally imported from Iran during the Yuan period (12791368 A.D.), to add exceptional shades of color, from pale blue to nearly black, to translucent white wares. As soon as Marco Polo brought back a few samples, the world couldntand still cantget enough of it.

Copper is the other basic color of underglaze decoration. It delivers hues that range from the first muddy brown of the early Ming dynasty to the true red of the 18th century. “Peach bloom or unripened peach is a greenish tinge produced when copper has oxidized.

Overglaze decoration was done in various kinds of enamels and called famille rose (a French expression meaning “pink family”). There is famille verte (green), famille noire (black), and famille jaune (yellow). Pieces with a black background enameled in famille rose or in combinations such as rose-verte (pink and green) was a late-17th-century innovation. It is generally agreed that overglaze enamel decoration reached its height in the 18th century.


The Japanese at this time were also developing porcelain, mostly in the form of ceremonial objects like the tea ceremony. The famous Satsuma porcelain you hear so much about was a 17th-century innovation, adopted from Korea and then greatly improved upon. By the Meiji period (1868- 1912) the Japanese had taken enameling to a new level. High fired and reflecting the Japanese characteristics of meticulousness, precision and definition, these porcelain paintings were highly conceptual. The art of Japanese enameled porcelains peaked between 1880 and 1920, whereas Chinese porcelain was at its best between 1710 and 1810.

In the last few years, particularly beautiful and particularly rare porcelains have become inordinately valuable. In March 2008, we sold a large Hongwu vase during Asia Week in New York City for $1.2 million. Fortunately, there is still a tremendous amount of beauty to be found in within an affordable price range. Slight flaws will bring the price way down, and yet the items are still very collectible and consistently appreciate in value.

Generally speaking, flaws on the glaze occur most frequently during firing. While several overglaze colors can theoretically be fired at the same time, more often than not they are fired separately. If gilded, the gold was the last to go on. It is the first to wear off.

When evaluating a particular piece of porcelain, start by viewing it as though it were perfect and determine what price perfection. (Access our online catalogs and the prices realized for each auction to use as a reliable price guide.) From there, adjudicate the flaws in the piece and judge the value in its current condition.

My own opinion is that very fine porcelain pieces with some damage or restoration are great buys today. A Ch’ien Lung bowl, for instance, in perfect condition would be out of the reach of most people. But if you find one with a small chip that was expertly repaired and the bowl would make a beautiful addition to your collection, buy it. They arent making them like that anymore and the chances of it holding its value, even appreciating, is enormous.

As for copies, you can spot them fairly easily. The decoration is usually too carefully drawn. Since porcelain does not show a lot of wear, you will notice immediately if a piece looks like somebody has taken fine steel wool and scrubbed it, put it up on a buffing wheel or tried to tone it down with chemicals.

Japanese porcelain from the Meiji period and notably from the Kutani (nine rivers Nine Rivers?) region has never really been effectively reproduced; the repros that do exist are noticeably inferior. Also, few reproductions come out of Japan these days.

About the Author: For a complete discussion of Imperial Porcelain and Export Ware, Japanese Satsuma and other fine Asian porcelains, please see Collecting Asian Art, by I. M. Chait, due to be published late fall 2008. For more details please visit




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NASA plans for future moon missions

Monday, September 19, 2005

NASA has announced plans for sending humans back to the Moon, as a first step to Mars.

A 2018 lunar mission is proposed, where a crew of four would remain on the Moon for as long as a week. A minimum of two lunar missions a year is planned, with astronauts remaining as long as six months.

Some of the technology had previously been proposed for replacement of the Space Shuttle.

  • Astronauts will be launched in a capsule, similar in concept to that used for the Project Apollo but three times larger. The top part of an Exploration Transportation System (ETS), the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) will be a capsule attached to a service module which contains supplies, power, and propulsion units. The CEV is designed for use in Earth orbit.
  • On lunar missions, crew or cargo versions of a Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM) would be used with a CEV. The LSAM will have design concepts related to the Apollo Lunar Module, with a four-legged landing unit carrying an ascent stage.
  • An Earth Departure Stage (EDS), a powerful propulsion unit, will be used to move CEV and LSAM units out of Earth orbit, such as on lunar missions.
  • Heavy Launcher unmanned cargo rockets will be used for heavy loads of equipment.
  • The launch rockets, Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicles, will use engines developed for the Shuttle program.
    • CEV will be launched atop a Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV), a single solid fuel booster with a second stage using a shuttle main engine. The CLV can carry a payload of 25 metric tons into low Earth orbit.
    • The heavy-lift system uses a pair of longer solid rocket boosters and five shuttle main engines to put up to 125 metric tons in orbit — about one and a half times the weight of a shuttle orbiter.
  • The use of a Launch Escape System (LES) will improve safety. A LES is a top-mounted rocket that can quickly remove the crew capsule away from an exploding or otherwise dangerous rocket.

For a lunar mission, the LSAM and EDS would be placed in orbit by a cargo launcher, then a CEV would dock with the assembly before leaving Earth orbit.

The goal is to begin production of the new spacecraft by 2011.

  • Robotic missions will be sent, probably the first one in 2008.
  • Past experience with lunar dust is being used in designing equipment and spacesuits which may encounter it.
  • Surface mobility with open and pressurized rovers for use in such missions is also being developed.
  • The CEV can be reused up to ten times.
  • Crew capsule, upon return to Earth, will set down on dry land. It can also land on water.
  • The CEV and lunar lander ascent stage use methane as fuel, as methane may be available on Mars.
  • Eventually the designs could be expanded to support six astronauts for a trip to Mars.

The plans are a means to implement President Bush’s “Vision for Space Exploration” program. Goals include:

  • Implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond;
  • Extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the Moon by the year 2020, in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other destinations;
  • Develop the innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructures both to explore and to support decisions about the destinations for human exploration; and
  • Promote international and commercial participation in exploration to further U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests.
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Wikinews attends Maker Faire in Tyler, Texas

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Wikinews attended the sixth annual Mini Maker Faire in Tyler, Texas, United States on Saturday. Similar to a giant science fair, the event featured a variety of science, engineering and technology projects and items.

An array of technologies were on hand including 3D printers, drones, and various other physics devices. The owner of the Make Crate subscription service stated her company’s products place a strong emphasis on teaching young people about technology and coding. A traditional blacksmith was also on hand displaying metal working techniques.

Numerous Maker Clubs from an array of local schools were on hand, displaying a broad swathe of tech projects. A group of amateur hobbyists diplayed a model of the deck of the aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan with a solenoid device hooked up to launch paper airplanes.

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Pakistan frames law against ‘honour killing’

Sunday, October 9, 2016

On Thursday, Pakistan’s parliament announced a bill has been passed against the practice of honour killing. Per the legislation, those convicted of honour killing would be imprisoned for 25 years to life.

In the practice of honour killing, men had the right to kill a female relative deemed to have brought dishonour to the family. Thus, murderers could avoid death-for-death Qisas ((ar))Arabic: ?retribution in kind by paying blood money according to Diyya ((ar))Arabic: ?blood money in Shari’a law.

The legislation, which was jointly approved by upper and lower parliament, allows the perpetrator to avoid the death penalty if the victim’s family forgives him, but the convict still faces imprisonment.

Last year, more than 1000 honour killing cases were reported in Pakistan. The legislation was presented as eliminating loopholes from past legislation against honour-killing. Pakistani human rights activist Farzana Bari noted the judge has unrestricted power to choose whether the murder qualifies as honour killing.

Asserting in parliament that 17,000 females in Pakistan have eloped since 2014, Conservative senator Hafiz Hamdulla later told the Associated Press, “They are trying to impose Western culture over here. We will not allow […] We will impose the law that our holy Quran and Sunnah say”.

The parliament also passed an anti-rape law mandating a DNA test. According to Shari’a law, proof of rape calls for multiple eyewitnesses. According to the legislation, the rapist of a minor or disabled person would face life imprisonment or a death sentence.

After the bill against honour killing was passed, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said, “Women are the most essential part of our society and I believe in their empowerment, protection and emancipation.”

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What Everyone Should Know About Folic Acid And Gout

By Lisa McDowell

If you have gout, you probably already know that this happens because of a build up of uric acid in the system. That uric acid must have somewhere to go, and it often crystallizes in the joints. The big toe is the first place for gout to flare up for most people, and then other joints may follow. What you might not know is that there are some things that can naturally lower the amounts of this uric acid in your system. If you can find them, and they work for you, you may not have nearly as much pain as you normally do. Folic acid and gout relief may go hand in hand for some.

There has been some research that says 70 mgs of folic acid a day can lower the amounts of uric acid. However, other research has failed to repeat the findings. This might mean that taking folic acid may work for some people with gout, and not work for others. Vitamin C has shown more promise, but again, that might not work for everyone either. When it comes to natural remedies or supplementing with natural products, it is often a matter of waiting to see what works for you.


When it comes to folic acid and gout problems, what happens is pretty simple. It is thought that folic acid will neutralize an enzyme called xanthine oxidase. This encourages the production of uric acid in the body. If that enzyme is blocked to any degree, it might halt some of the excess uric acid from being produced and stored within your body. Of course, with less uric acid comes less pain, and less frequent gout flare-ups.

There are some things you should think about when you want to try a folic acid and gout remedy. Though some recommend the above stated amount of 70 mgs a day of folic acid other sources say as little as 10 mgs or somewhere in between the two at about 40 mgs a day should be taken. What you probably haven’t considered, and most people don’t when taking vitamins, is that you can take too much of a good thing. Even too much folic acid can cause problems in the body, especially for those with certain conditions.

If you have epilepsy, and you take medication for it, you should know that the folic acid and gout remedy might not be for you. This is because too much folic acid can interfere with your medication and render it less effective. It might also interfere with other vitamins in your body, and give you some unpleasant side effects.

Because of those reasons, and many other possible interactions, this is one remedy that you should discuss with your doctor first before taking it. If they agree you can try it, always report anything that might seem unusual as soon as possible. That way your doctor can determine if it is the result of the folic acid and gout remedy or not. Getting gout problems taken care of is important, but your overall health is even more important.

About the Author: Grab your free copy of Lisa McDowell’s brand new Gout Newsletter – Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about

natural cure for gout




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Baugur Group among others buy Illum Warehouse Denmark

Friday, August 5, 2005

I-Holding ehf, a Icelandic investment company owned by Baugur Group, Straumur investment bank, B2B Holdings and Birgis Bieltvedts, has bought 80% in Illum warehouse in Denmark from Merrill Lynch International Global Principal Investment. The same group recently bought Wessel & Vett A/S and Magasin du Nord, so it already owned 20% in Illum.

Illum will be run separately from Magasin du Nord.

Illum reported a profit and 11% gain in sales the first three months of 2005.

Skarphéðni Berg Steinarssyni from Nordic Investment at Baugur Group said the Danish retail market is increasing and they believe in Illum because it’s a well known brand in Denmark.

Icelanders invest in Denmark and UK

Icelandic companies have been investing heavily in Denmark for the last few years. Recently the Fons Investment ehf. bought the Danish airlines Sterling Air and Mearsk Air. Eimskip, a shipping company in Iceland, recently bought the shipping division of Mearsk. I-Holdings have been investing heavily in the Denish retailer market.

Baugur Group, as well as FL Group, have been investing in the UK market. FL Group has bought 11% in easyJet.com and has shown an interest in buying more. Baugur Group has been investing in the retailer market and has bought among other things Iceland supermarket chain as well as Hamleys, a well known toy store.

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Koreas hold joint training session for Olympics

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

On Sunday, female ice hockey players from North and South Korea joined one another for a training session before the upcoming Winter Olympics. Players from the two Koreas are to compete together as a united team for the events hosted in Pyeongchang, South Korea, which are scheduled to start on February 9; Seoul’s Unification Ministry said. The cross-border gesture is part of diplomatic efforts to ease tensions on the divided Korean Peninsula and the team was approved by the International Olympic Committee.

The International Olympic Committee selected Pyeongchang in 2011 to host the event, marking South Korea’s first opportunity since the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. The earlier event was marred by violence as North Korea had bombed a South Korean flight several months prior, killing over 100 and boycotted the event. Inter-Korean relations have changed considerably in the ensuing thirty years, including the two sending unified teams for table tennis and youth football in other non-Olympic competitions.

The announcement that the two countries would compete together was a stated goal of South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Last year, he announced the proposal and the two nations went into discussion this month. After two weeks, they made the announcement to field a consolidated 35-strong team of ice hockey players and have joint skiing exercises with both team coaches involved.

According to Yonhap News Agency estimates, about 80% of South Koreans support dialogue, but the move to have a joint team has been controversial. Over 10,000 South Korean citizens sent a petition to South Korean President Moon opposing the union and a group of North Korean defectors held a protest at the South Korean National Assembly on January 24, tearing apart photos of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un. Public support for eventual reunification of the Korean peninsula has waned in recent years, with the younger generation more skeptical of the possibility.

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Woman’s body found in home of Papua New Guinea leader

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A woman has been found dead at the home of Sam Abal, the acting prime minister of Papua New Guinea. The body was discovered in the garden of the property early Monday morning. Abal’s adopted son, Teo, was arrested on Wednesday after a two-day search; he was reportedly the last person to be seen with the woman.

A murder investigation has been opened by Papua New Guinea police. Abal, currently living in a local hotel, released a statement, saying: “The alleged murder took place within the perimeters of my private home. All family members living with me are immediate suspects and are subject to investigation and questioning by police.”

Police Commissioner Anthony Wagambie commented on Teo Abal’s arrest, saying, “He was caught last night at the Pondorosa Hotel in Port Moresby and is currently being interviewed by police.”

Sam Abal has been the acting prime minister of Papua New Guinea since April of this year, when 75-year-old leader Michael Somare underwent heart surgery. Somare’s recovery has been extended but no date has been given as to his return.

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Platelet Gel To Acceleration Of Tissue Regeneration And Healing

Submitted by: Piero Borzini

Platelet gel is made up by two moieties: a suspension of concentrated platelets and a gel-like material allowing the manipulation and the clinical application.

Platelets are cellular blood components participating in blood coagulation. Embedded into the clot, plaletets are releasing various kinds of molecules stimulating several biologic functions related to tissue repair and regeneration. Some of these molecules, generally named growth factors, stimulate the attraction into the lesion site of several kinds of cells: immune cells, tissue-regenerating stem or mature cells, cells regenerating the blood vessel-regenerating cells.

The gel-like material is a fibrin clot identical to that formed after a lesion or a wound has occurred.

The use of topical platelets medication started in the eighties following the principle that the same action exerted from platelets within a wound could be exerted carrying platelets in a lesion site without optimal blood inflow.

The group leaded by Knigton have published several reports of successful treatments with the autologous platelet-derived wound healing factors (platelet releasate, PDWHF). After that, reports have been published on the use of PRP-gel in oral surgery.

Since 1999 the platelet gel was used to enhance the repair and the regeneration of almost all tissue (skin, epithelia, muscle, tendon, bone, cartliage, etc) in a significant array of clinical conditions, both in humans and in veterinary medicine.

Platelet gel has been successfully used in many medical fields:


– Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (dental implants);

– Chronic and Acute Wounds (diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers);

– Orthopedics (fractures, non-union/bony defects, hip and knee replacement);

– General Surgery, Major Vascular Surgery, Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Urology (sternal repairs, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), aneurysms, splenectomy, gastrectomy, pancreatic surgery, liver resection, hernia repair, fistula, mastectomy, hepatic lobectomy, prostatectomy, nephrectomy);

– Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery (corneal ulcers, keratocongiuntivitis, cornea sicca, macular hole repair);

– Ear, Nose and Throat (rhinoplasty, cleft lip repair, skin graft fixation);

– Sports Medicine (tendinosis, tendinopathy, tendon & muscle injury);

– Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgery (laser resurfacing, face, neck, brow lifts, blephroplasty, mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, non-healing wounds, fat transfers);

– Neurosurgery (CSF leak, dural repair, cranioplasty), and Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (bone, tendon, ligament injuries;

– Skin and mammary gland lesions in horses, canines, and other domestic animals).

Platelet gel preparation is almost always autologous; it is produced through use of the blood of the patient who will receive it. The patient s blood is centrifuged for platelets being separated from red cells and plasma.

Concentrated platelets in a small aliquot of plasma resulting from this process phase are clotted stimulating the physiologic coagulation process.

A platelet-embedding gel-like material is formed within few minutes. This platelet gel is used as a medication. Obviously, application protocols vary according to tissue and lesion to be cared for.

In some cases a single medication is performed (e.g., dental implant, bone fracture, surgery). In some other cases medication is to be performed once or twice a week (e.g., diabetic ulcer, chronic or traumatic wound).

According to the treated condition, efficacy of platelet gel is 80-99%. Besides enhanced regeneration, platelet gel has said antibacterial effect to several bacterial strains. Platelet gel is autologous and safe.

Its effectiveness is associated to reduced recovery time, shortened rehabilitation course, reduced lesion-related complications, reduced treatment-associated costs.

About the Author: Piero Borzini,

Platelet gel

expert. The


gel by Piero Borzini is the most cost effective activation kit to make gel.



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