Gregory Kurtzer discusses plans for Rocky Linux with Wikinews as Red Hat announces moving focus away from CentOS

Friday, December 18, 2020

Last week, on December 8, US-based software company Red Hat announced plans to shift their focus away from CentOS in favour of CentOS stream.

Started in 2004, CentOS has been a free-of-cost free/libre open source software which provided binary-code compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) — Red Hat’s GNU General Public Licensed paid operating system. Gregory Kurtzer told Wikinews he started CAOS Linux around the time when Red Hat announced End of Life for their Red Hat Linux in favour of subscription-based Red Hat Enterprise Linux. CAOS was succeeded by CentOS when Rocky McGaugh, a developer of CAOS rebuilt the source code of RHEL to provide a monetarily free alternative. CentOS was absorbed into Red Hat in 2014, with Red Hat gaining the trademark rights of “CentOS”.

Red Hat also sponsors the development of the Fedora operating system. Until now, software development took place on Fedora, which was later adopted in RHEL, which the Red Hat maintained and provided support for, for those customers who had RHEL subscription. CentOS would then follow RHEL’s release cycle to provide the same features free of cost, but without the support.

Stream was announced in September 2019, just two months after Red Hat was acquired by IBM. CentOS Stream’s development cycle had new features added to it before the features became a part of RHEL. Stream receives more frequent updates, however, it does not follow RHEL’s release cycle.

With CentOS Stream, developments from the community and the Red Hat employees would take place beforehand on both Fedora, and Stream as a rolling release, before those features are absorbed into RHEL. CentOS followed the release cycle of RHEL and therefore it was a stable distribution. Features available in CentOS were tried and tested by Fedora, and then RHEL maintainers.

Red Hat’s Chief Technical Officer Chris Wright wrote in the announcement “CentOS Stream isn’t a replacement for CentOS Linux; rather, it’s a natural, inevitable next step intended to fulfill the project’s goal of furthering enterprise Linux innovation.” Since the announcement was made, many people expressed their anger on Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Reddit and CentOS project’s mailing list. CentOS 8’s End of Life (EOL) has been moved up from May 2029 to December 31, 2021, while CentOS 7 is expected to receive maintenance updates through June 2024, outliving CentOS 8.

Soon after Red Hat’s announcement, Kurtzer announced his intentions to develop Rocky Linux, to fill the role CentOS had been playing for so long. Kurtzer said Rocky Linux was named after Rocky McGaugh. “Thinking back to early CentOS days… My cofounder was Rocky McGaugh. He is no longer with us, so as a H/T [hat tip] to him, who never got to see the success that CentOS came to be, I introduce to you…Rocky Linux”, Kurtzer wrote. Wikinews discussed with Kurtzer the beginning of CentOS, and future of Rocky Linux.

While no formal date of release has been announced for Rocky Linux, Kurtzer said they are planning to release the CentOS replacement before the end of life of CentOS 8. Kurtzer also said Rocky Linux will run on both x86-64 and ARM-based processors, and CentOS users would be able to convert their OS to Rocky Linux just by running a single command.

Saying Rocky Linux is for the community, Kurtzer said he “take[s] the responsibility of ensuring that all decisions are in favor of the community and the project and free from corporate control” including his own company. Talking about the attention from the userbase Rocky Linux has received, Kurtzer said, “I have never seen an open community come together this fast and be this passionate about working together towards a common goal.”

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Male Magellanic penguins pine for pairings: Wikinews interviews biologist Natasha Gownaris

Sunday, January 27, 2019

In findings published earlier this month in Ecological Applications, scientists from the University of Washington and Center for Ecosystem Sentinels examine the reason for the plummeting numbers of female Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus, that have been reported at the birds’ breeding sites in South America over the past twenty years and more. Wikinews caught up with postdoctoral researcher and study co-author Natasha Gownaris to learn more.

In a press release, Gownaris said, “Two decades ago, there were about 1.5 adult male Magellanic penguins for every adult female at Punta Tombo[…] Today, it’s approaching three males for every female.” The findings suggested a disparity in the death rate of juvenile and adult penguins, rather than differences in chick survival, account for this difference.

Punta Tombo is one of the annual breeding sites for the species; it is in Argentina. The penguins travel thousands of miles each year to reach these sites.

The work involved building population models out of over thirty years of data collected by tagging individual penguins. Findings also suggested the pronounced sex disparity might make population models used to predict survival among other birds with a more even gender balance inappropriate for use on Megallanic penguins.

According to the data, since 1987, overall population of Magellanic penguins in Punta Tombo at one of their annual breeding sites in Argentina has declined 40%, while the male-to-female ratio has greatly increased.

Since 1983, the research team has been putting stainless steel bands on tens of thousands of chicks hatched at the Punta Tombo breeding site in Argentina, noting which juvenile and adult birds make it back to the site the next year and extrapolating how many lived and died. Among juveniles, there was a 17% survival rate for males and 12% for females. Among adults, it was 89% and 85%. These effects became compounded every year, reaching as high as six males to one female among older penguins.

The researchers noted implications for penguin conservation: Gownaris remarked, “Over the years, this team has helped preserve the land and waters around breeding colonies like Punta Tombo[…] But now we’re starting to understand that, to help Magellanic penguins, you have to protect waters where they feed in winter, which are thousands of miles north from Punta Tombo.”

Gownaris answered a series of questions for our correspondent.

((Wikinews)) What prompted your curiosity about Magellanic penguins?

Natasha Gownaris: I’ve wanted to be a marine scientist since I was a child, when I would collect sand crabs (Emerita talpoida) from local beaches in New York. I studied fish as a graduate student, but I have a pair of adopted parrots and I am generally fascinated by birds. Plus, penguins eat fish! Studying penguins seemed like a great way to merge my love for the ocean and my love for birds. Penguins and other seabirds are also important to study because they tell us something about the health of the ocean ecosystems they feed in, similar to the use of canaries to test air quality in coal mines. Unfortunately, the decline of many seabird species worldwide is yet another warning sign of the negative and widespread impacts humans are having on the ocean.

((WN)) How did you approach putting together such a large-scale study?

NG: This study started in 1982, long before my joining the lab in March of 2016. Dr. Dee Boersma began this study as a response to a Japanese company’s interest in harvesting penguins for their skin, meat, and oil. Although the project has evolved over time, Dr. Boersma had the foresight to start banding chicks in 1983 and to set up a standard protocol that we follow each year. Since then, over 44,000 chicks have been banded at Punta Tombo. We’ve been able to follow some individuals for 30+ years, collecting detailed information on things like how often they breed and how many mates they’ve had.

((WN)) How much time did you end up spending in Argentina? What was it like at the breeding site?

NG: Members of the Boersma lab and volunteers spend approximately six months each year at Punta Tombo. I was fortunate enough to spend nearly four months at the colony between 2015 and 2017. It’s an incredible, otherworldly place. Magellanic penguins nest in burrows or bushes, and some areas of the colony are so dense with burrows that you feel like you’re on a different planet. The colony has declined by over 40% since the study started…so I can’t even imagine what it was like in the 1980s. My favorite time of the day is around 8PM, when (hopefully fat) penguins are returning to the colony en masse after a foraging trip. They are also most vocal in the morning and evening, making their characteristic braying sound— the related African penguin earned the name “jackass penguin” because they sound a bit like donkeys. The colony is also full of other beautiful and interesting creatures, including a llama-like species called the guanaco and an ostrich-like species called the rhea.

I was fortunate enough to spend nearly four months at the colony between 2015 and 2017. It’s an incredible, otherworldly place.

((WN)) Do you have any theories on why more female juveniles die at sea? You mention starvation; what might be the causes of that, and are there other possible explanations you can think of?

NG: We are not yet certain why females are more likely to die, but we think it must be related to their smaller body size. Because the mortality is most uneven in juveniles, higher mortality doesn’t seem to be related to greater costs of breeding for females than for males. Female Magellanic penguins are about 17% lighter than males and have smaller bills. We think that, because of this size difference, females have a lower storage capacity, can’t dive as deep, and can’t take as wide a range of prey as males — all disadvantages when faced with limited and unpredictable food resources. These disadvantages hit juvenile females even harder, as juveniles are still learning how to forage and often travel further than adults do in the non-breeding season. Counts of carcasses in the species’ migration range support starvation as the main cause of female-biased mortality; while oiled carcasses have a sex ratio of 1:1, females outnumber males in carcasses of starved birds. The only other possibility is that females are moving to other colonies at higher rates than are males, but this species is known to almost always return to its natal colony to breed.

((WN)) You suggest conservation efforts should look at protection of feeding grounds. What sort of measures do you think might be beneficial?

NG: Because penguins migrate such long distances over the non-breeding season, a mixture of tools (including no-take marine protected areas and traditional fisheries management tools, like catch limits) is likely to be needed. Although there is currently some spatial protection surrounding the species’ breeding colony, this protection does not extend to their migratory route. And, of course, everyone can contribute to penguin conservation by reducing their plastic waste, making more sustainable food choices, and reducing their carbon footprint.

((WN)) What do you think might be causing pressure on food sources for the penguins?

NG: The two main threats to the food sources of this colony are climate change, which cause shifts in primary productivity and fish stocks, and fisheries. Fisheries compete with penguins for fish species such as hake and anchovy.

((WN)) Have you noticed differences in behavior among the penguins as the ratios become increasingly skewed?

NG: In a separate study currently under review, we have shown that aggression between males of Magellanic penguins is higher when the sex ratio at the colony is more skewed towards males. We also showed that nearly all females at the colony breed but that, over time, fewer and fewer males find mates. Single male penguins sometimes intrude [on] nests of mated pairs and interrupt the incubation of eggs or feeding of chicks, leading to mortality. In some cases, they will even attack and kill chicks.

((WN)) Your release mentioned sexing the penguins was problematic; how did you achieve it with confidence?

NG: We have some methods of sexing penguins that we feel confident about — using genetics or measures of cloaca size around egg laying, for example. However, these methods are time intensive, so we have also developed visual cues for sex penguins (bill size, behavior, forehead shape). We looked at individuals that had been sexed using both a certain method (e.g. genetics) and visual methods to calculate how often we got it right based on visual cues alone and found that we have very high accuracy. We also used statistical tools to help to deal with uncertainty in the sex of some individuals.

((WN)) How well can you extrapolate population trends at Punta Tombo based on the birds you tagged? More broadly, how well do you think this work represents global populations?

everyone can contribute to penguin conservation by reducing their plastic waste, making more sustainable food choices, and reducing their carbon footprint

NG: It is likely that females have higher mortality than males at other colonies of this species and in other penguin species. We unfortunately do not have enough information from other colonies of this species (e.g. sex ratio and population trends) for an accurate global assessment of population trends. We do know that some colonies of the species are growing but that, at the global level, the species is still in decline.

((WN)) In your opinion, for how much longer are penguin populations sustainable without intervention?

NG: This is nearly impossible to answer without more information on other colonies of the species, but the Punta Tombo colony is declining rapidly. We estimate declines of at least 43% since 1987 from our annual surveys at the colony, but it is likely that actual declines are higher because of the increasingly skewed sex ratio.

((WN)) What are your next plans moving forward with your work?

NG: We are currently studying the sex ratio in Magellanic penguin chicks (at hatching and at fledging) to determine how this influences the sex ratio in adults. There are two priorities moving forward — 1) estimating sex ratio at other colonies of this species and determining whether females are more likely to leave Punta Tombo for other colonies than are males and 2) determining the mechanisms underlying lower female survival, e.g. by studying the foraging behavior and diet of males and females and the individual characteristics (like body size) that correlate with survival.

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Raw Opals spend week preparing for London Games

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bruce, Canberra — This past week, an overstocked Australian Opals, the women’s national basketball team, prepared for the 2012 Olympic Games in London with a weeklong training camp at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) to be used to help narrow the nineteen member Opals squad down to the twelve that go to the Games, and provide players who rarely play together an extended period of time to play together in order to improve on court dynamics.

Camp started on Sunday, with players arriving from hometowns around Australia including Cairns, MacKay, Gladstone, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Melbourne.

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Cayla Francis, Jenna O’Hea and Marianna Tolo at a practice on Wednesday.Image: Bidgee.

Kristen Veal at a practice on Wednesday.Image: Bidgee.

A strength and conditioning session on TuesdayImage: Bidgee.

A strength and conditioning session on TuesdayImage: LauraHale.

Lauren Jackson on Monday Image: Bidgee.

Marianna Tolo on Monday Image: Bidgee.

Carrie Graf on Monday Image: Bidgee.

Part 1 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

Part 2 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

Part 3 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

Part 4 of a press conference at AIS with Carrie Graf, Lauren Jackson and Jenna O’Hea speakingVideo: Bidgee.

The defending champions, the United States women’s national basketball team, are perceived as the Australian Opals’ main competitors. In the last three Olympic Games the Opals got silver medals. In each of these cases the United States got first place. Coach Carrie Graf said “thinking about the US too soon in inappropriate”, “Our focus is first and foremost, game by game winning our pool”. Amongst the Australian Opals’ competitors in the pool are Brazil, Russia, and Great Britain. Carrie Graf said Great Britain “will put up a fight on home turf” but there is a “world class [AIS] facility” and “world class medical support staff” supporting the team.

Australian Opal player Penny Taylor recently suffered injury from a torn anterior cruciate ligament, meaning she cannot play Olympics this year. In regards to the situation player Lauren Jackson, who is going into her fourth Olympics, said “you would never wish that upon anybody.” She says as a team they have to “move on, move through that” and “come together” to pick up their offence and defense. Despite the loss of one of their key players she says “we definitely have the talent there” and the team is all “on the same page.” She feels “pretty confident” and speaks of “very exciting” times ahead. Jenna O’Hea is going into her first Olympics with the team. She is still “pinching” herself and says she is taking it “day by day”.

A typical day at the camp might start with a 7.00am – 8.30am breakfast at the AIS Dining hall, before one and a half or two hours of court, gym, or swimming training. The middle of each day might consist of media meetings, medical checks, team meetings, and time to practise shooting. Around 12.00pm, the players meet to eat lunch and recover from the morning. The afternoon typically consists of more training, and some scrimmage games. Players usually finish around 7.00pm for dinner, and perhaps a massage.

The nineteen players in attendance this week at training camp were Suzy Batkovic, Abby Bishop, Elizabeth Cambage, Rohanee Cox, Cayla Francis, Kristi Harrower, Laura Hodges, Natalie Hurst, Lauren Jackson, Rachel Jarry, Kathleen MacLeod, Jenna O’Hea, Samantha Richards, Jennifer Screen, Belinda Snell, Marianna Tolo, Kristen Veal, Carly Wilson, and Hanna Zavecz. Basketball Australia has named fifteen players that are to attend the second phase of the camp: Suzy Batkovic, Abby Bishop, Elizabeth Cambage, Kristi Harrower, Laura Hodges, Lauren Jackson, Rachel Jarry, Kathleen MacLeod, Jenna O’Hea, Erin Phillips, Samantha Richards, Jennifer Screen, Belinda Snell, Marianna Tolo, and Hanna Zavecz.

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Used Car Houston Insurance

By Harvey Ong

An automobile is one of the costliest things in the world to have. It isn’t merely the cost of purchasing one, but you also have to factor in things like oil prices, maintenance costs, and insurance premiums. For most people, the basic coverage of an insurance policy is enough to suit their needs. However, used car Houston insurance is a different game. Texas laws can be harsher than laws in most of the other states for those caught in motor accidents, so many dealers suggest taking add-ons beyond the standard insurance package. When it comes to the used car Houston insurance game, there are a few things any buyer would need to know.

The standard package for used car Houston insurance usually has the same features as other states’ insurance packages, which would include collision coverage, personal damage liability, and personal property protection. For people that were involved in a vehicular accident, the minimum compensation, as required by the Texas insurance law, is $20,000, a number that can go as high as $40,000 in some cases. Clearly, the insurance game in the state of Texas is a high-stakes one. It should be noted that the insurance industry is always keen on mentioning that basic coverage hardly ever covers everything that needs to be covered when someone is involved in an automobile accident. It may sound like some sort of shady scam but, in reality, it is the cold truth of the matter.


For those who need more information on what clauses or features to add to their current insurance package, perhaps the best resource would be the Texas Department of Insurance. As a government agency, the Department of Insurance is the foremost authority on what would be the best additions to any insurance policy. The department’s website also has forums for consumers to air out their problems and experiences. The used car Houston insurance game can be confusing but the department exists to try and alleviate a number of worries and questions that Houston-based consumers have.

Another avenue for help in determining what to add to an insurance package would be the insurance provider himself. No one else would be better at answering questions about unclear clauses in an insurance contract than the company that wrote the contract, in the first place. The used car Houston insurance companies are also the best people to go to if one needs information on the best type of coverage for certain types of vehicles, as well as any other bit of information a consumer could think of.

The Internet, without a doubt, is also an excellent resource if one needs information on insurance features. While most websites are general in nature, there are websites that specialize in the used car Houston insurance field. The information has the possibility of being outdated or inaccurate but, in general, the websites have information that the department doesn’t have and the providers aren’t willing to give out. The Internet is hardly the definitive tool when looking up information regarding the used car Houston insurance industry, but the available information makes for excellent stock knowledge when negotiating with an insurance salesman.

About the Author: For more valuable information on Used Car Houston, please visit


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FBI arrests nuclear engineer and wife on charges of espionage

Monday, October 11, 2021

In the United States on Saturday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) arrested a couple in West Virginia. Court documents released Sunday allege they tried to sell classified data to a foreign nation.

The Maryland couple, former U.S. Navy nuclear engineer Jonathan Toebbe and his wife Diana Toebbe, were both arrested and charged with violating the Atomic Energy Act. Mr. Toebbe worked on naval nuclear reactors and acoustic quieting. Ms. Toebbe is a teacher at the private Key School in their neighborhood in Annapolis, now on indefinite suspension according to the school.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in regards to the case, “The complaint charges a plot to transmit information relating to the design of our nuclear submarines to a foreign nation.” The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) alleges the couple tried to sell this information to a foreign agent who was actually an FBI undercover agent.

Documents filed in federal court allege Mr. Toebbe arranged to sell restricted information to a foreign power identified only as “COUNTRY1” over several months via encrypted messages, and that he arranged “drops” of these data on SD cards in various locations in exchange for payments in cryptocurrency.

At the first of the drops in West Virginia, the DOJ alleges Mr. Toebbe hid an SD card in a peanut butter sandwich while Ms. Toebbe acted as a lookout. At the second of these in eastern Virginia, the DOJ charges that an SD card was placed in a chewing gum package. Federal officers arrested the couple at the third drop site, in West Virginia, on Saturday.

Both Mr. and Ms. Toebbe are set to appear in federal court tomorrow in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

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Former adult film actress forced to leave teaching job again

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tera Myers, a former actress in pornographic films, has left her position as a science teacher at Parkway North High School in St. Louis County, Missouri after her past was revealed by a student. This marks the second such controversy involving Myers, also known under the names Tericka Dye and the stage name Rikki Anderson. She was suspended by Kentucky’s McCracken County Public Schools system in 2006 after her career in pornography was made public.

Don Senti, interim superintendent of the district, said Myers was on administrative leave from her position at the school at her own request. Myers’ request, granted “out of respect for her privacy and that of her family,” came after a student inquired about her pornographic career. The district said Myers passed background checks before being hired as a teacher in 2007, but it did not know about her past until the student found out about it online, because her career in the pornography industry was legal. A Parkway representative said the Kentucky school at which Myers last worked was contacted in 2007 to verify her references, but no mention of her suspension or stint in pornography was provided.

Myers will continue to be paid until the end of the semester, at which time she is to leave the Parkway School District. “We’re surprised, very surprised,” said Parkway spokesperson Paul Tandy. “At the same time we feel for her and her family. We do believe she has tried to move on with her life … Unfortunately, even though it happened fifteen years ago, [the video] is still there.” According to Tandy, Dye “was concerned about the impact it would have in the building,” and, on March 4, informed the school’s principal of her past after being asked by the student. Myers also was the coach of the girls’ volleyball at Parkway North High School.

Myers previously taught at Reidland High School in Paducah, Kentucky, and was suspended in 2006 after a student there discovered her pornographic career. That May, Myers defended herself, saying, “Anybody who has been in my classroom could tell you how much I love teaching and how much I love these students, and that should be what matters more than anything in my past.” Known as Tericka Dye at the time, she protested against her dismissal and even appeared on the “Dr. Phil” talk show.

Myers said she became involved in the adult industry after working as an impoverished exotic dancer in California.

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Woman sells name on eBay

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Knoxville, USA woman has sold her name on eBay and received an offer. Terri Iligan, age 33, will legally be named “” after the required legal work is complete.

The casino owning the website paid $15,199 over the eBay auction service.

She said that she got the idea when trying to find how much it would cost to send one of her children to a golf school previously attended by Tiger Woods.

In an interview by Knoxville TV station WATE, she said, “To my kids and to my husband, I will always be Terri.” As to the opinion of her husband and children, she said, “He thinks it’s funny. As long as they get to call me mom, they don’t care.”

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Understanding All Aspects Of Your Realtor’s Qualifications

Submitted by: Darrell Self

It is a common misperception that realtors simply decide to become realtors — that perhaps they are trained more or less through the apprentice method, shadowing and learning from a “elder” in the field before going out on their own. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

First, individuals entering the field of real estate must take a course approved in their state to qualify for a real estate license. In Texas this involves more than 200 hours of in-class instruction in legal fundamentals, contracts, mathematics, property management, appraisals, and a host of related topics.

Once licensed, there are a variety of professional designations and certifications a realtor may earn. The vast majority of realtors avail themselves of this advanced training and coursework. In addition, all local realtor’s associations provide continuing education courses to keep their members abreast of changes in the law, in property transaction procedures, and other topics pertinent to their daily work with both buyers and sellers. MCE or mandatory continuing education is required (as the name implies) to continue to maintain one’s state real estate license.

If you see letters behind a realtors name, but have no idea what they mean, some of the most common include (but are not limited to):

** Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) **

In order for a realtor to earn the ABR designation, they must complete a two-day Real Estate Buyer’s Agents Council (REBAC) core course, the REBAC web-based course, instruction delivered via satellite television, and an elective. After passing a written exam, the candidate must also prove they have fulfilled the practical experience requirements and are a member in good standing of REBAC and of the National Association of REALTORS.

** Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) **


Fewer than 4 percent of realtors earn this certification, which is the highest that can be obtained by a sales associate. It has been in existence since 1977 and is based on a set of exacting requirements, including the completion of 75 transactions over a five-year period or the amassing of $25,000,000 in sales in five years.

** Graduate, Realtor Institute (GRI) **

Realtors who work in the field of residential real estate can earn this designation. It represents a particularly substantial education program of 90 hours of course work on a range of topics from real estate law to marketing and property servicing.

** e-Pro Internet Professional **

This designation was created to help real estate professionals stay abreast of the rapidly changing technology applicable to their field. e-Pro certified realtors have learned out to best make use of an online presence, effectively work with email communication, create web-based marketing strategies, and handle such tools as PDAs, smart phones, and digital cameras.

** Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) **

Realtors with the SRES designation have received special training in working with clients age 50 years and older. They have targeted training in retirement income considerations effecting financing and the fine points of housing options in age-restricted and other special communities. They are also schooled in reverse mortgages, 401k accounts, pensions, and IRAs and the implications of all transactions as they relate to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits.

** Understand All Aspects of Your Realtor’s Qualifications **

Because your home may be listed for months or you may need that length of time to find just the right property to buy, you are entering into an intimate business relationship when you select a realtor. Most people choose a real estate professional based on word of mouth, which is a valid source. A good recommendation from someone who has worked with the realtor and enjoyed a good experience is worth its weight in gold.

At the same time, the more you understand your realtor’s qualifications, the more you will trust their advice and guidance in both buying and selling property. Never hesitate to ask your realtor for:

– References. If one word-of-mouth recommendation is good, several are better and will give you even more peace of mind.

– Properties bought and sold. You’ll want to know the kinds of properties with which your realtor has worked on each side of the transaction. This will also give you a sense of the parts of the community in which they have worked most extensively.

– Resume. This should not only include professional job affiliations, but also certifications and designations earned. If you don’t understand what those items mean, ask or go online and do some research.

Additionally, you may want to read a copy of the National Association of REALTORS Code of Ethics, a document adopted in 1913 and to which all professional realtors are bound. The important thing for you to understand is that you are working with an educated real estate professional who adheres to a code of behavior that emphasizes honesty and responsibility.

While all realtors will likely point to a mentor who “showed them the ropes” and helped them to learn the daily ins and outs of the business, real estate is not an apprentice-based business

nor is it one that can be entered into on a whim without proper training.


is a registered trademark of the National Association of Realtors.

About the Author: If you’re buying or leasing a home in Dallas | Fort Worth Texas(DFW), Darrell Self can help you. Are you searching forFrisco Texas real estate? If so, find properties here:

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Late-night vote sets Obamacare up for filibuster-free repeal

Saturday, January 14, 2017

At 1:30 a.m. on Thursday morning the United States Senate voted to include the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, as part of a budget blueprint. This procedural measure allows most of Obamacare to be repealed by a simple majority rather than the usual requirement of 60 out of the senate’s 100 votes and effectively prevents the use of filibuster.

“We’re working with legislative leaders at this very moment to begin to craft legislation that will repeal the most corrosive elements of Obamacare — the individual mandate, the taxes, the penalties — but at the same time, moving separate legislation that will allow us to introduce the kind of reforms in American health care that’ll lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government,” said Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington had a different view, going so far as to call this “stealing health care from Americans.”

The filibuster is a last-ditch tactic in which parties opposed to a certain motion refuse to relinquish the floor until their opponents give in or compromise.

Although the 51-48 vote was mostly along party lines, some Republicans have expressed uncertainty about repealing Obamacare before a replacement system is worked out. Although president-elect Donald Trump has called for a “repeal and replace” plan, saying that a new health care system would be enacted “almost simultaneously,” many in government and the press have expressed doubts about whether this would actually happen.

Senator Susan Collins of Maine said she would like to at least see a well-constructed plan before voting and Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia said repealing Obamacare without replacing it was “unacceptable.” These concerns were shared by members of the House of Representatives. “We need to be voting for a replacement plan at the same time that we vote for repeal,” added Representative Mark Meadows of North Carolina. Representative Tom MacArthur of New Jersey agreed, saying, “We’re loading a gun here. I want to know where it’s pointed before we start the process.”

Anna Merlan of Jezebel and Anthony Taylor of the Associated Press dismiss Trump’s timeline as “impossible” given the complicated nature of U.S. congressional workings. Senator Collins agreed, saying “I don’t see any possibility of our being able to come up with a comprehensive reform bill that would replace Obamacare by the end of this month. I just don’t see that as being feasible.”

The Affordable Care Act, which is often cited as a key accomplishment of the Obama administration, has had a mixed reputation, and many conservatives believe a market-based health care system would be more flexible and efficient and less costly, and many believe that the Affordable Care Act only passed because of Obama’s later discredited pledge that no one who liked their current health plan would have to switch. Matt O’Brien of The Washington Post claims a large tax cut that would result for the wealthiest 1% of citizens if Obamacare funds were not converted to other purposes, estimated at about $32,820 annually per person by the Tax Policy Center, is also a significant motive.

Republican Senators set a date of January 27 to repeal Obamacare, according to NBC News. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California says legislation repealing Obamacare and replacing it could ready by late February. According to Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders, as many as 30 million people could lose their health insurance if the ACA is repealed.

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Mother, daughter accused of stealing of husband’s $3.5 million lottery ticket

Saturday, October 4, 2008

On April 4, 2008 Bobbi-Jo Arnold, accompanied by her mother Mary Patricia Moore and other family members, claimed a $3.5 million lottery ticket win in Toronto. On October 2 the two women were arrested by Ontario Police. Both are facing charges including fraud over $5000, possession of property obtained by crime, false pretenses and uttering a forged document. They allegedly stole the ticket from Moore’s then-husband.

The question is really he said/she said in a divorce case. If he is trying to claim the daughter’s ticket, is he as evil as his wife would be if she stole the ticket from her husband?
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The family dispute has led to Ms Moore (59) filing for divorce from her husband of ten years, Gerald Moore (81), in August. Mr Moore alleges Ms Arnold received the ticket from her mother, who took it from his bedside table. He further alleges his wife “manipulated” his medications to leave him incapable to grasp what was occurring. The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation is also named in Mr Moore’s civil suit for alleged negligence in investigating Ms Arnold’s claim.

The bail judge’s order requires Ms Moore to live with her daughter Arnold in a home she purchased with the lottery winnings, and not with her husband. As well, both women are ordered not to leave Essex County, Ontario and to surrender their passports to the police.

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