Being Advanced With Medicine And Technology

By Jon Caldwell

If you are suffering from sleep deprivation, produces a cow-like snoring and maintains a compulsion to be sleepy all throughout the day, its not normal. Science calls this disorder Sleep Apnea (apnea means without breath) wherein the breathing patterns of a person repeatedly halts and starts when one is sleeping. The latest treatment against Sleep Apnea is called TAP or Thornton Adjustable Positioner, a customized oral appliance that the patient wears during sleep. By holding and keeping the lower jaw forward and not allowing the tongue and the throat tissues to collapse to the airway, it prevents snoring and sleep apnea.

A mobile phone sensor system for the senior citizens have been developed by Koreas Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute. With this new system, family members, doctors and nurses can be quickly informed about the situation of the elderly. Through GPS technology that links the hospitals computer to the sensor carried on the patients belt. The computer automatically calls the phone of the patient to check if the person is hurt. The sensor detects sudden movements like a fall or bumping into something. Studies are being undergone so that the product will be put under the operation of mobile phone companies so that any signal from the sensor can then be sent to any mobile phone.


If you know anyone who has experienced Angiography, you know that he will never recount the story of the experience without cringing or deep facial expression expressing pain both the physical and the financial pain, mind you. And now comes Super X-ray that saves one from the angiogram fatality caused by bacterial invasion and exposure to radiation that may eventually lead to cancer. According to studies, this new product will eliminate the use of some 1.3M cardiac catheterizations per annum. Although there have been debates on the radiation level this new technique can emit, more scientists have favored it for its accuracy.

The latest in high tech prosthetics has just come out: PROPIO Foot which is deemed to restore the zest of life and functionality to amputees. With Propio, artificial legs and hands are fitted using microprocessors so that they will be imbued with artificial intelligence which enables it to think for itself! This marvelous products boast of adjusting itself to diverse terrains and contains advanced censors that makes wonders for the foot like memorizing the habits of its user. It is also anatomically correct and friendly to its users albeit its seemingly complicated and sophisticated design. This product was developed by a company named Ossur.

Take anyone who has undergone Endroscopy and he would tell you the difficulties he experienced as he swallowed the flexible or rigid cable which, of course, can be a source of infection, over-sedation, and, worst, the harming of various body organs. The answer? The wireless capsule camera (which also has other names such as PillCam, video pill, Sayaka, or Endocapsule that enables one to view and see areas that the old-fashioned endoscopes have failed to display. This capsule traverses the path of the intestines after a patient takes it in through the mouth. Although it indeed takes a longer time to provide images, the ones it produces are clearer and of better quality.

About the Author: Jon Caldwell is a professional content manager. Much of his articles can be found at


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